Beat This! Competition - May 1-2, 2024

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I hate when you hear the bounce in your head and play it or prog it, and it just don't sound the same. That shit pisses me off
I heard about some plugin that all you need to do is harmonize with your voice and it produces the beat for you. That will be a game changer. Using your voice for 808s and it programs it just right hahahaha. Bro, i need help. Im so demotivated from music. :cautious:
I figured that trap would be a little easy to make since the drums and 808s have very little sound diversification compared to boom bap drums and you can just find a trap melody and install into your project easily without any changes. With Boom Bap, going through different one shots, loops, chopping and layering samples tends to be a longer and difficult process IMO.
AHHHHHHH So THAT's the thing.

personally I think finding a melody and installing it into your project is borderline cheating. not as in "HOW DARE YOU SUBMIT THAT TO BEAT THIS", but as in are you really taking pride in that? cuz melodies and the more "musical" bit is the main deal to me. even tho I can admit that the main essence of hip hop is always the drums (2nd to the rapping, obviously).

something interesting happened tho; I was writing the rest of my response to ur message here and I wrote this:

"so what happens is unlike trap, you can sample pretty much anything into boom bap and it's usually a simple (yet possibly creative) process, and then I just find a boom bap drum sample and throw it on there, layer it to make it thick and tada, there you have it. it's a beat. there's a bassline to do too but that's just the tiny extra fun bit to wrap shit up.

while with trap, you can't sample just anything, and you can't really sample drums either. you can copy them if you want, but ehhhh. it takes too much time and if I'm spending that much time I'll just make original drums cuz fuck's the point?"

and I read it back a few times like "wait, do you REALLY mean that? and like, if u can sample musical elmenets for boom bap, why is it suddenly wrong to sample the same way for trap?"

so I tried my boom bap process for trap. it took a tiny bit extra amount of digging, but I found this one old sample that I'd normally use for boom bap in a completely diff approach, copied some poor lad's drums from a mainstream song, tweaked it a bit, got a base, did some creativity and it was a beat. so this conversation might've actually re-opened my eyes on this subgenre. I STILL feel like boom bap is easier for reasons I can't fully grasp yet, it just is, I can easliy make enough good material for a 20 track boom bap album in 3 4 hours if I speedrun it (personal record: 6 beats in 80 minutes). I CAN do that with trap but it'd need a lot more stealing (looperman, hi hat roll loops, shit like that) than "The art of sampling" from bap bap.

anyway I always feel like this trap vs boom bap argument should be wrapped cuz it's burnt out n shit, doesn't go anywhere, but also it really is interesting and we are in the official global bap vs trap month (the back to back battles) so we get a pass.
Can argue that both are pretty straight forward.

Variety of 808 kicks and basses. Tbf.

Simple half time drum pattern,
Hi hat rolls, pitch them for extra gen z
Randomly detuned melody on loop
808 basses or slides

Job done.

Simple swung drum pattern
Throw a sample over it, chop for extra backpack
Add a bass

Bap can definitely get hard depending on what sample you want to chop and how much you're trying to do. But can also be easily bastardized.

Mixing the 808 right in trap can be difficult.
but then isn't it that making mediocre bap and trap are as easy as eachother, but making decent sounding bap is easier than decent trap? if u use havoc's formula for instance. shit's ABC's.
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I heard about some plugin that all you need to do is harmonize with your voice and it produces the beat for you. That will be a game changer. Using your voice for 808s and it programs it just right hahahaha. Bro, i need help. Im so demotivated from music. :cautious:
force girls to listen to it.

or find new collabs (a.k.a, collab with girls instead). no really tho, the collab thing (with a 50 yo dude) actually helped me while I was in the A.I. rut this entire month when I realized this thing is taking my job whether I keep acting like it won't or not. then I got a call about some mf needing film music and I'm suddenly all fired up again. especially cuz there'll be money, new connections, a chance to create something new and not just trap beats n shit (U should really get into composing if ur not btw. it's the most fun type of music and ur already great at creating atmosphere), and the possibility of girls watching that shit (or watching the next thing I make due to this connection or...). I'm not even that interested in sex, it's just fun when they say "damn that sounds awesome" and go back to their bfs. like hell yeah. maybe they talk about my music in bed later on who knows.

