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  1. Earsblower

    First ever sample I flip. Feedback appreciated.

    First time I ever touched a sample (that I chopped from YT myself). Just wondering what other ears are hearing. All feedback welcomed and thanks !
  2. Earsblower

    Yeah so ummm... Eminem X Final Fantasy anyone ? Yo it's good to be back, been through some stuff but not important. I've made this using Eminem's Lose Yourself Acapella and it turned out sounding like a Final Fantasy rap so... Eminem X Final Fantasy ''Type'' beat I guess ? Pretty Unique
  3. Earsblower

    Final Battle

    This is not an instrumental... It's a story. Enjoy Edit : Changed the link
  4. Earsblower

    Izotope Ozone 11 Mastering EQ only - Free I do not know much about it to be honest, but it's suppose to be a mastering plug in and seems to be pretty decent. Oh and it's free.
  5. Earsblower

    Best set of PC speakers for producing

    Hey, Sorry if it's already been discussed, I did try a search but only found the 'very' recent thread about headphones but nothing about speakers. So, wondering, which would be the best "bang for your buck" speakers for PC when producing ? As of now I use HyperX Cloud headphones, which are...
  6. Earsblower

    Deep Mysteries

    Just finished cooking this one, it is still pretty hot :D Tried something new, maybe it'll work, maybe not. Share you feedback please and thanks.
  7. Earsblower

    Some 8 bit vibes...

    Well I think the learning curve still goes on with this one. The guitar is a sample, but everything else's mine. There's probably a lot of small tweaks here and there that I require but that's why I post it here so that I can have some constructive feedback. Hope you'll enjoy and thanks for...
  8. Earsblower

    Lost Time

    Hey folks, hope all is good. Well here goes nothing... this is my latest, and probably simpliest beat I've made. Bear in mind that I have around 20 - 30 hours of experience in beatmaking. All in the span of 1 year and a half or around that. Not trying to put excuses, just the truth...
  9. Earsblower

    Hey what's up

    Hello folks, Earsblower or EB for short if you prefer. Just found out this forum and looks pretty dope and gotta say that the main reason why I ''searched'' for a beatmaking forum was to get some real feedback or you could say, some feedback from more experienced beatmakers. It is kind of...