Anybody here use music to make fun of their friends?


Battle Points: 3
One of the best fringe benefits of being able to make a beat/song. We used to substitute peoples' names into songs. For example the song 'Jesse's Girl' turned into 'Carlos's Mom'. Or when Eminem said "two trailer park girls go round me outside' I switched that to one friends mother and sister's names for "two trailer park girls".


Battle Points: 3
LOL that's crazy but those type of things generate interest in songs. They're very often used today to the point of being annoying to me. I hear it and I'm like "somebody's trying really hard". A good example offhand is that noise Adam Levine makes in the song 'Animals', same with the song 'Maps'. It's like OK bro you gonna make stupid noises every. single. song? Too formulaic for my liking.

Sorry for the rant but that story about the song is awesome.


Battle Points: 3
It was usually my friends making fun of me for making music.
That's why you needed to fire shots back in song form. You flex on "your thing" because you know they can't get back at you on your level. If I was an artist, and my friends were making fun of me, I'd draw caricatures of them and wait specifically for a party to break them out :D

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