Beat This! - July 15-16, 2020

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naw, i was lucky all 3 bullets went clean through...but i still cried like a 2 in the same leg 1 in the arm...and i knew it was coming but i had a job to do
loads of respect from me. I never went for a military route, I was too much of a bitch in my youth.
Later on after reading Maj. Geneal Smedley Butler's "War is a racket" put me off the idea altogether, but In my older and wiser years, fighting the paedo child trafficking elite is a fight Id fight willingly. Dont want to get into anything too political though, but I have lots of respect for anybody that puts their life on the line to fight for what they believe is right and true, that takes bollocks, and you took the bullets too as a result. But good to see you are still here, and battling on the beat battlefield where the worst we can expect is some hurt feelings and a bruised ego.
32 and 2 daily wanks ! :D

Now, is that a condition ?
only two and you are barely into your thirties.
You are slacking soldier. Step your damn game up son.


Sole Element

Battle Points: 1
But I must admit I think the competitions seemed more accurate when you were judging @Fade and the other judges you had before as well were judging.
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