Very Interesting. William Cooper Talk.

I just watched this, its very interesting. Especially with regards to my other thread about ufos.
William Cooper, author of "Behold A Pale Horse", was killed on Nov 5th 2001(a bit like Guy Fawkes eh?, remember remember the 5th of November) after speaking out about federal involvement in 911.
Here he talks about alien contact, moon and mars bases as well as the CIA drugging of America, which was started by none other than George Bush. Like he says at the end, you can belive it or not, thats up to you, hes just putting it out there, like im doing now.



Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
2Good, I don't understand how you or anyone else could sit and listen to this guy. There's soooo much thats logically wrong with his statements that its all but unbearable to try to absorb...i.e."the many crash sites of ufo's" and "they ran off of a clean nuclear reactor the size of a large football or small basketball that appeared to use water for fuel". Isn't the contrast of those 2 statements alone enough to make you say "somebody is full of ish"? In other words...the aliens have the technology to create and use clean nuclear power...and...use water for fuel...but they can't fly worth a damn because of the "many crash sites".

Believe in ufo's or not... this video makes NO sense! What would be the aliens purpose? If it's observation then surely it takes more technology to power and fuel their ships than it does to view our planet far enough away that crashing wouldn't be an option. If making contact is their purpose, then once again...even those of you that believe in aliens have gotta see that they are extremely inefficient at something that an infant alien should be able to accomplish alone. No?
2Good, I don't understand how you or anyone else could sit and listen to this guy. There's soooo much thats logically wrong with his statements that its all but unbearable to try to absorb...i.e."the many crash sites of ufo's" and "they ran off of a clean nuclear reactor the size of a large football or small basketball that appeared to use water for fuel". Isn't the contrast of those 2 statements alone enough to make you say "somebody is full of ish"? In other words...the aliens have the technology to create and use clean nuclear power...and...use water for fuel...but they can't fly worth a damn because of the "many crash sites".

Believe in ufo's or not... this video makes NO sense! What would be the aliens purpose? If it's observation then surely it takes more technology to power and fuel their ships than it does to view our planet far enough away that crashing wouldn't be an option. If making contact is their purpose, then once again...even those of you that believe in aliens have gotta see that they are extremely inefficient at something that an infant alien should be able to accomplish alone. No?

Im not saying any of it is right or wrong, Im not saying I believe it, I just said it was interesting, and that I was sharing it for you to make up your own minds, you have and so thats all you can do. Im not trying to prove or disprove any of it. Like I said, I dont know what to believe anymore. Some of things he said made me think what a load of bollocks, like wobbles in the moon. Or being able to breathe in a vaccuum. But then other things make me think otherwise, like the rapid advancement of human technology in the last 50 years, compared to the previous thousands of years.

As for crashing alien craft, I have seen nasa footage of ufos being shot at from earth with weapons I have never seen before, he claimed they were brought down by radar, I raised my eyebrow at that, obviously. How radio waves can bring down a UFO im not sure. But then the UK hacker that the USA wants to extradite from here claimed the information he hacked was about non terrestrial soldiers, if they are non terrestrial then where the fuck are they, and if its all bollocks why does the USA want to extradite him so badly and have threated him with life imprisonment. Just look up the Rendlesham forest incident in the UK, you cannot question the integrity of the people involved, they were US servicemen, some high ranking. Along with other official reports of ufo activity, its not just the realm of nutjobs and the tin hat brigade.
After looking at all the religious cults from different interpretations of just Christianity like the Jesuits, the Mormons the Jehovas witness, branch dividians etc etc etc etc, I could say that was the realm of nutjobs, but I know better than to tar them all with the same brush.

And Cooper wasnt lying about this.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Yeah I know you're not trying to change anyones beliefs and all that...I'm just saying... No story is gonna be ALL lies or it would be discredited on the spot. So there has to be a substantial amount of truth in it to make it convincing. This dude is trying to sell this story but after listening to him for 10 minutes...he lost all of my


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
I cant ask this question enuff, why did NASA close it's program? the whole issue with money needing to focused on other things just dont add up to me. IJS

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
I cant ask this question enuff, why did NASA close it's program? the whole issue with money needing to focused on other things just dont add up to me. IJS

Space exploration will become commercial. Think about it,,,can't have the government as the competition. Just like health care.

