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  1. P

    Another question about Logic 8

    Ok, so I got through my first little bump in the road thanks to the information given in the last thread I made, now I have ran into something else. So I put in the drums I wanted in the song I am remixing, but now I need to figure out the scale and notes of the original song, and I am pretty...
  2. P

    Logic Pro 8 Tempo question

    Ok so I am doing a remix of some songs in logic, and there tempo changes in the song so thus I need to change the tempo in logic but only in certain sections, does anyone know how I can achieve this? I was in the zone making shit then all the sudden BAM things werent matching up. The tempo was...
  3. P

    Since I have been in Audio school

    Well, I finally made the decision to go to Audio engineering and recording school and I am very glad I did. The best thing about it is being able to go into the studio basically whenever I want, and get on professional grade equipment, but its set up so you can only get on the gear they have...
  4. P

    Blue Sound Studios Idenpendent Music School Well, I talked to these guys on the phone for a while yesterday, and its making more and more sense as I read more through it, but I wanted to get some opinions from you guys and see what you thought. Ok so the scoop is these people help you build your own...
  5. P

    Mannie Fresh, dead prez Team Up for Producer Event In ATL "Mannie Fresh, dead prez Team Up for Producer Event In ATL" This event takes place on Nov. 1st, I am going to bring some of my beats and showcase them, apparently there is going to be some kind of panel of professionals from...
  6. P

    Ableton and Reason

    Ok, so I recently got both programs to see which one I like, I dont understand Reason at all (trying to learn) but Ableton I am catching onto pretty quick. So far I like Ableton the best of all the programs I have used (course I am sure I will change my mind once I know how to use Reason...
  7. P

    Yo, whats goin on?

    Whats up guys? I am new to this site, and also new to producing, but I am very addicted to making music. Next year I plan on going to school for music technology, so I am going to be a professional at what I do by the end of it. I live in Atlanta, I also MC, I wanna learn how to do it all. I...