Vote NO to the Performace Tax here...


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
done and spreaded


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 11
I know there will be some drawbacks to this bill, but don't you think it'll be beneficial to artists? As an artist myself I know that it would be very nice to get paid for radio performances, even if the label gets a cut.



Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Not at the price of losing the radio stations that would play your music. Its one of those double edge sword type deals in a sense. On one hand you make money but in doing so, you kill your #1 source of advertisement. There are ways that both parties can exist and be profitable. I think that is whats gonna eventually happen. I don't believe the current bill will pass though. Right now its free advertisement for free play, if the performance tax passes, the radio stations could counter it with charging record labels and artist to play their music. So its a no-win situation IMO.


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
it's funny, canada and i believe australia have something similar, where artist and musicians that didn't write or compose the song that's getting rinsed out of style on radio get royalties, lower than composers/writers and provided they join the specific p.r.o., and none of the radio stations are suffering. advertising is what determines their viability and radio has been expensive from jump, which is why they're losing some revenue.

maybe the states will be different, but keep in mind the the radio station lobby/broadcasting lobby, like the telecommunications lobby, are powerful, and aren't anymore trustworthy than the riaa, even less so.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I agree 7th, I read an article that back when music was at its best, some radio stations were accepting money to play an artist song. Granted, they weren't asking for it but by accepting it made them guilty as well. So no they can't be trusted, anytime you're dealing with billions of dollars, nobody ccan be trusted.


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
the first payola scandal allowed 'race music' and it's white counterpart, which later became country, to actually get played and debuted a whole new genre that officially died after the scandal, rock 'n roll. it was also tied into how ascap had a stranglehold on what got played and their refusal to accept black artists at that time, which was one of the reasons for bmi's creation. but that's another story.

anyways, i have a problem with some of the scare tactics being used, the one aboiut black radio going extinct pushed by a certain woman is distasteful to me. not as much as the current anti-choice movement using fears of black genocide/infanticide in their anti-abortion campaign, but i don't like it (the isp/telecommunications are doing the same thing for net neutrality, playing on the fears of black, latino, asian, and poor).


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
the first payola scandal allowed 'race music' and it's white counterpart, which later became country, to actually get played and debuted a whole new genre that officially died after the scandal, rock 'n roll. it was also tied into how ascap had a stranglehold on what got played and their refusal to accept black artists at that time, which was one of the reasons for bmi's creation. but that's another story.

anyways, i have a problem with some of the scare tactics being used, the one aboiut black radio going extinct pushed by a certain woman is distasteful to me. not as much as the current anti-choice movement using fears of black genocide/infanticide in their anti-abortion campaign, but i don't like it (the isp/telecommunications are doing the same thing for net neutrality, playing on the fears of black, latino, asian, and poor).

I think the threat is real under the current bill. Even the christian radio stations here are talking about how it would effect them (not that it being a christian radio station matters) but once you throw it out there, you pretty much have to stick by your guns IMO, else you get caught with your pants down and you can no longer be trusted. Kinda like the "crying wolf" scenario.

I do understand where you're coming from on this by your last couple of post and I agree with most of it. LDB and shadeed both brought up some good points in that the performance tax is only a tactic by the record labels to pocket MORE money and in turn put more strain on our already distressed radio broadcasting. Thats what has made me take the stand on hip hop returning to "acceptable" content rather than a bunch of fake @$$ thugs/ pimps/ drug dealers.

It was quoted that Method said something to the effect of..."let these cats get paid because instead of holding a mic they could be holding a gun to our heads" or something to that effect, that doesn't phase me because we got guns too. I mean thats about as stupid a reason as I think anybody could think of.

My stand is, if the performance tax passes in a way that it will hurt hip hop by killing radio stations, then we need to find other ways to keep what we're doing alive. If that means moving on then we need to move on. Im not gonna just sell all my gear or fold up in a corner, Im gonna keep it moving.

Since this thread and the thread "I like whats happening in hip hop" I've noticed that some cats really rely on this game alot more than I do. I do this ish for fun but at the same time, I love hip hop. I just don't rely on hip hop to put food on my table or pay any of my bills. Im not knocking those that do but that's not me personally. In fact, I like hearing you guys throw down, I like hearing you guys beats and the whole community vibe we got...thats what Im fighting for.

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