Going back to UFO belief, you need to take it with a grain of salt, just like anything else. Are we the only ones, I don't know, but I like to use critical thinking so I will say probably not. We have technology that apes do not understand, yet we make mistakes with them as well. We crash cars, cause nuclear reactors to explode, so to say a UFO crash should be near impossible because of their technology doesn't make sense to me. Michio Kaku (Physicist) breaks down how they would work in reality and it would be a manipulation of gravity and magnetic waves. By manipulating gravity they almost would slide instead of "fly".With that being said, the constant change of the magnetic field, crashing could be plausible, but now we are talking scenarios of something we have no proof of. I think its good to have an alternative way of thinking instead of believing what you have been force fed by your parents and TV.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
lmao... I think you missed the point. Once again, they can figure out how to make clean nuclear fusion but cant figure out gravity and magnetic fields...granted, humans don't know everything (which works both ways - in our favor and against us, thus making a lot of room for debate, discussions, motives and so on...) BUT how many times does it take to burn your hand before you understand the consequences of putting it in fire? We're not talking about one, two or even three crashes, we're talking about multiple crashes (per se). At some point you either have to change your approach or be viewed as a "special" case. I mean even cavemen had to rely on common sense to evolve.

In conclusion...belief is an option, its a choice based off of knowledge or lack of...yes alot of people are influenced by how they were raised and what they were taught, but thats only a fraction of the truth, others change their perspective when they learn that what they were taught was wrong, and the scenario's go on and on...but all roads lead to what? - a choice.
In conclusion...belief is an option, its a choice based off of knowledge or lack of


This is why I dont follow organized religion. Or take any religious text for its literal meaning. Science has debunked a lot of things religion claims. This doesnt affect my ability to believe in a supreme creator of the universe because the big bang theory doesnt stand up in my eyes, "nothing" in a matterless and timeless universe simply cannot explode without a catalyst. Preceeding matter, there must have been some sort of conciousness or energy that was immateriable that possibly through exploding became or created material and created the physical universe. What with what the subatomic theorists are saying now, that atoms are full of empty space, "as above so below" like a solar system full of empty space, our physical universe is made of these empty atoms, creating the illusion of physical reality. Leading to the theory of us already being energy beings just percieving this reality as physical. Brings the whole thing full circle back to the beginning, is the universe "real".


ill o.g.
2good you ever peep that Granada Forum with Dr. Deagle ( deegle? ) google it if u havent...he goes into more depth about all the stuff billy was talkin about

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
lmao... I think you missed the point. Once again, they can figure out how to make clean nuclear fusion but cant figure out gravity and magnetic fields...granted, humans don't know everything (which works both ways - in our favor and against us, thus making a lot of room for debate, discussions, motives and so on...) BUT how many times does it take to burn your hand before you understand the consequences of putting it in fire? We're not talking about one, two or even three crashes, we're talking about multiple crashes (per se).

Why couldn't one be able to master nuclear fusion yet have an issue with magnetic fields. Shit, humans still have no idea what electricity is, yet we still harness, na mean? I don't believe nor discredit what Cooper is sayin because simply, I don't know what the truth is. I like what u said about belief, thats some real ish.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Food for thought... Lets start with the definitions...

Science - 1. The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

Faith - 1. Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
2. Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

Religion is based on one single act... an act of faith. In religion, a mans faith can move a mountain, in science, it's impossible. To feel that science can discredit religion is to believe that a mans "proof" is greater than mans "faith". Science can prove why and how a tree grows, but it has no answers to where the tree originally came from. Religion does, it not only tells you where it came from, it tells you who made it, when they made it, and why they made it. Here's where it gets deep...Look at what a tree sustains life, no trees, no life... Science agrees no trees, no life... Imagine that!


