There's A Problem With Using Samples

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The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.

This is why I've never been in favor of using loops or packs. They're great if you're just starting out and want to learn more about beat making, but even then, I've said it countless times - DO SOMETHING with it! I know there's been some famous songs over the years that were straight up loops but they were still altered somewhat to make it sound better. And that's what it comes down to - being creative.

For example, there's Youtube channels that are just for diggers and they're pretty good at finding some good stuff for sampling, but if I check the comments it's always the same. People are commenting how they're going to sample THAT part, and most likely it's at the beginning of the song, the most obvious part they can sample. Then they probably just throw drums on top. I never understood why someone would do that when sampling. To me, sampling is grabbing a sample that sounds dope but also something that you want to play around with.

We all use different gear, different software, etc and all the stuff we use has what seems like unlimited effects and features, so why not use them? I believe samples should be torn apart to create something completely different, but if you're going to use the most obvious part of the song, put another sample on top or chop it and rearrange it. SOMETHING.

The bottom line is these loop libraries are a great way to learn how to sample but eventually it's time to move beyond that and use samples (even loop libraries) and make it your own and be creative because that's what producing is all about.

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