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  1. Nel-E-Nel

    Warzone - January 15-16, 2016 - Comments/Questions

    Yo did my submission make it through? Been tryna grind on one of these for a minute, I always miss it...
  2. Nel-E-Nel

    Jay-Z pays out for sample

    fakes like that should be actors not artists. I make all my sounds. I don't sample.
  3. Nel-E-Nel

    Beat This - March 19-20, 2015

    Bugsy and Yrjo Owen, you both got dope tracks! I'm felling those beats...
  4. Nel-E-Nel

    Beat This - March 19-20, 2015

    Good Luck everybody, I submitted a beat yesterday morning, but i guess it didn't upload like i thought. I'll battle with you guys on the next comp. Maybe...
  5. Nel-E-Nel

    *** Beat This! October 31, 2014 Voting ***

    Yukky, your beat is dope, not very many voters
  6. Nel-E-Nel

    *** Beat This! October 31, 2014 Voting ***

    Mister Fade's "Camp Blood" wins, if you aint heard it, its cause you didn't visit his link right underneath the list of songs
  7. Nel-E-Nel

    Gym idiots

  8. Nel-E-Nel

    Showcase - May 26 - June 1, 2014

    Just made this one, I'm up for all criticism
  9. Nel-E-Nel

    Showcase - May 26 - June 1, 2014

    @The Messengah, this beat is dope, I couldn't say what I would add if I had a choice, I was able to spit one of my raps over it smoothly. Good first beat.
  10. Nel-E-Nel

    Showcase - May 26 - June 1, 2014

    When I give any feedback, I'll add ideas of what I might add just to maybe spark some ideas of your own. It is not because I dont like your beat. Beats are unique and hard for me not to like unless its a dubstep beat. So no hard feelings @ Bugsy, sounds good, has a good vibe too it, if I were to...
  11. Nel-E-Nel

    Making songs with music maker jam

    I have music maker too, all the soundpools have no copyright on them and are available to with as you please. Meaning selling your creations with their samples is legal. If you're uncertain of other samples that you have attained, you can right click on the file and go to properties, there is...
  12. Nel-E-Nel

    What up Beaters?

    What up everybody, I make beats cause I love music. I barely started producing beats over a month ago. I've played congas as a child and have beat boxed all my life. So making beats is what I've wanted to do for a long time. I aim to make great beats that people will enjoy or want. I see this...
  13. Nel-E-Nel

    Showcase - May 19-25, 2014

    Thanks for commenting with some feedback, I'm looking into your suggestions right now. Much appreciated @bc thanks for the tips, here's a updated version
  14. Nel-E-Nel

    Showcase - May 19-25, 2014

    Nice This is the page we post a beat for competition am I correct? This is my work. I've been beatboxing since 2000, but only making beats since two months ago
  15. Nel-E-Nel

    Twitter buying SoundCloud?

    Damn, I was going to pay for an unlimited yearly on Sound Cloud, should I not do it anymore?
  16. Nel-E-Nel

    Showcase - May 19-25, 2014

    This is tight I'm new at making beats, but not new at beats, here's one of my latest creations