Please Warm My Weiner

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The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.

Really good flip. When the drums come in, it sounds like a synth - I want to hear that continue because it sounds like it's going to. The guitar later on is a nice touch too. Really nice.

Havent been drunk in 20 years, could have sworn I posted it, but was probably tired as fuck
Sorry, I should have known better. I mean HIGH AS FUCK. That's more likely!
Really good flip. When the drums come in, it sounds like a synth - I want to hear that continue because it sounds like it's going to. The guitar later on is a nice touch too. Really nice.

Sorry, I should have known better. I mean HIGH AS FUCK. That's more likely!
Thanks man, decided to see if I could do something quick as I finished an hour early yesterday. Just did it for fun, because the original was just for fun too, done in an old John Lee Hooker blues stylee. Made it to show off to my work colleague too. Ya know, as ya do.

Also yeah, high as fuck would be far far more accurate


Battle Points: 10
Getting some heavy RJD2 vibes of this!

The layering of samples is what really brings this to life. I do like that you went back and put some strings in there to fill out the sonics and give the ears something to follow in the background.

Great blend of synths, samples, and instrumentation.