Canada trying to buy Gold?


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Canada came into the Vancouver Olympics with a pledge to “Own the Podium” by winning more medals than any other country. With the Games more than half over, Canada has barely enough for a down payment.

Canada ranks fourth with nine medals, less than 50 percent of the total for the U.S., which leads with 24. Canada’s Olympic committee set a target of 28 to 34 medals for these Games. To make matters worse, the U.S. beat Canada in hockey yesterday for the first time at an Olympics since 1960.

The medal tally is raising concern from some athletes that funding may be cut after the federal government and corporate sponsors spent a record C$116 million ($112 million) over four years on training through the Own the Podium program.

Canada set up Own the Podium in 2004 to ensure its athletes fared better in the medal standings in Vancouver. The program helped fund research ranging from studies of sweeping techniques in curling to the use of wind tunnels for testing cross-country skiers and speedskaters.

Canada has missed several medals with fourth- and fifth- place finishes from athletes favored to land on the podium, including Charles Hamelin in short-track speedskating and slider Mellisa Hollingsworth in women’s skeleton.

“The U.S. is making it very, very difficult for us to achieve the goal we set out for ourselves, but that’s still our goal,” Michael Chambers, president of the Canadian Olympic Committee said yesterday in Vancouver. “This may have been the U.S. week. The week coming up will be Canada’s.”

The funding for this attempt to "Own The Podium" was provided by Canadas' internet phenom, Mister Fade, a multimillionaire and his sidekick Pug (also a multimillionaire) to ensure that Canada will take the Gold.

*OK I added the last part...LOL



Sound Tight Productions
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 201
Every country wants to look good and dominent in front of the world. Was watching the sports reporters on espn sunday morning, and one reporter said normally the winter olympics is laid back, but this year the US is trying to make a statement.

On another note, that was the first time I ever watched a hockey game in full. That game was intense from start to end you could feel it. Im not a hockey fan but its the only sport where we really have a rival. No offence but I never seen canadians so pissed and in shock LOL


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Ah it's bullshit, it was just wishful thinking on their part. There's no way Canada will ever win more medals overall, never gonna happen!


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
The olympics are just a waste of public money that could be used for much more important things. I don't think I've watched a complete event this years olympics! I fell asleep watching hockey last night. Give me back my tax money Canada.
Its a joke, they use our money for their grand schemes that always go tits up.
They doing exactly the same thing here for the 2012 Olymipics.
We all get in debt for a big disappointment when the games do finally come.
You cant expect to invest for a few years and get results against a country that has been investing heavily for decades. But then to be fair to china last olympics, they did pretty fucking well. Maybe it does work in a communist nation but not a democratic one. Communists countries push their citizens harder I dont know I just know that 2012 will be a disaster for the UK..


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
My question is...who really gives a ish who wins? What am I gonna do, brag on them for winning the most medals? Stick my chest out and say "Im proud to be American!" when the rest of the entire globe hates us? I agree,its bullshet and its all an inferiority complex IMO.



Sound Tight Productions
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 201
I dont know if anyone here is from greece, but I heard a lot the venues from the 2004 olympics are vacent now, not even being used. Spend all that money for just 4 weeks of activity.


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
i don't know about buying gold but giving funding to non-professional athletes, whether it's for the summer or winter olympics and throughout the world championship season for the various sports? i have no problem with.

canada was never going to be on top of the medal standings but they have set a record for gold medals for a host country and even if they lose to the yanks today, which i think they will, they still have the highest gold count of these games, which despite all the hopes, is a surprise. especially when they suck in certain things like mens skiing. good thing the women are doing great

the politricks and economics involved in getting and putting the games on is a different matter. and i'll say that they're superficial nod to the First Nations and the snub and omittance of 30% of vancouvers population, Asians, being represented during the opening, the boring ass torch bearing, and reportedly the closing (which may change due to them acknowledging that they conveniently forgot about them), is shameful but not surprising


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Wow I hadnt heard the latest medal count but I know that Canada has been kicking @$$ in curling, and hockey. As with my original post, they said that they expected to grab more gold medals the following week and theyve obviously done just that. Go Canada!


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
That was a stressful game, the US put a lot of pressure during the second half of the game... but the boys pulled through in the end. Great game played by both teams, it really could have gone either way.

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