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  1. C

    synth's and brass

    Can anyone help me find some good synth's that tehy use in a lot of the south crunk beats and brass horns as well. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  2. C

    midi keyboard

    When i'm playing my midi keyboard the deeper note i hit the slower the instrument goes. Is there anyway i can fix this.
  3. C

    new mpc1000

    Does the new black mpc100 have the Os installed already? My card space sucks? It came with a 32mb card. I can't even record two or more sounds. Is there a way i can free up some space?
  4. C


    What purpose's do the two sliders on the mpc1000 serve? i'm new with it so i was tryinh to get some 123 on it(that info by the way)
  5. C


    Can anyone help me with loading songs in the mpc1000? I'm fresh out the box with it and i'm stuck like chuck. I will kindly take all insults but please leave some feedback and tips.
  6. C


    Wassup yall? i just bought an mpc1000 and i wanted to know if there are any free tutrials. i just took it out the box last night and i don't know where to start. i'm using fl studio 4 with it hopefully. Can anyone drop some knowledge about this?
  7. C

    sampletank 2

    Can anybody give me some tips on how to use sampletank 2 with fl studio 4. to sum it up i'm stuck like chuck. Feedback please. If you don't use sampletank can you just give me an idea of how the vst instruments work and how to use them with a midi keyboard. It don't matter if you talk out...
  8. C

    vst plug ins

    Are there any tutorials on using vst's? I downloaded them but when it comes to actually using it nothing happens. I have sample tank 2. When i open the vst and press the keys to hear a sound nothing happens. Can somebody tell me where to begin. I hear a lot of people on this site use them...
  9. C

    recording with a keyboard

    Aight people. I usually record in four bars but since i got my keyboard i've been trying to but i can't as far a playing a pattern. I make my drums first using the mouse then i tried lay the bass pattern down. My bass will play and my drums will start. When my drums play the bass part will...
  10. C

    vst plug in

    After you download VST plug ins what directory in fl studio do you go into to use them? I'm asking because this my first time.
  11. C


    i have a midi board and when I lowered the buffer everything started to skip. i'm trying to record using for bars. Do i have extend my bars for the pattern i'm playing. I'm playing a pattern with a beat but when i record live it's off. can anyone help me with this.
  12. C

    Midi Keyboard

    Can Anybody Tell Me What's A Good Midi Board With A Decent Price. I Also Want To Post A Beat But When I Try It Selects The Whole Folder With All My Songs.
  13. C

    Drum Rolls

  14. C

    fl 4

    I made a pattern with drums and sample voices today. My question is can i assign a track for them and be able to take the sounds in and out when recording. I have three slices that make up the bass. And two slices that represent the hook. I know i'm asking a lot but everytime i try to assign...
  15. C

    Fl Studio 4

    I've Made A Pattern And I'm Trying To Put It On The Playlist. Unfortunately, I Made A Mistake Of Putting My Bass And Drum Tracks Together On One Pattern. I Haven't Assigned Any Tracks To The Mixer Yet. If I Go In And Assign The Tracks Can I Still Separate Them On The Playlist. I Want To...
  16. C

    fl studio help

    Can somebody give me the run down on rendering and recording a track. I know how to pick my patterns but i need help switching to s second pattern. Can somebody just give me the steps they do when creating a complete song. Can you break it down like a book(beat creation for dummies) As in...
  17. C

    doubling back

    I posted a question and i don't see it so forgive me if you read this again. I need the hook up with fl studio(i have the demo but i still should be able to make music and convert it to a cd right!). Man i'm trying to get into the software thing. but those non working tutorials don't help...
  18. C

    fl studio

    i have music loaded in fl studio and i need help with looping it. Can i use anything in fl studio to loop the points? I've only been experimenting for two days so i need some advice. i know a lot of you will direct me to the instructions but if its no too much to ask could you give me a walk...
  19. C

    different day same way

    i recently downloaded fl studio demo. hold up before you cuss me out. i was wondering if you can record your project with the demo version. i've tried following the tutorials but i can't seem to get the hang of it. i can't afford to buy the real version or a midi keyboard however i did...
  20. C


    How Do I Load Samples Into Fl Studio? Say That Have A Cd In My Audio Drive And I Want Pick A Certain Part Of That Song, How Do I Go About It.

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