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  1. T

    ASCAP having problems? Sacrifices in payments

    Is that why ASCAP has been prolonging my membership? I swear I have things ready in the tv industry and these fools are toying with my emotions!
  2. T

    Is Myspace dead?

    I like Reverbnation, strangley enough except for the fanreach and the assholes who use it like it was twitter....
  3. T

    Marketing music thoughts and ideas

    I thought of doing this just in Los Angeles...
  4. T

    Whats good? TEKNODROME (intro)

    thanks guys!
  5. T

    Beat Jacking? For Real?

    Definitely agree on this note. If their talented and ask it's definitely on. I found a few good artists that mesh with my style.
  6. T

    Whats good? TEKNODROME (intro)

    So about me learned to play guitar when i was 9, moved on to drums at 12. my friends parents decided since the neighbor was getting better at them than theyre own son it was time to pack em up. Then I stopped playing instruments except my great aunt's piano but that was more just random noise...