Interviews Interview With Freakwncy


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Freakwncy is one of the most known figures in IllMuzik. He's a veteran member, a seasoned moderator and an experienced producer. On top of all that, he has a lovely family to support. In addition to everything mentioned above, Freak is also one of my best friends. This interview's main mission is to examine this wonderful man, giving him a chance to fully express himself.

Freak, how do you do? What's new?

Nothing much, just doing my usual, making 20 sec. beats and trying to elevate my skills.


Please introduce yourself to our readers! Tell us about your wife and kids...

Well, your intro pretty much summed it up. I have a loving wife - Diana - and kids - Julian and Maxwell - and I'm a member of the US Armed Forces... Air Force.

How did you get into music in the first place? What does music mean to you? What role does it play in your life?

Well, I can thank my big brother Dempsey for introducing me to music... He taught me how to mix, count out bars, and look for samples. From there I ran with that knowledge. Music means the world to me. It's not only a major part of my world, but OUR world also. Can you imagine the world without sound? Music plays a huge role in my life. Making a beat is like working out to a bodybuilder... When they miss a session they know, their body knows too... Same here; when I don't make a beat, I know and my mind knows too...The creativity is like stuck in there until I can get it out.

Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, "Without music, life would be a mistake". Do you agree with him?

Without a doubt.

For some people, sound, beat, and melody - and the way music can make you feel - are the most important aspects of music. Other people listen closely to song lyrics and find meaning in the words. Does music just make you feel good, or does it have a greater impact on your life?

I think it's not only important to make music that makes you feel good, but to make music that makes you feel... whether it's happy, sad, angry, KRUNK, HYPE, AMPED, or enlightened. Some of the best songs have both qualities in it. It's important to have a good mixture of both.

Do you also collect music? If you do, how many records do you have? What music do you listen to? Name your top 5 albums + top 5 songs.

Man, I love to collect music. Either illegal or legal. I think the whole illegal music deal is the artists', record companies', and software designers' fault... Why aren't the software designers getting sued for making software that decodes or encodes these products? Why the people? As far as the number of records I have at this time... I don't know, but I can tell you the number of full crates - 7 (Thanks to my father-in-law!), but I've only been through 1, as I haven't had the time to sample much, plus it's not really a major factor in my beats sometimes. Don't get me wrong I like to sample, but don't hunt everyday for one. As far as what music I listen to on the reg. it's mostly Hip-Hop (my love), Drum and Bass (love those basslines and drum programming), Trance (love the synths), Rock (guitar riffs are hot), Punk (breaks and build ups), Classical (love the strings and piano), and others....I ain't dying or dead yet, so I can't give you my Top 5 of anything.

What equipment do you have? Are you a software user? Have you considered adding to your home studio?

Yeah, I have an MPC2000 ($500 pawn shop buy), Yamaha PSR-410 (bought in 96' my first piece), Reason 2.5 (with some refills), a Realistic Mixer (my favorite piece, one day you'll will find out), an old Phono, Tape Deck, Radio Combo by GPX, a Pioneer Dual Tape Deck and my Dell with Windows XP (put those rumors to rest, I was making beats on my Compaq with Win ME, before I got the loot for my Dell). Make with what you got, until the time is right, 'cause look at those big willies, got all the equipment and no skills. Man I consider every day about adding to my setup, but wisely, nothing that I would waste money on.


What's your creative process like? How do you write a track?

Well, first off I'm very melody heavy. I gotta have a phat melody for most of my tracks. Then I lay down my bassline, next the drums and fillers. That's pretty much it. Samples? (Samples take the melody spot). Then, after everything is plotted for the pre-run and final writing, when I receive or do the final vocals, I go back in and add effects, breaks, and other fillers.

What does Hip-Hop mean to you?

Hip-Hop is like going to the movies, you're able to see and watch different types of movies, from adventure, drama, romance, and horror. Hip-Hop is the same, it's like a lyrical movie (minus the track which actually have videos), But a lot of artists write on the same types as a movie would, just from their point of view like a director would.

How have you discovered IllMuzik? What are your thoughts concerning IllMuzik? How do you see IllMuzik in a few years?

Well, I discovered IllMuzik by accident (capitalize the "M". Fade hates it when I don't do it), I was doing some research and pricing for my MPC before I got it, and I saw this link on Google for a post that had a video of Dr. Dre in a Coolers commercial using the MPC, well I was a big fan of the commercial series at that time so I decided to check it out. Well, that was my first time going to a forum, I had heard of them, but didn't know that there was one for Hip-Hop producers, never even crossed my mind that someone would make one. From there on, I fell in love with the forum (even though the video was in the post).

