Interviews Be Ea$y Interview

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The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
When I first started doing the Carolina Cuts show early on I had received some songs from Maximus Studios with various artists and Be Ea$y was one of them. He stood out to me from the rest as, more so than some of the others, he sounded like something that was already playing on the radio (in a good way). He seemed to combine a sound of pop and straight hip-hop all with a different twist and an excellent mix. I am certain that this artist is on his way to the top.

Be Ea$y took time out of his busy schedule with the Marine Corp (of all places) to do an interview for


What up Be Ea$y? Can you introduce yourself?

Well... Good Morning, Good Evening, or Good Afternoon. You are locked in with BE-EA$Y aka Mr. Check Me Out. Born on the 2 of June with an ambition like no other, I been doing this hit thing, I mean music thing for eight years now. So seven of those years was just practice day in and day out perfecting my craft and this year, it's time to show the world what true dedication is.

Where in the Carolinas are you located?

Honestly, you can find me anywhere from studios, shows, and different events. I am currently stationed on Camp Lejeune located in Jacksonville North Carolina, but I came from Milwaukee Wisconsin. Yea I said it - stationed; meaning I am and will always be a Marine.

Can you give us a synopsis on how you got into doing the music?

I was always into music growing up, but my dream to become a music artist occurred, while I was a senior in high school. It begin with me recording myself freestyling to instrumentals on my laptop. Any song that was big on the radio I was online trying to find it. At school when there was a cypher at lunch or someone battling, I would jump in and smash the session, with lethal punch lines that would have everyone shocked and amazed. Not only was I battling people at school, but outside of school on street corners, school buses, back yards, wherever it was I was going in.

Then what happened?

After I graduated high school, me and my best friend that's like a brother to me, met at my house to chill out and kick it. He knew I was serious about music because he heard me on the tracks on my computer and my battles. So we got into a long conversation about music and about starting are own record label and what we wanted to accomplish if we were to do so. Adrian Q Shaw better known as Ball Streets agreed to start are own label known as Pure Hustle Entertainment and also manage me as an artist. We went for hours trying to agree on my stage name and, came up with BE-EA$Y aka Mr. Check Me Out.

Now recently you were on the cover of what publication?

Recently, March 14, 2012, I was published on the website for my music. The article is called "Marine by Day Artist by Night". I guess the Marine Corps saw fit to shed light on a positive movement. That's the website and the Facebook Fan page at the bottom of the article, so check it out and click the like button.

How long have you been a Marine?

Man... I left for boot camp September 11, 2007 yes, 9-11 anniversary and graduated on December 7, 2007 "The Bombing of Pearl Harbor's anniversary". So two of some of the worst days in American History was two of some of the best days I have had. Go figure right. SMH. Check my enlistment papers if you don't believe me.

I'm sure our readers want to know have you ever sang "Check . Me . Out." And then punched a Taliban or Fetayeen in the face or anything ?

Ummm... Come to think of it yea... yeaa. Nooo I haven't yet lol.


Is it true that you give away some of your profits to charities?

I do, but only when I have a show that pays me to perform. I do a lot of free shows and some are paid. So when I do get paid I try to give 5% to Toys for Tots and 5% to the Wounded Warrior Foundation. I know it's not but much but something is always better than nothing. I even do some volunteer work for Habitat Humane Center. I stared with that back in 2004 in Milwaukee Wisconsin, and when I get emails from the FRO, I try to throw my name in there to help when I got the time. I also have raffle tickets a majority of shows because I like to give away game systems.

What got you started doing that?

Originally it was one of the requirements to graduate from the pre-college program I was attending called Marquette University's Upward Bound.

How would you describe your style?

You tell me. LOL. I pretty much cover Rap, Hip-Hop, Pop, R&B, Alternative, and Rock like it's second nature. I make hits, music that paints a vivid mental image of what life, fun, love and partying is.

Who or what would you say are your main influences?

My brother Adrian Q. Shaw aka Ball Streetz and my brother from another mother Aaron Flahardy.

What was your first song that you dropped?

The first real official song I dropped was called "LAST CALL". It's like a Dance/Rap/Pop song. The track was actually the first hit I made with Maximus recording studio.

How many songs do you have completed?

Songs just completed would be 1003 written and songs recorded, mixed and mastered would be close to 400. No lie. When I say I practice everyday that means I haven been making two to three songs a day for the last seven years. I'm currently at the point were I don't have to write the music anymore, I can just memorize it in my head and go from there. I have been timed by a few individuals in making a hook and it takes me less than three minutes to make a hook instantly.

What is your favorite group?

Don't have one, that's because no group seems to last more than few years.

Who would you like to work with?

Awww man, I would like to work with pretty much anyone I can from Rap to Rock.

What was your greatest accomplishment?

Getting paid from Youtube and after my next interview, I will be eligible to be published in Wikipedia.

You just shot a video, I heard you had some dope cars in it, how was that whole experience?

Yea Buddy!! Two Lambos. One Halloween color (Bow Wow's previous Lambo) called "Cocky" and the all-black one called "Rude". My friend made it clear to me that I am much closer to my goal because of how many up an coming unsigned artists got a Lambo in the video, let alone two without having to get raped for renting them.

What do you like to do when you're not recording?

Listen to beats. Out of 24 hours in a day, eight of them hours I am in the car or at home listening to beats or playing ball.

What do you think about the current state of Hip Hop?

Shambles. Honestly, no offense but if cats like Waka Flocka are able to just walk in the game then there has to be something wrong. Just my own personal opinion.

Will you be touring in the future?

Yup... I tour now even in the Marine Corps. My command only wants to make sure they have a point of contact proper ORM (Operation Risk Management) and that I am safe as well as representing the Marine Corps in a positive way.

Any Shout outs?

Y'all would be first of course, my whole team, you know who you are, Hooligans Music Hall, 241, Maximus Studios because he records all my hits and if I missed don't think I forgot you, my fingers are just sore from typing all of these answers lol. Naw but for real though, if you mess wit me, you know I messes wit you. Y'all know who this is man Check Me Out.