Recent content by NOVUS

  1. NOVUS

    How do you find time to make music?

    Social media is the death of my career. As soon as I get on Facebook its all downhill from there. Sometimes having bitches hitting you up 24/7 has its downsides... still trying to finish this EP that I can't seem to find time to do.
  2. NOVUS

    technology is a bitch

    Is this fucking forreal... lmfao
  3. NOVUS

    The bass, the bass

    Fuck yes! I love how the bass only comes in every few seconds, it makes you really crave it. One of my favorite tracks to cruise downtown with, just blasting the shit outta my subs.
  4. NOVUS

    Eminem's new song, "Rap God"

    Well Eminem is 41 and Chief Keef is 18, soooo... relatively he is in kindergarten. Honestly this track is pretty bad, he busts some good lines but his flow pisses me off. I wanna beat the shit out of whoever produced this track, the drums are disgustingly weak.
  5. NOVUS

    Kanye is getting his own currency.

    Hahaha. Its not Kanye, its not an album either. Its a new cryptocurrency like BitCoin. May or may not be a joke, either way I find it pretty funny.