Should you stick to one style of hiphop to improve your sound?


open mind

iam experimenting a lot since i started makin music with all types of hiphop: sampled,composed,westcoast,eastcaost,dirtysouth,party,clup style,experimental all kind of shit.

personaly i prefer and listen to SAMPLE BASED hiphop! (love the warmth of it and the creation and diffrent intepretations of original samples in a whole new style).
for legal and other reasons one of them is (i think i can express myself better with compositions) i decided to go with compositions for a while but of course i still flip a sample from time to time if i found sumtin that its worth it.

now i think playtime is over and i should stick to one style to improve my sound/style.
i know creativity shouldnt have limits and all that BUT from a logical point of view and from a PERFECTIONIST standpoint,

do u think that sticking to one specific style (sampled,composed,westcoast,eastcaost,dirtysouth,party,clup style,experimental) would allow me to PERFECT my sound???!????

u welcome to share your thoughts and knowledge.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
no i don't. i think an artist always has to be experimenting. if you spent time composing you might improve your sampling skills without even realizing it.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 16
Yeah, I agree with MourninDaKnight. Just because you want to perfect your "sound" who's to say your sound isn't a conglomerate of composition and sampling? I bet if you perfect using them together, you may come up with a sound all your own you never thought of.

open mind

very interesting thoughts so far.

i just wanna make clear that its not ONLY about sampling or composing style or both together is about any style.
eastcoast,dirty south,westcoast,eastcoast,midwest,north,sample based,composed wutva style.

plz dont turn this threat into a sampling vs composition debate

its really not about that its about the question if you should stick to one style to PERFECT your sound or not!

thanks fam.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 16
Yeah, for real. I feel if you limit yourself in style and method, eventually you will become outdated and of no use in the industry. Take Timbaland for instance...he has a distinct sound with his beats but he samples, composes, east coast beats, down south....he can do whatever. His style can fit into any style of hip hop and he has proved it. Shit, he makes beats for r-n-b and pop artists too. Feel me? That's being versitile and having your own sound.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
you should experiment with all styles of music. everyone should study other styles of music. if all you know is hip hop, you'll probably never create anything original. hip hop is getting tired and needs to evolve. i guess the question is, do you want to help revolutionize hip hop?


ill o.g.
"i know creativity shouldnt have limits"

i dont think you should just focus on one style because in the long run your beats will all sound the same soon as someone hears your beat they will know it's you. Don't focus on one style explore all styles

open mind

mhhh real talk! never thought of it like dat.imagine i stick to one style and that style becomes outdated? damn. but the thing is iam tryin to really improve but maybe its the wrong way stickin to one style.lookin forward to other opinions good looks so far.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
i think the problem is that you are working on perfecting a sound. the best music i've heard is not perfect. its usually spontaneous improvisation. we as humans are not capable of perfection. if we spend a lot of time trying to make something sound perfect, you'll suck all the soul out of it.

open mind

i think the problem is that you are working on perfecting a sound. the best music i've heard is not perfect. its usually spontaneous improvisation. we as humans are not capable of perfection. if we spend a lot of time trying to make something sound perfect, you'll suck all the soul out of it.

yes looks like iam tryin to perfect something that it cant be perfected thats exactly my problem.


ill o.g.
I feel you man. I've done all my learning just copying and trying to find out how to do east,west,south etc. sound. Really I've learnt a lot from doing that.
You U.S guys (might) have one advantage creating your own sound. I mean if you from westcoast, you can really mix the west drumstyle with other styles... You still keep something "own" there, but you also attract people who come from elsewhere. I love songs with something new, something borrowed, something own, something old, you feel me?


ill o.g.
i typikaly find that if i make a few beats here and there and im like damn all these have the same sound or are too similar. i like to stop and make some shit that i normally wouldnt have just to keep shit fresh. i know that everyone wants to have a signature sound, but you will have that anyway.


ill o.g.
yes looks like iam tryin to perfect something that it cant be perfected thats exactly my problem.
the only thing you can perfect is what you do, and even that doesn't happen overnight. of course the more time you work on it, the more time your practice, the more you learn from listening and scrutinize your own work, will you notice your how your beats improve over time. by rushing or forcing the issue you're only gonna sell yourself short. just do you and let things come as they may. revisit some of your old work. maybe after going some time without hearing them, maybe they'll spark a fresh idea and you can revamp your older work into something new. my advice, create music (and enjoy the process)..don't manufacture it.


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
dont be boxed in...experimenting with different sounds and styles causes elevation. When I make a beat I dont set out to make any particular style of beat...I just experiment the whole way thru till I come up with something dope. Then I start tweeking shit till I'm satisfied. Sometimes this process works and sometimes I end up with some bullshit.



I want Funnel Cake.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 110
perfection never comes. getting really really good at something does, but that comes over time. sure, isolating yourself to one style may help, but then you'd lose your skills in other areas. i think having breathing room enables more creativity in every style. i dunno.

i've been composing mostly, lately, but i do get a sample out once in a while. what really helps with composing is just playing the piano a whole lot. what helps with sampling for me is listening to other music.

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
i think its funny how people diffrentiate sampling and composing .. the two arent all that diffrent .... its basically the same shit .. taking sounds and arrnging them to make a hot track .... sampling IS composing ...... never limit urself to one area .. make beats with ur heart and ur instinct .. fuc stickin to formulas that shit is weak... and fuc only liking one style/genre of music .. that shit is weak too... u can only go as far as your imagination so if u box urself into a little hole (figuratetively speaking) u aint really doin shit


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
i think its funny how people diffrentiate sampling and composing .. the two arent all that diffrent .... its basically the same shit .. taking sounds and arrnging them to make a hot track .... sampling IS composing ...... never limit urself to one area .. make beats with ur heart and ur instinct .. fuc stickin to formulas that shit is weak... and fuc only liking one style/genre of music .. that shit is weak too... u can only go as far as your imagination so if u box urself into a little hole (figuratetively speaking) u aint really doin shit

I know and completely agree I was being facetious....
I live by the "What if I?" creed and think music is a canvas on the mind..(well the mind is the canvas and then the music is painting etc)

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