Beat This! - January 12-13, 2022

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Big Clit Energy
Kudos to @Vossi Beats for not being the only person who knows the origin of ghetto.


prod. by InnerThug
Battle Points: 170
Damn I don't know what brought race into it but like chill the fuck out everybody
This was very much the same direction I wanted it to go. But at the same time I wanted it to be "Ghetto Olympics". Because where do most gold medalist grow up?
In the ghetto!
And I don't know about you guys but I have never been to a ghetto where they listened to white overlord fanfare music.
Maybe in the Warzaw ghetto in the 1930's when the Nazis would force the Jews to listen to their Nazi music.

Anyway. My point is. DON'T BE A NAZI!

And just for point of information so you don't post dumb ass shit about stuff you don't really know about out of the top 25 most decorated Olympians of all time only one is black and she Allison Felix grew up with a preacher for a father and went to a Christian school before attending USC so learn some history before you go throwing around ignorant shit and making it about race

And if you really think the point of a theme is to leave it up to what you feel something is and that's the only stipulation then there's no point of a fucking theme
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But guys and gals, why we bringing race into this though? That is a recipe for intense fights. Smoke some weed yol and chill. @Fade gotta stop this before it goes out of hand lol
west coast smoking GIF
LOL no it wasn't!
Wasn't @Stona Persona either. I think it may have been someone who made their first beat ever not long ago. And I actually feel bad calling it out like that. But I cant help it I have Tourettes, ADHD and low self esteem which means I often say stupid shit unintentionally.

So if you ever see a dude walking very fast with weak posture and his face towards the ground while screaming incoherent profanities, then it just might be me.
Im an idiot so I often say shit unintentionally, but then Im also a cunt so I say shit intentionally too.
I do it with the best of intentions though, so in my head that makes it alright and i can sleep snugly at night
This. And the YOU was all uppercases, so...yeah.

I dont even get the fuss about ppl uploading random shit, just dont vote if you dont like.
people are pathetic, emotionally weak, they cant control their emotions, so every battle we have to go through this shit


Battle Points: 12
I think i know whats gonna happen here, i heard a beat i think will win. Its doesnt feel hype to me, but the production is so well done. Clear crisp drums and melody. Sure that one is a winner.
Yeah. I think exactly the same. I'll tell you after.

Vossi Beats

Battle Points: 238
Damn I don't know what brought race into it but like chill the fuck out everybody

And just for point of information so you don't post dumb ass shit about stuff you don't really know about out of the top 25 most decorated Olympians of all time only one is black and she Allison Felix grew up with a preacher for a father and went to a Christian school before attending USC so learn some history before you go throwing around ignorant shit and making it about race

And if you really think the point of a theme is to leave it up to what you feel something is and that's the only stipulation then there's no point of a fucking theme
LOL bro I was clearly joking, I'm Scandinavian so you need to understand that 90% of what ever comes out of my mouth is going to be sarcastic.
I have no clue about who ever in the history of the olympics have won a medal.
And even if I were serious, then why even bother if you disagree. Can't you just sit silently and think to yourself "Fuck you vossi beats you twat" like everyone else?
Now on top of listening to me rant, they also have to listen to you ranting about me. And maybe that will make someone else go on a rant and complain about you complaining about me.
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