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Yo, Dac, this was the point you were making in your last post right?

Yeah I know you're not trying to change anyones beliefs and all that...I'm just saying... No story is gonna be ALL lies or it would be discredited on the spot. So there has to be a substantial amount of truth in it to make it convincing. This dude is trying to sell this story but after listening to him for 10 minutes...he lost all of my


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Why couldn't one be able to master nuclear fusion yet have an issue with magnetic fields. Shit, humans still have no idea what electricity is, yet we still harness, na mean? I don't believe nor discredit what Cooper is sayin because simply, I don't know what the truth is. I like what u said about belief, thats some real ish.

One may be able to master nuclear fusion in the future, it just hasn't been done yet. You should see the precautions taken when dealing with uranium (the fuel used to create a nuclear reaction) it's off the charts! I won't go into details but they contain it in a pool of H2O2 (water thats so pure that it would kill you if you drank they say). The heat thats required to burn uranium and cause the nuclear reaction is some ungodly's basically like playing with a force 10x greater than an atomic bomb.

EDIT: I worked at Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant for 3 years. Oh, and thanks for the complement.
Food for thought... Lets start with the definitions...

Science - 1. The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

Faith - 1. Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
2. Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

Religion is based on one single act... an act of faith. In religion, a mans faith can move a mountain, in science, it's impossible. To feel that science can discredit religion is to believe that a mans "proof" is greater than mans "faith". Science can prove why and how a tree grows, but it has no answers to where the tree originally came from. Religion does, it not only tells you where it came from, it tells you who made it, when they made it, and why they made it. Here's where it gets deep...Look at what a tree sustains life, no trees, no life... Science agrees no trees, no life... Imagine that!

Im just saying that scientific discovery proves some of the claims in the bible to be just fiction."When they made it"- doesnt fit with science, or the fact there was no Noahs great flood. The evidence is just not there to support it. The fossil record does not support creation from a bible perspective. This is not to deny God, because God is bigger than a book made by man. The bible is not the word of god, its a collection of ancient myths and legends used to dominate the minds of man where miltary force cannot. By enforcing the fear of going to hell should you not follow its doctrine. God being all love while at the same time being vengeful and angry, simple contradictions that are plain to see through. The whole reason for this is because organised religion is the work of man, while the universe is the work of god, with evidence to intelligent design through the complexity of all things from the star systems down to the atom and beyond that. At the same time science is an evolving thing never perfect, always being improved as our understanding of the world and universe advances, not stuck in dogma created by the assertions and words of man claiming to be the infallible words of god.
Actually in some respects science does have its dogmas also created by men that have a vested interest in keeping their speciality of science as the accepted science, otherwise their whole careers go down the toilet. You also have science used to manipulate man and science for politics, like global warming being man made with no mention of the increase in solar activity, or the fact that we are coming out of a colder period of the earths cycle so the temperature will only get hotter. All for the purpose of taxing us more and keeping the third world down.
There are many beliefs in the world, scientific and religious, the key problem with all of them is the corrupt people that use and portray them to support their own selfish plans.
I dont understand the tree argument though.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
One may be able to master nuclear fusion in the future, it just hasn't been done yet. You should see the precautions taken when dealing with uranium (the fuel used to create a nuclear reaction) it's off the charts! I won't go into details but they contain it in a pool of H2O2 (water thats so pure that it would kill you if you drank they say). The heat thats required to burn uranium and cause the nuclear reaction is some ungodly's basically like playing with a force 10x greater than an atomic bomb.

EDIT: I worked at Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant for 3 years. Oh, and thanks for the complement.

i thought we were talking about aliens and not humans. lol. my bad


ill o.g.
But then other things make me think otherwise, like the rapid advancement of human technology in the last 50 years, compared to the previous thousands of years.

2good I think we are about 1,000 years behind technologically wise. The death of Archimedes was the reason. If this guy wasnt killed by soilders, his math would have been passed on and or he would have invented more.

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