Trayvon Martin

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Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I am quite surprised that this wasn't mentioned here earlier... Maybe because it's a sensitive subject...

What I do like about this place is that we are very objective in our views and can see both sides of the coin on almost every issue..

The incident literally occurred about 5 miles from my house.... It's been crazy out here..... Dudes wearing pictures of Zimmerman with the words "Pussy Ass Cracker" on the shirt.

I thought Hispanics weren't considered crackers....

The problem I have is Casey Anthony all over again....The court of public opinion is ridiculous and the race emphasis is getting ridiculous and making this worse that it is.

The New Black Panther Party has put a bounty on George Zimmerman.......really?

Zimmerman will face trial facing 2nd degree murder charges. Now unless they have some awesome evidence that the public hasn't been presented yet, I don't see a conviction...Too much doubt in the case.

What is lost in all the fiasco is that a 17 year old boy is dead. His future, gone... I'm saddened that a young man was killed...I'm always saddened when something like this happens, regardless of the color of the person's skin...because the best days of my life were after high school.. and these kids would never get that chance.

I personally think that he will walk. I also think that the special prosecutor took the case (barring explicit evidence enough to convict Zimmerman) for the media pressure, afraid of what may occur if Zimmerman would not have been formerly charge with anything. I think she also feared for her family as well.

I live in a neighboring city, Lake Mary....a mostly affluent, mostly white community, rated one of the best cities to live in the US. I could only imagine what would occur if race riots proceeded and how it would spill into this city....We saw what happened with Rodney King, but I think people thought about that and Prosecutor Corey was given a pass to take an L. But like I said....barring explicit evidence that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman initiated the confrontation and was not attacked from behind as he claims, the dude is going to walk..

There's a lot of racial tension out here in Central Florida right now, and it's ridiculous....we are made of 99.99% of the same DNA....We are of the human race...

I hope that this man receives his fair trial, for his sake. However I highly doubt that.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
I didnt see ILL as the best forum for this discussion, but since you brought it up...

I thought Hispanics weren't considered crackers....

He looks white enough (He's White and Peruvian I believe is the specifics), to blacks and whites, that'd be considered white. Remember, there are blacks that look completely white and are treated as such until discovered to be otherwise.

The New Black Panther Party has put a bounty on George Zimmerman.......really?

Its a bounty for his capture/arrest, and they have no affiliation with the OG BPP. The OG actually denounced them and their conduct in the past.

A lil overboard, yes, but he did need to be arrested, even if its a citizens arrest. The police had a history of sloppy work, and he already had a history of 1) eagerness/fear and 2) violence. I fear what the "new" BPP would actually do to him, but he cant be roaming free (He was rouge, chased and murdered an innocent kid, Ex lawyers questioned his mental health and STILL carried a legal permit to carry a concealed FIREARM, get him the f*ck off the streets).

Zimmerman will face trial facing 2nd degree murder charges. Now unless they have some awesome evidence that the public hasn't been presented yet, I don't see a conviction...Too much doubt in the case.

Whats bigger than the doubt is the fact that it will be a jury of his peers. Fla has many many "sypathizers" with Zimmerman. THATS what will get him off.

I personally think that he will walk. I also think that the special prosecutor took the case (barring explicit evidence enough to convict Zimmerman) for the media pressure, afraid of what may occur if Zimmerman would not have been formerly charge with anything. I think she also feared for her family as well.


I hope that this man receives his fair trial, for his sake. However I highly doubt that.

"These assholes always get away"

Theres enough evidence to prove he was the aggressor with a history of violence (both domestic, and on the police themselves), and shot/killed a kid. The govner said "Stand your ground" doesnt apply, the call logs show his state of mind, and his lawyers questioned his sanity (They also arent held to any client-privileged barring them from testifying as far as I understand). If he doesnt get convicted of 2nddegree murder (Non premeditated, but murder with intent and no regard for human life; Floridas definition, paraphrased) he wont be walking this country free for too long.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
It's true, I didn't even realize we hadn't discussed it yet.

I haven't been following it much but now I see he's being charged. From what I understand, he basically felt threatened because he had a hood on and shot him.

