Bro look at my win to loss ratio for this season, I may be third for the season but only won 2 battles. Swayboogie is fucking killing it.
Also, just keep entering the battles and you will soon overtake me, I just dont make enough beats to keep entering the battles these days.
again, I won't feel like it's deserved until I win a battle that! you've proven to me that even when you're at your worst or least active you just happen to come in clutch or be a force to be reckoned with when it really matters. and don't get me wrong, my ego is still practically a balloon with the size of the ayatollah's balls and I do generally think I'm appallingly underrated, but as long as I don't master that exact skill, I won't take too much pride in all these points n shit.
also you did only win 2 battles but you did place enough times in major battles to earn that top 3. if u did join some minor ones you might've even been higher. the win % doesn't say as much as people make it sound like. the other season Iron landed 2nd on about 20 beat thises while I think the conversion rate #1 was almost tied between me & u. but again, ur either downplaying urself or ur expectations are just high.
besides I probably/hopefully won't be battling at the competitive level after this season anyway. I was gonna quit illoine this season but swayee tempted me all the way out the illrehab. generally tho I feel too guilty when I send a beat up cuz when you upload something it's instantly up for grabs/deezing. especially now when there's so much technology available to assist people with that while I'm way over here and I can't sue for shit. it's funny how I helped fade design the whole league thing to make narcissists addicted, and then I became the first voluntary victim of it myself.
p.s. with all disrespect swayboogie can nibble on my lengthy penis. as soon as I started entering he disappeared cuz the mf knows I'd yakuza him on any theme because obviously I'm the center of his life just like everyone else who knows me. just wait for the beat fights challenge thingy
@Fade talked about to become a thing, you'll see. this is a major league conversation; not for these fucking beginners to be mentioned, or for them to mention us.
For the record, Ive been here since around 2003 or 2004. Just saying like, age is irrelevant. I was a shit producer when I got here, but I battled and lost and lost and lost. Its only since I came back that Ive been really killing it. 10/10 for having a heart attack, makes you focused, would highly recommend.
As far as I'm concerned you were always good at ur craft. I checked the stats and even back then you placed with every entry except for 3 exactly. (ironically, you
lost and lost and lost). again, beating urself down while u always grab the W's when it matters even on situations where no one expects you to. 5x back to back dr. disrespect ass fucking scandalous performances.
(buuuuuuuut with all that, I do still believe that if u remove my first 100 battles my points will remain pretty much the same. it will go a little bit further away than u because YOU WON 5 FUCKING BATTLE THATS but besides for that at the very least I'll still be #2 easily. #throbbingcock).