Been Watching youtube and Damn been a hell of a lot of UFO activity past few months

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
2012 is a few months away... its natural to start seein shit now... whether its real or not is the question... alot of questions do exist.. but i DO believe earth is NOT the only planet that has intelligent life... if its true that humans have only been alive a few, lets say 100,000 years, that might as well be 1 year, since our Sun alone is BILLIONS of years old... can u imagine what wouldve been invented/discovered if we were in our billionth year right now? from the year 1900 - 2000, there has been rapid advancement in basically EVERYTHING!!! so im pretty sure there IS an alien race that is light years ahead of us.. wouldnt be surprising to me at all.

da relic


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
they ought to have an international team of scientists that study this phenomena but then they would be finding out top secret military shit that govs dont want you to know about.

The only nation not openly studying this is america. Everyone else is forth coming with stories, experiences and info.
What would be the point in them doing this?

Most of this is all Military andd I dont trust anything said by FOX news who by far had the most paranoid rantings in all the news stuff.

The OP had vids MOST of which have been explained.
I cant explain all of it, they ought to have an international team of scientists that study this phenomena but then they would be finding out top secret military shit that govs dont want you to know about.

that was my original point in the first post, leading up to some faked contact during the olympics 2012.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
but the crop formations cant be read from the

We had to be technologically advanced enough to get the messege and smart enough to decipher it. A test of sorts maybe?


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
UFO stuff is great because there will always be people that believe it and others that laugh it off.

The way I see it is, even if a UFO mothership landed right on the 50 yard line of the Super Bowl, people STILL wouldn't believe it. Aliens could come out and be like "sup" and people STILL would think it's a conspiracy.

To think that they're not in our skies, ok fine ya. But the questions should be why are they visiting us? Or why are they not visiting us?

Plenty of people have seen weird shit in the skies, including myself. What about when a bunch of people in Texas that saw this massive ship moving slowly across the sky? They said it was the size of a football field. And if weird lights in the sky are not UFO's, then what are they? You're saying the government is behind all that? Sure, I can see them faking something to further their secret agenda, but they can't possibly be behind all these things in the sky!
UFO stuff is great because there will always be people that believe it and others that laugh it off.

The way I see it is, even if a UFO mothership landed right on the 50 yard line of the Super Bowl, people STILL wouldn't believe it. Aliens could come out and be like "sup" and people STILL would think it's a conspiracy.

To think that they're not in our skies, ok fine ya. But the questions should be why are they visiting us? Or why are they not visiting us?

Plenty of people have seen weird shit in the skies, including myself. What about when a bunch of people in Texas that saw this massive ship moving slowly across the sky? They said it was the size of a football field. And if weird lights in the sky are not UFO's, then what are they? You're saying the government is behind all that? Sure, I can see them faking something to further their secret agenda, but they can't possibly be behind all these things in the sky!

5% of ufos just cannot be explained. By any means. The other 95% can be explained away as aircraft, swamp gas, natural phenomena, meteors etc etc, but there is still 5% that remain a complete mystery.

@2G - my point exactly!

I was hoping you could tell me who they were for. We have aircraft now that can easily see crop circles.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Yeah well whatever message they are trying to give us hasn't kicked in You would think that something more advanced than us wouldn't have any problem getting a message across. Thats like saying the aliens are doing all this in vain. Not very efficient right?
Yeah well whatever message they are trying to give us hasn't kicked in You would think that something more advanced than us wouldn't have any problem getting a message across. Thats like saying the aliens are doing all this in vain. Not very efficient right?

Maybe they dont want to interfere with their creation, if we are so advanced ourselves, why are we killing each other for oil, for money, why are we so materialistic and easily led by fashion, often at the expense of others to produce such fashion, including slave labour and unsafe manufacturing in the third world and india and china. Gap and Nike have been proven to use slave labour in the past.
If we are so "civilised" why are there so many wars raging right now?
When you come across an anthill do you walk up to it and introduce yourself to the ants, do you try and communicate with them?
Of course not because they cannot comprehend. Well we are the ants when it comes to civilisations that are billions of years older than ours.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Yeah well whatever message they are trying to give us hasn't kicked in You would think that something more advanced than us wouldn't have any problem getting a message across. Thats like saying the aliens are doing all this in vain. Not very efficient right?

I guess a better way would be to shot a sex tape w/lilwayne and kim kardashian with advertisement?

If its real, I think its for those ready for contact. Or maybe its a test to see how we react? If we cant turn our attention from PS3s and Gucci they dont expose the universes secrets


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
There's nothing logical about aliens visiting our planet for any reason. Humans do things like this in general, kinda like a ghost, or a loch ness monster or a bigfoot. They all have one thing in real proof that they exist. Yeah we can blame Area 51, or a gov't conspiracy to hide it... but we are smarter now, I even heard (the rapper) Jim Jones say he had to "dumb it down"...imagine that!

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