What's disturbing is that only now are they pressing charges. Why didn't they press charges right after this happened? I bet you anything if it hadn't been for the public outrage, he would never had been charged because of that Florida law where you can shoot someone in the face because you feel threatened.

Anyway, I don't think they should charge him at all. Instead, just drop him off in Treyvon's neighbourhood.


Sound Tight Productions
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 201
I agree with you sucio I think he'll get off as well. Some of the comments on other blogs I've read have been crazy. Martin was no thug, Zimmerman was no thug, but he made an extremly bad desision and he knows he f**ked up big time.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Black extremist and their followers will go ape sh!t if this dude walks. It's at a point where he can't walk free now and remain in the US, fair trail or not. If he does walk, they will have to give him a new identity and get him and his family far, far, away. He can't go to prison either, that's a death sentence as well.

My prediction - Zimmerman will be convicted of a lesser crime and then he'll disappear. The Police dept that didn't arrest him will be highly scrutinized and a few cops will lose their jobs/or get reprimanded. The media will blow this up so that it takes some pressure and focus off of Zimmerman. Someone from Obama's camp will quietly get involved with the extremist and settle the debt from a governmental standpoint. One of our black leaders will then attempt to settle up with the people but somebody is still gonna act stupid.


Formally Finnigan
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
i think where everybody is going wrong is by making it a race issue. if we took race out of it, and looked at it for what it was (an unstable dude with a gun, murdering an unarmed kid) they would have a lot better chance at a conviction. you can't really prove racism in a court of law, so just leave it out all together. argue the facts that are there.

all that being said, i think he'll walk, turn up dead. his killer will be captured and charged within 24 hours of his capture.


Sound Tight Productions
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 201
i think where everybody is going wrong is by making it a race issue. if we took race out of it, and looked at it for what it was (an unstable dude with a gun, murdering an unarmed kid) they would have a lot better chance at a conviction. you can't really prove racism in a court of law, so just leave it out all together. argue the facts that are there.

Your right, when people hear "race related" or "race" common sense goes out the window and people just disagree out of spite.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
My hard as it is to fine jobs these days, people will bend a little easier than the past...BUT, I couldn't imagine working at a place where nothing but Klan members work...that in mind, I don't think race was the issue here at all in this case. If dude was so racist that it would lead to him taking a life, I personally don't believe that he would have been there in the first place. I believe there was a confrontation, it got out of hand, and Zim over-reacted. The race card probably wasn't pulled until the cops came, found a dead black youth and left without so much as detaining Zim. Thats the real problem here.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Man listen. This wasn't about race. This was about one man that wanted to kill someone badly. It just happens he killed a black child. CHILD. On that note, the mainstream media has been feeding us the race thing because that is part of "the plan". Keep the slaves arguing/fighting with each other so they don't see the bigger picture on no matter what color you are, if you don't have green, you ain't shit. Black vs White, Repub vs Dems,,,it's all cleverly crafted. While we argue over race we forget as Sucio mentioned, we are all human. Zimmerman will get off, he will move to Peru, and there will be rioting in the streets,,,and what will happen? Justified police brutality. Everything is going just how it was designed to go.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Meh I think it all goees down to the 911 call "Sir do NOT pursue him".

Then he does then he shoots the kid.
Honestly I dont care if Trayvon hit him or not, I mean tell me if yall were being followed by a dude who then pulls a gun you wouldnt try and save yourself by attacking him.

But regardless, to me, its open and shut and all on the 911 call.
What happened after that falls on Zimmerman, he had zero right to stalk down a person then claim self defense when he murders that person.

To me race doesnt enter into it but Im sure its miserable being literally right in the middle of it down there.

Now excuse me while I go smacka cracka.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
You better believe they are making plans right now on either scenario when the decision of the court comes. I wouldn't doubt it if the National Guard and cops from everywhere will be in the streets armed with their riot gear, tear gas, and plastic tie wraps, waiting. There will be beefed up security nationwide on this one.

EDIT: My sympathy goes to the parents of Trayvon, as a parent myself, I know their pain runs deep and NO decision will replace their loss.



Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Meh I think it all goees down to the 911 call "Sir do NOT pursue him".

#1 a 911 dispatcher is not of any authority..

#2 the dispatcher said "you don't need to do that"

Here's where the doubt lays... He did follow the kid after he ran. That's what we do know.

