Leaving n stuff.

well not LEAVE leave, but I'm taking a break from everything internet related for a few months to focus on lifey stuff sometime in this week. even my collabs. I think mahly is gonna be #1 when I come back. and uhhhhhh yeah. not much to say tbh. just a heads up. good luck n shit.


Big Clit Energy
I was told by @Iron Keys I need to digital detox, thing is I ain't addicted, just addicted to the ILL as it's my safe space.

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 566
I was told by @Iron Keys I need to digital detox, thing is I ain't addicted, just addicted to the ILL as it's my safe space.

ill is a healthy addiction. I just think you engage in too much thought over things. As opposed to maybe just doing the things.

This overthinking/overtalking about the things seems to serve more as a vessel for procrastination and not doing the thing.

(so you, OGBama. Should stop talking/thinking, and just make beats. 10% talking 90% making 0% excuses. Just make them and post them on ill.)

For the pair of ya... (for separate reasons)



Big Clit Energy
Thanks @Iron Keys and Alan Watts was that dude.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
well not LEAVE leave, but I'm taking a break from everything internet related for a few months to focus on lifey stuff sometime in this week. even my collabs. I think mahly is gonna be #1 when I come back. and uhhhhhh yeah. not much to say tbh. just a heads up. good luck n shit.
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