Recent content by lion-ucs

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  1. lion-ucs

    Record playback without Stereo Mix in Windows (7+)

    If you have a soundcard with a loopback DSP it's available, but it is hidden. But I know what you mean, it's annoying to come across something on your computer and have to do some trick like pulling it up on your phone, connecting to the mic jack or line in on your computer to record it...
  2. lion-ucs

    Record playback without Stereo Mix in Windows (7+)

    I just found a program, i-Sound Recorder from Abyss Media, which allows you to record playback audio without using stereo mix or "what-you-hear" (which is only available for certain sound cards and even with those many of them you have to reveal this feature), also without virtual audio cable...
  3. lion-ucs

    Anyone used Adobe Audition?

    I used to use audition of chopping. But I stopped that not too long after. As it's already been said, Audition is way overbloated, it's like the Windows ME of audio programs. If you have PT and Logic (Don't know why you'd need PT when Logic is 15000 times better) then Audition is completely...
  4. lion-ucs

    What up!

    lol, that couldn't be taken negatively at all Clever.
  5. lion-ucs

    Soundcloud vs Soundclick vs Reverb Nation

    Soundcloud is just all around better. Better site layout. Better player. The best integration with social networks, hell of the three its the only one that truly acknowledges the social networks people are on and would want to post on. It's the only one you can join as a listener, blogger, radio...
  6. lion-ucs


    I have never experienced anything of the sort. Anyone can listen to anything on soundcloud, on web, mobile and app without registering. Networking on SoundCloud will make you a better musician. The talent there is just way better
  7. lion-ucs


    This is why no one should use SoundClick. SoundClick SUCKS, they dont even have a freakin app its just a portal to the mobile version of their website which is equally crappy if not more so. There are so many better hosts that I don't even know how soundclick is still alive, especially when it's...
  8. lion-ucs


    I love how a lot of cats ask for scratch DJ and one person will be like "....I GUESS I'll do it" but Barbie asks and every dude becomes a scratch DJ. LMAO
  9. lion-ucs

    Jesus is my nigga

    This CANT be real. This is something they would do on AdultSwim, like Tim & Eric
  10. lion-ucs

    Granular Sample: microGranny

    This thing is pretty cool. It's a pocket sized DIY Granular Sampler. Loads samples off a microSD card. Saw it posted up on CDM via Create Digital Music
  11. lion-ucs

    Sound making software? (NOT beat making)

    Tut on Subtractive synth in Reason with Thor. This guy explains the oscillators detuning, layering etc Also its the first of a series.
  12. lion-ucs

    On art and chasing trends.

    I agree, cant really offer much to add there. Though, there seems to be a very fine (or non-existent) line in many peoples mind between biting (or chasing trends) and case study so you can understand and apply to your own work. Example, someone has a tutorial on doing Flying Lotus style...
  13. lion-ucs

    iMPC app for iPad

    Yea welcome to IllMuzik. That kinda thing happens on the regular here. I keep holding back but get SoundCloud. SoundClick is just awful.
  14. lion-ucs

    Kid Ink... Anyone else feeling him?

    I think he's got talent for sure. But not really my cup of tea.
  15. lion-ucs

    Methods of mixing a boomy 808 kick?¿

    Slow attack OR Sidechain, not both. Or you could try using a envelope controlled filter, have it filter the initial snap and fall off after. If you could upload the kicks you're trying use i could put up something explaining different ways it could be done. What Program are you using anyway?