Recent content by robenea

  1. R of hiphop kicks
  2. R

    Fruity Soundfont Player

    your probably using pirated flstudio6 release which doesnt come with the extra plugins, if u aint then something happened that told FL u dont have that plugin registered.also just get SFZ its a free soundfont player google it
  3. R


    i got a sm57, its real nice.
  4. R

    Fl5+midi Controller Question

    try enabling overdub, its the R on top right netx to snap (line) has an R with an arrow (right under poly) hope this helps
  5. R

    Fl5+midi Controller Question

    i dont quite understand, clarify a little more, your recording automation with your midi controller? and it will keep recording until you stop it.. and you want to have it loop back to the beginning of the song after its reached the end?
  6. R

    mastering beats... Get some plugins, i mean you dont necessarily need the best but you will need multiband compression and some maximizers/normalizers.
  7. R

    "it's not about what you use, but what's in you."

    good read, i generally agree with that statement.
  8. R


    alesis m1 active mk2 active monitors got them for 400 at guitar center, they have been perfect for me no complaints.
  9. R

    drums or melodys first?

    what i do is throw down a simple beat using random drum samples I do this to establish time, this enables me to create a melody much more easily. I have the dums playin and I just fiddle with my keyboard until I got something that sounds right, then I change the drum samples and start tweaking...
  10. R

    tight reason video tutorial

    props got anymore?
  11. R

    What 1 thing is ur setup missing?

    an m-audio soundcard, dont care which one. also some sort of workstation, triton or motif.