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    Anyone seen shaolin soccer?

    watched it when i was like 16.. thought it was siiick.. but i love all that wushu martial arts stuff.. if you havnt already.. check out ip man. now thats a kung fu film!!
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    Eminem subliminally disses Lil Wayne on SNL

    this was no diss... he pointed at him for a split sec but definitely unintentionally. when he realized (quickly) he turned away.
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    Question for the ableton heads

    so im running ableton off my mac, but ive acumulated so many audio files recently that i had to initiate a major clean up to create space for future projects. to save space i transfered my hits and samples to an external hard drive, the problem now though, is that i cant locate the hard drive on...
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    The Best Software for Sampling

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    so, you think the Beat Thang's a toy?

    look: i guess we could sit here and analyze all day.. but for me, watching that video made me wanna buy one. Now Im not claiming that my desire to purchase the product is entirely justified in terms of price versus spec and how the BT compares to similar products in the market blah blah blah...
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    so, you think the Beat Thang's a toy?

    ahh.. i wasnt really sure about it.. then i watched those two vids.. now i am DEFINITELY getting one... i wanna know more about the sounds though.. the shit looks cool as fuck.
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    Quit Giving your beats away!

    Internet beef. Anyway, I think it doesn't make a diffrence either way. Even if every single producer on this site gave their beats away for free it wouldn't dent the income of top producers. I.e kanye, timbo etc. Because their beats are that good and people pay for quality period. So imo, the...
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    What Should I Cop...Pro Tools or Logic?

    Are you gonna be doing more recording? Or software based composing? Or and equal mix of both?
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    I've been making a lot of dubstep recently. I'm currently studying in the uk and its massive in certain areas so its been a huge influence recently. It really helped me with learning my snyths more. Anyway chase and staus's stuff is all pretty phat. They got the nasty dubstep
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    timbaland style backing vocal/ adlib

    nobody huh?... ok ..back to google i guess.
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    Can I just say Windows sucks!

    thats a damn shame... yeah i already use ableton, and i guess all in all its actually a better software with regard to manipulating samples.. but i dont know, there was just somthing about acid.. oh well.. invest in a windows laptop maybe? look at me eating my words.. how quickly the alliance...
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    Can I just say Windows sucks!

    man F&!%K windows! vista was a joke. havnt tried version 7 so wont bad mouth that just yet. i was a windows user up until 2 years ago when i got my macbook. shes been the queen of my heart ever since... apple just feels smoother and less volatile. the only thing i miss about windows is being...
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    timbaland style backing vocal/ adlib

    Its a common technique used frequently on Timbaland productions, but that isnt to say it isnt heard else where. Its the backing/ ad-lib-ish vocal behind the lead voc. it sounds sort of like theyve over-compressed, and low pass filtered it? almost for a slight 'bad fm radio' effect.. but ive...
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    How do YOU do it?

    yea thats good advice.. so your saying its a mentality as opposed to a step by step methodology.. makes sense.. coz like most things in life i guess there isnt really a formula.. thanks for the feedbak dac!
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    How do YOU do it?

    like a publicity stunt.. i like that.
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    How do YOU do it?

    ok so common sense dictates that the most logical way to get exposure as a producer, is to make hot beats, and get hot artist on them, thereby eventually getting to the point where the audience associates your name with top flight production and catchy ditties... fair enough. So you've got your...
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    Reviews Icemanbeats - Personal Attacks

    that lady gaga - paparazzi remix is fire. i might have to lace that lol.
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    Whats the problem??

    "then make sure you use panning to separate any instruments that could be occupying the same and/or similar frequencies to your vox" panning and frequency are to completely separate things,the point i was trying to make was: if two things occupy the same frequency range and you cant really...
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    Whats the problem??

    oh.. and unless your using a decent mic and pre amp.. your vox will never sound that great. shit in shit out. as they say.
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    Whats the problem??

    compress the vocals more. for the type of rap your doing you want em almost over compressed. then throw a limiter on them. then make sure you use panning to separate any instruments that could be occupying the same and/or similar frequencies to your vox. you can check this with a frequency...