Now from the time he hung up the phone, to the time he was shot is what is in question. An eyewitness says that zimmerman was laying on the ground and the "child" was beating his ass. Ok. Now...Zim's story states that since he couldn't find the kid, he went back to his car and was attacked from behind. Now if that's what happened....Stand your ground is in Zimmerman's favor...that minute or two after the 911 call is the problem here...they can discredit the dude all they want......the defense will do the same about Trayvon, who was in Sanford because a 10 day school suspension. Now there are also reports (not sure if these reports are true) of him being caught with drugs in his bag and a ton of women's jewelry, also got into trouble for vandalism)... Now if these are all true...the defense will use that to say that Trayvon was a gangsta wannabe.... I mean shit...they'll attack his twitter name "No_Limit_Nigga"....And how days before he was killed, his friend tweets him about Trayvon "swinging on the bus driver" This case is going to have a lot of mudslinging.....

At the end, from what was presented.....there's just too much doubt.


superpimp trillionaire
Battle Points: 11
I,m sorry I always thought that a 911 operator was an officer of the law.
And in the cases where operators are not sworn officers they represent the police.
Being a criminal justice student, zimm should have known not to follow trayvon.
Hindsight is 20/20, but I don't need hindsight to know the differencebetween a police issue and something I need to handle myself.
I am not against zimmerman, I am agaisnt his poor jusgement while in possession of a firearm.
Trayvon is dead now, but If trayvon was the guy zimm thought he was, it might have been even worse zimm could be dead and now an armed thug is roaming the frightened neighborhood.

Trayvon was wandering aimlessly? Thats what teenagers do, I do that when I'm on the phone, in fact, I don't know too many people that don't move around aimlessly while on the phone...
Idk, I don't want to start an argument please...
There are already enough out there, but it's pretty cut and dried from my limited view.
He disobeyed.
Even if the operator was just an operator that person was in a higher position of authority as a rep of the agency, than zimmerman and had he stayed his ass in his car tray would still be alive....


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
#1 a 911 dispatcher is not of any authority..

#2 the dispatcher said "you don't need to do that"


Uhhh 911 operators kinda are an authority, they are your link to the cops.
That would be like telling me right outside a courtroom fuck me cracka that Im not a judge I dont have any authority to hold you you contempt.
While in the immediate moment you may be right in the next couple of minutes Im going to have your ass thrown in jail because basically thats how close I am with the actual autority.

As far as Im concerned "you dont need to do that", is "dont do that"... BUT he wanted to shoot someone so he did.

I absolutely agree that there is going to be alot of mud slinging and probabaly riots and more deaths before its all over.

Because people are stupid. And yes I know I too am "a people".


Battle Points: 10
Being killed & dying lead to the same thing, or do they?

If I walk outside tonight & kill someone who I deemed suspicious after being told not to follow them by a 911 operator there is a 99.99999999% chance that I'll be arrested tonight moments after the cops arrive on the seen. What makes this Zimmerman guy so different than me? This is Racial! If someone believes that its not they are probably too privileged to see past they're utopian lifestyle, or just blind to the reality that racism has never stopped existing, never slowed down, and has always been used as a major component in the division of different races for a myriad of reasons. I don't know what happened the night Trayvon was murdered but I do know of 2 people who do, One is dead, and the other took the logically flawed humanistic approach of saying I feared for my life. Had yo bitch ass not followed that kid you may have never had anything to fear that night. Fear sometimes is worse than courage, because at least doing something courageous is "sometimes" done with the intent of standing in front of what you've done. Fear on the other hand is something you can "sometimes" hide behind when your actions didn't have the best possible outcome. #fuckzimmermansbitchmurderinass!!!! The thoughts, views, & opinions expressed here are those of Nobody Else. You don't have to like them, just remember that you have the right to freely express your own.


superpimp trillionaire
Battle Points: 11
I agree with your thoughts they are my own, but in the interest of handling this issue I think we can do major damage to the problem even without involving race.
Is it racial? What isn't?
Especially when so many opinions are involved...
The point is we need to focus on real goals.
One if the police say stand your ground is the reason he was not arrested, maybe we need to examine that law.