GOD: Examples of industry Market Research.


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
Have I popped too many daydream balloons? Have I yet to lay it on even more? I could have posted this link earlier, it's just one of the many that are used to make music industry projections.

Anyway, here is a place where people in the business buy data that is received when it is not subcontracted directly from a research firm for a specific research question.


You'll probably notice that a 25 page book can cost $1,000-5,000. That's because the market of statistics purchasing is so small (comparatively to Harry Potter), that the publishing companies need to make a profit. Enjoy the link.


Have fun! And yes, getting signed to majors is a business, it is about doing a showcase in a boardroom, and having people see if you are marketable and fit with trends. (Unless you are a genius and define the trend. Most aren't.)


Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
You might not be getting a response because you keep mis-spelling your name. You need a lower-case g not a capital G. I don't believe that anyone will acknowledge you as G-o-d.

That fact that you decided to take on a name synonymous with infinte power,knowledge, & wisdom, things no human can possess speaks for itself. However these things are not new, people always find names & clever cliche's to use for shock value, or some emotional set back, or because they feel they have no identity at all. I think it's stupid that you call yourself God, but do I care? no! because I know that you know, that your not God.

So some good advice would be to change your name buddy, cause you can't live up to it. And if I decide to talk to you again, that's what I'll call you. Buddy! until you find another alias.

No Beef, just Peace


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Um... what about the subject kev ? Send him a PM to complain about. Dont bother to reply to this, Im atheist, for I and a lot here could care less about his name. We trade perspectives on this genre, what about you ?

No beef, peace,



Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
I just peeped through the offers, but I find it a waste of money reading about Napster ethics. For what the music industry concerns, the latest research is from 2003, which is very short in time. The estimations put out on the infos are rediculous because this market and dedicated technology fluctuates too fast in order to make presumptions about 2008 ? That's not real, that wishfull thinking. I general I think it's a great exploit to come up with but again, it's quite relative and the futureprospects you should gain from these researches can always be doubted on credibility, hence us not being able to look into the future. The only solution is experience, follow how the market evolves, cummulating a short term prediction on expectations and make a progressive move based on those conclusions.


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
Formant, you state that you are interested in being "big in Japan" in some previous posts. There is a large interpretation of statistics from the Japanese markets as well as the evolving Chinese markets. Perhaps you should put in another query. There are no 2004 statistics because the year isn't over. Stats are utilised to make projections, so that business leaders can then know how their company will be positioned relatively to OTHER companies that they compete with.

As for the other poster. I don't particularly care. As for a response. I believe that I contribute positively with the information I provide in this forum.

I want people to rationally assess their positioning regarding the marketing of themselves and their music.


I too am an atheist, and do not concern myself with the names of Illmuzik's members, but rather what they put in writing. Even if I wasn't an atheist, I would still be concerned with what was written and not what the member had named himself.

I find your posts interesting God. Even though I don't always believe every word, I know I can learn from it. Thanks.

My only concern is not knowing a little about where in the industry you are placed. Not in detail, but merely to know, if your position equals the amount of knowledge you write about...


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
What don't you believe, Copenhagen?


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
Originally posted by God
What don't you believe, Copenhagen?

DAMN GOD hahahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahahhahahaa

And to make the whole thing even weirder if we take the names serious..
GOD is askin Copenhagen.. something has gone wrong in heaven.. GOD IS TALKIN TO a CITY.. I WONDER WHAT GUEVARA has TO SAY TO THIS to make a chain of it.. lol


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
LOL. I only speak truth.


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
Sorry for going offtopic there but i will do it once again..
I am an evil person but when i was 10 i saved some baby ducks, this was in the summer at a lake with a drainage, but because of the warmth the drainage was now above the water somehow the baby duckies got on there and fell into the drainage so they gut stuck in there and the mother duck was wildin out so that's how i noticed.. to make a long story short I (without the fear of losing my own life, when you're ten you aint fearing shit because when your ten only thing you fearing is a whoopass from your moms) saved those duckies.
This really happened..
So that in facts makes me a fuckin Hero.
Know I want to know 2 things from you God.
Will I go to heaven?
And where are my favourite porn stars going? (To heaven or hell??)
Cause i think in hell will be the hottest chicks literally and in heaven the most purest untouched.. so where ever I go I will have fun and at the same time will miss out one of the two.. maybe we can make some arrangement that i can move around between the two of the places..

*my excuses again for going offtopic*


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Originally posted by God

As for the other poster. I don't particularly care. As for a response. I believe that I contribute positively with the information I provide in this forum.