I really do feel the demotivation tho. I have this 9 hour EQ course saved on yt and I had watched the first 4 hours like it's drinkin water (+ I already finished the 10h compressor one). then I found out about AI and eventually realized in about a year's time this thing is gonna finish entire mixes in 40s rendering time. now it all feels like wasting time, can barely get myself to watch another minute of anything. I'm trying MY BEST to stay optimistic but deep down, that feeling's always rotting me from the in. nothing about the future is clear, 99 times out of 100 anyone who says otherwise is either ignorant or tryna sell u sum. having all my chips put on music and music only, the anxiety is always there & best I can do is deny it.

hell, not even long until folks start uploading AI-generated AI-stem-separated AI-mixed AI-mastered AI-enema'd AI-asscracklicked AI-cherry-put-on-the-hole tracks to battles here. let's hope they (let alone their voters) will be real people at least :confusedphones:
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force girls to listen to it.

or find new collabs (a.k.a, collab with girls instead). no really tho, the collab thing (with a 50 yo dude) actually helped me while I was in the A.I. rut this entire month when I realized this thing is taking my job whether I keep acting like it won't or not. then I got a call about some mf needing film music and I'm suddenly all fired up again. especially cuz there'll be money, new connections, a chance to create something new and not just trap beats n shit (U should really get into composing if ur not btw. it's the most fun type of music and ur already great at creating atmosphere), and the possibility of girls watching that shit (or watching the next thing I make due to this connection or...). I'm not even that interested in sex, it's just fun when they say "damn that sounds awesome" and go back to their bfs. like hell yeah. maybe they talk about my music in bed later on who knows.

I really do feel the demotivation tho. I have this 9 hour EQ course saved on yt and I had watched the first 4 hours like it's drinkin water (+ I already finished the 10h compressor one). then I found out about AI and eventually realized in about a year's time this thing is gonna finish entire mixes in 40s rendering time. now it all feels like wasting time, can barely get myself to watch another minute of anything. I'm trying MY BEST to stay optimistic but deep down, that feeling's always rotting me from the in. nothing about the future is clear, 99 times out of 100 anyone who says otherwise is either ignorant or tryna sell u sum. having all my chips put on music and music only, the anxiety is always there & best I can do is deny it.

hell, not even long until folks start uploading AI-generated AI-stem-separated AI-mixed AI-mastered AI-enema'd AI-asscracklicked AI-cherry-put-on-the-hole tracks to battles here. let's hope they (let alone their voters) will be real people at least :confusedphones:
This and novelty.

also @crog85 congrats. classic result fr :burger:

V.J. Retro

The silent beat assassin
AHHHHHHH So THAT's the thing.

personally I think finding a melody and installing it into your project is borderline cheating. not as in "HOW DARE YOU SUBMIT THAT TO BEAT THIS", but as in are you really taking pride in that? cuz melodies and the more "musical" bit is the main deal to me. even tho I can admit that the main essence of hip hop is always the drums (2nd to the rapping, obviously).
Admittedly that's what I use to do when I first started producing. Overtime I realized that it's borderline cheating and that's it isn't fun to take something from a sample pack and install it into a beat with no changes.

"so what happens is unlike trap, you can sample pretty much anything into boom bap and it's usually a simple (yet possibly creative) process, and then I just find a boom bap drum sample and throw it on there, layer it to make it thick and tada, there you have it. it's a beat. there's a bassline to do too but that's just the tiny extra fun bit to wrap shit up
while with trap, you can't sample just anything, and you can't really sample drums either. you can copy them if you want, but ehhhh. it takes too much time and if I'm spending that much time I'll just make original drums cuz fuck's the point?"
In theory you can sample anything for trap and boom bap. When it comes to one shot samples, you can absolutely do that. Same goes for sound effects or a dialogue for instance. With melodies, Boom Bap is more easier because of it's history with sampling in production. Lots of Jazz, Funk and Soul samples have been incorporated into Boom Bap beats. Trap Producers could also do the same thing but I haven't heard a trap producer sample something from John Coltrane yet. It is also because trap is often associated with a synthetic style of beatmaking (the process of making your own sounds and melodies) that sampling is not often used in trap compared to boom bap. Overall it depends what you are sampling.

V.J. Retro

The silent beat assassin
anyway I always feel like this trap vs boom bap argument should be wrapped cuz it's burnt out n shit, doesn't go anywhere, but also it really is interesting and we are in the official global bap vs trap month (the back to back battles) so we get a pass.
That's not gonna happen when your apart of a genre and culture that is built from the spirit of competition. lol
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