After a while, I began to talk with a lot of people on the site via MSN & AIM, and we became friends; I think Fade, Cope, V-man, Pug, and Dac were some of the first. After talking to Fade all the time (I know he got tired of me asking questions) we really started to connect with some great ideas. Myself, a Graphic Design/Computer Animation major from the AI of Ft. Lauderdale, decided to help Fade with the graphics and little work (interviews, before someone way better then me took over, hehe). From there Fade decided to make me a moderator, one - due to my love for the site, and two - the on going problems we were having with new members.

Now, as the unofficial Advertising Rep. for IllMuzik (Fade says I haven't earned the title officially yet), my goal is to put IllMuzik on the map. Current goals include getting IllMuzik more money from sponsors and its members more involved. I have to say, though, the members are really doing a great job, the Battle That! Entries doubled from last year's numbers and the Beat This! is always full. GREAT JOB GUYS/ GYALS....I try to maintain a personal relationship with a lot of the members: Keeping them in mind when we, the staff, make changes or come up with new ideas for IllMuzik. I see IllMuzik being the biggest and most informative site for Hip-Hop in the world in the next 2 years, so if you're not a member now, you'll just be labeled as a bandwagon jumper later. So JOIN NOW!

Who are your favorite members? Who are the most knowledgeable members [name your top 3]? Who are the top 4 producers? Who's the best emcee?

All the members are my favorite, it's like being in high school; everyone is different and has their own set of ideas, goals and styles. I don't have a top 3, 'cause there's a ton of knowledgeable members, but I'll try to name a few off the top of my head (Everyone that I talk to on MSN and AIM, and if I don't talk to you - check my profile in order to find out how) Emcees? Mercury Waters is the only one I've worked with and I'm starting out w/ Remi from 100 Proof. But if anyone else is interested holla - you know my name now.

Potentially, is there anything that might make you stop producing music?

Only the loss of all my limbs... I would still try to play w/ my toes, if I lost my arms...

Do you want your children to become involved with music as well?

I think I have the same thoughts as a lot of parents, you just want your kids active in something, it doesn't matter what it is as long as they're not wasting their talent or skills.

Do you {still} feel any intolerance and discrimination towards Afro-Americans?

I don't discriminate anyone point blank. If you think you're better, prove it. And if you are I'll be the first to let you know.

Do you think that Hip-Hop is an Afro-American culture?

No way! Hip-Hop is an art form as of any other genre. Like martial arts, if you study and practice you will become better, but some people have born talents that others don't and that may give them a slight edge over another person, but that shouldn't keep the other person from not trying or practicing the art form. Ying and Yang; you can't have Love without Hate. If everyone loved everything, someone would hate the fact that everyone loves everything. It's human nature.

Please express your opinion:

  • Women - Can't live with them, Can't live without them.
  • Humanity - Harmony.
  • Babies - Be happy if you have one, even if you can't spend time with it.
  • Dance music - I like it.
  • Jazz - The roots of Hip-Hop.
  • Synthesizers - The arms of music.
  • Poetry - Written pictures.
  • Sex - It's a must.
  • Ghettos - Caused by the economy.
  • Drugs - Caused by living.
  • Hookers - Whatever makes you happy.
  • Harlem - Never been there, but the b-ball team is dope.
  • Abstract Hip-Hop - Love the emotions.
  • One song to listen to before you die - Nothing, I'd rather be alone with my thoughts.
  • The perfect love-making music - I'm a big fan of Mary J. (My Life album) and Jodeci (The Show, The After Party, The Hotel).
  • Your opinion: Being with another woman when you're already married, Right or Wrong? - Wrong. But not everyone is Right all the time.
  • Wings Of An Angel - A true and good friend, someone who has showed me the light for the international movement of Hip-Hop production, and a great friend in arms. Watch yourself soldier!
  • Blind Dreams - Well, I'll let you tell them about it... Like Lamar from Reading Rainbow "Don't take my word for it, find out yourself."

Any shoutouts you'd like to give?

Shoutouts: First my loving and UNDERSTANDING wife DIANA, Julian, Max, Mom, Dad, Vet, JR., My In Laws, Unseen, O', Jay, Adrian, Ed (in the bookstore @ A.I. in Laudie), all my A.I. peoples, MY FANS, Everyone here at IllMuzik (Yes, Fade even you), Wings, Cope, Dac., City, Holmz, A.Deluxe, Phil, Classic, Shortaay, Merc., Mrs. Waters, Remi (100 proof), Duece, Chedda, and those that support me... One Love.

Freak, thank you for this comprehensive Interview. All the Best!

Watch out for the top-notch 'Blind Dreams', which is a remarkable collaboration between Producer Freakwncy and MC Mercury Waters. I heard some of the tracks, and I'm sure that this project is going to make some serious buzz!

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