Views, fan base, and more info please


Hello guys i just launched my youtube channel and became more active on posting on soundcloud. I now nothing happens over night and takes more work than most know about. My question to you guys is how do i get more people to view my videos and my soundcloud ? How do i get more subscribers and more people being active with the music i make? I know as far as share on all the sites your active on but there has to be more to it. My goal is to be bale to monetize my youtube but it takes 10,000 views to do so and i want to have people just to listen to it and tell me how they feel about it or their take on it, i mean i could use beatstars but then ill be paying more than i can make at the time lol. So i know a good bit of you guys have been doing this longer and have a solid following and whatnot so whats your suggestions and/or how did you do it ?
Hello guys i just launched my youtube channel and became more active on posting on soundcloud. I now nothing happens over night and takes more work than most know about. My question to you guys is how do i get more people to view my videos and my soundcloud ? How do i get more subscribers and more people being active with the music i make? I know as far as share on all the sites your active on but there has to be more to it. My goal is to be bale to monetize my youtube but it takes 10,000 views to do so and i want to have people just to listen to it and tell me how they feel about it or their take on it, i mean i could use beatstars but then ill be paying more than i can make at the time lol. So i know a good bit of you guys have been doing this longer and have a solid following and whatnot so whats your suggestions and/or how did you do it ?
@mod_m@tr!xx , what works for me is way of FB, TWEET or any other means of social media. on soundcloud you would be suprised how many followers i got just by commenting and liking and reposting their tracks then inviting them to do the same for my tracks. it was very simple...but the real key is networking and you can also pay a promotional company to spread your name and music around for you via social media. but the bottom line is that at some point your going to have to financially invest in your music. there is no way around it, if you want to sell your beats and be known as a beatmaker. And also find artists(rappers singers) to collab with on your tracks. I Hope This info helps you. As for me, I knew when I Started getting popular when people can google me and find all of my accomplishments and music online. (IT'S A GREAT FEELING TO BE RECOGNIZED)


@mod_m@tr!xx , what works for me is way of FB, TWEET or any other means of social media. on soundcloud you would be suprised how many followers i got just by commenting and liking and reposting their tracks then inviting them to do the same for my tracks. it was very simple...but the real key is networking and you can also pay a promotional company to spread your name and music around for you via social media. but the bottom line is that at some point your going to have to financially invest in your music. there is no way around it, if you want to sell your beats and be known as a beatmaker. And also find artists(rappers singers) to collab with on your tracks. I Hope This info helps you. As for me, I knew when I Started getting popular when people can google me and find all of my accomplishments and music online. (IT'S A GREAT FEELING TO BE RECOGNIZED)

Thanks for the info!! I appreciate the reply and ill start networking more to get my name around. I dont have a twitter or insta anymore but seems i need to get back on it to help promote myself and market. I am not at the stage of buying promotion from companies yet at least i don't think i am but would you happen to know any good ones to use ? I know there are some that are not what they are said to be.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
It can be extremely hard to promote yourself nowadays because you must remember that there are thousands of people just like you. In order to set yourself apart you would need something different than everyone else. Since we're talking music, then it's the music that has to make people want to visit your channels.

To get them there can be difficult. If you look at popular YouTube videos, it's usually stupid stuff like some guy lighting himself on fire and doing cartwheels down a staircase. You obviously don't want to do that! This is where promotion comes in but it's really like @DEEZ BEATZ said, where you just have to network. That could mean replying to people on Twitter and things like that, but of course you have to be careful that your page doesn't look like spam. I've seen tons of Twitter pages where it's just people posting their beats or how much their beats are. That's okay to a point but you want to basically just get to know as many people as you can and eventually they will help you get the word out by sharing some of your posts.
Thanks for the info!! I appreciate the reply and ill start networking more to get my name around. I dont have a twitter or insta anymore but seems i need to get back on it to help promote myself and market. I am not at the stage of buying promotion from companies yet at least i don't think i am but would you happen to know any good ones to use ? I know there are some that are not what they are said to be.
@mod_m@tr!xx , I promote all of the artists and friends that I work with...they trust me and they have seen what I've done for myself. So they let me promote them. That's what my brand B.E. MUSIC is all about, not only do produce music, but I promote as well and very cheap cause I know how hard times can be for some of us...i just branched out to the south with my other brand C.T.F. So if you want to know more contact me via email at
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@mod_m@tr!xx , I promote all of the artists and friends...they trust me and they have seen what I've done for myself. So they let me promote them. That's what my brand B.E. MUSIC is all about, not only do produce music, but I promote as well and very cheap cause I know how hard times can be for some of us...i just branched out to the south with my other brand C.T.F. So if you want to know more contact me via email at

Sounds good and i shot you an email.


Head of Production/Black Label Recording Studio
Battle Points: 122
The main concept into getting your name out to the people and to gain a fan base is to be human, be YOU. In terms of the recent post in regards to spamming your music, no one wants to see that, and many times, no one cares. It takes being personable with your fan base to gain the attention that you seek with your music. When you are active with your fanbase, the return exchange always works in your favor. Quid Pro Quo- This for That.