Word, it's about content, lets leave it at that.

Formant, you state that you are interested in being "big in Japan" in some previous posts. There is a large interpretation of statistics from the Japanese markets as well as the evolving Chinese markets. Perhaps you should put in another query. There are no 2004 statistics because the year isn't over.

Hehe, Big in Japan, it can be obtained by doing your own research that adapts to your means of exploiting your products, not the whole market in general. What I meant by the fact that there are no resolutions been made for 2004 is that I figured that the concept of these researches should make estimations of 2004, logicaly, that would make it a surplus plann and manage future exploits ( of the particulair year ). In any case, I still dont think I could rely on the research outcome. I'd rather depend on conclusions based on own efforts and contacts within the market.

Stats are utilised to make projections, so that business leaders can then know how their company will be positioned relatively to OTHER companies that they compete with.

Dont you think ( because you say so ) that it only benefits those business leaders and not us ? What could be of practical use to us, if you can elaborate upon this.


Originally posted by God
What don't you believe, Copenhagen?

You've written several novells (good ones), so nothing specific springs to mind, that I remember, I just take some things more lightly than others but generally find sense in what you write.
As I said, I appreciate your posts and this wasn't a concern of mine.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Aaargh , People of good nature, lets not get carried away and stick to the topic. God is cool, if your nick was lucifer we'd still give you credit. buit considering the nature of your thread , let's not deviate.



Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
The practicality, as I have seen from several people on this site (because you did use the term of "use to us") is that they want (not all) to be picked up in some form by a major. This is through a conduit or directly.

A major utilises consumption statistics in order to assess budget concerns. Depending on the fiscal policy of a respective corporation, then there is a decision about which departments to support more. For example. Maybe more money will go to supporting dance, or rock music if they demand more from a growing consumer demand for those genres. This will affect fiscal policy regarding the allocation of allowances for the hip-hop or "urban" division (the names of depts. are dependant on company internal structure.)

So, these statistics, which may be of no consequence upon initial assessment, will weigh heavily in the regards of whether:

1. Hip-hop acts are signed or dropped.
2. The amount of funding the urban department gets.
3. The amount of promo money that the department uses to push its acts.

Of major consequence is factor 1. This is because if there is a negative outlook, or a downward trend, there may be a tendency to NOT sign acts that are classified as urban/hiphop. This in turn will hurt the producers who are dependant on the woes of the hip-hop sector of the industry. This trickle effect is felt all the way to the hopeful who wishes to get signed but happens to be living at a moment when there is a downward trend of consumption in their genre of music. They will be at a loss because demand may be lower than the previous fiscal year, or quarter, for that matter.

In any regard, that is one example.



Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
I think that is THE example that really matters to us ( us as in Illmuzik potential readers ).

In general it would open the perspective in order to make the right move for the coming year, since by having the research material cq. possible market expectations for the industry majors. Although the major's behaviour is still monitor when talking their expectations to track and on a lot of cases it's about being progressive in your work, which doesn't have anything to with the research, mostly just luck or good marketing from your efforts. It's a reference also to those who are particulairly aiming at the industry and focusing their work to that exploit, rather than to follow their modus operandi cq. following their own intuition.

In short, so far I can see it's good to you when you can estimate how AND which major would be focusing on .... The material does not make a prediction upon the trends like said, but the future prefered genre opposed to those genres who lose ground are also to be noticed when following the charts by insight and experience, but that's my opinion. For all I know the industry is the definition for " History Repeating " making all those researches seem a bit cliche because it happens over and over.

The consequence of factor 1. is indeed a hard fact for the commonly known, established artists and producers. The good thing is that all the bad seeds are being filtered out and that new artist will be constructed in the time coming, meaning ( hopefully ) a progressive transition for the hiphop industry when the hype/trend comes back, or as it remains for the time being. In complete contradiction, underground can revive during these times, in that formerly unknown/uncommon artist get more attention because the appeal for hiphop switches from charts back into the recordstore because the industrial hiphop exploits are fewer than before, in dissatisfaction of the " influented" commercial hiphop fanatics. Though, I consider last group of so little since the industry will move along and their targetgroups are being confronted with new hypes. Like all the people you met that used to be hiphop dj's in the old days and are now into techno, or rappers that go rock.

That last switch is my prediction for the time coming, we're going back to rock, bandformations and pop with techno influenced compositions, definitly less commercial hiphop as we know it today.

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