Clipping and Saturation: The secret sauce.

With a combination of side chained compression and saturation through soft clipping on the bassline and also soft clipping saturation on the kick and drum bus I can really make the drums bang and the bass feel very warm.
I also use soft clipping saturation before going into the limiter on the master bus, this allows me to just make everything "phat" before final limiting, and allows me to limit my final limiter to at most -6db gain reduction.
Im really liking the warmth of the tracks this produces and wanted to share for those who may be having trouble getting their drums to hit as hard as they would like.

I send all my drum sounds to a drum bus. On the drum bus I have a Puigtec EQP1A from Waves. This has a really nice tone to it, I use it to get the low end and my high end right on my drums. I set the low end at either 60 or 100 and the high end at 10,12 or 16,000 with a fairly broad Q. This brings out the crispy hi hats and the top end of the snare.
After this I have a bus compressor, this doesnt do very much, its just very subtly trimming off the tops of the peaks, its not much but it does make quite a big difference.
I may use an EQ here just to fine tune frequencies if they arent just as I want them.
After this I use the standardClip plugin to add saturation and thicken the drums up so they are more beefy.
That gets sent to the master bus.

The more and more Ive been using saturation, the more Ive been using saturation. It really is the key to a warm mix.
Just wanted to share those tips.


Here's some good free plugins for this:

This one is also nice to add warmth to your mix (unfortunately not free):

The tape equalizer on it is great and 'smoothens' the lows, but keep in mind that with saturation you're spreading your bass (on the frequency range) so it easily stacks up (too much).