Chinese-made toxic toys spark mass North America recall


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
WASHINGTON (AFP) - US government authorities on Wednesday recalled 4.2 million units of a toy bead set manufactured in China after warning that it contains a substance that is toxic if ingested.

In addition, nearly 400,000 Chinese-made toys, most of them miniature cars, were recalled for containing unacceptable levels of lead paint in the latest mass recall over safety fears.

Two children slipped into comas after swallowing the Aqua Dot beads, which are manufactured in China and distributed by Spin Master in Toronto, Canada, the Consumer Product Safety Commission warned.

"The coating on the beads that causes the beads to stick to each other when water is added contains a chemical that can turn toxic when many are ingested," it said in a statement of the craft kits sold from April to November.

"Children who swallow the beads can become comatose, develop respiratory depression, or have seizures."

The CPSC did not say what the chemical was.

Earlier Wednesday, Australian officials introduced a nationwide ban on a similar kids' bead set found to release a substance akin to the date-rape drug GHB when swallowed.

Three children were hospitalized after falling unconscious when they ingested the tiny beads on the toy, Bindeez, manufactured in China.

The company behind the product, Moose Enterprise, immediately issued a voluntary recall, saying children's health was of paramount importance. It is also cooperating with officials, it said.

Bindeez has hundreds of beads that can be arranged into a piece of art and sprayed with water to set. The beads are meant to be coated in a non-toxic glue but were found to contain GHB.

The other US recalls applied to 380,000 Pull-Back Action Toy Cars and 7,500 Dragster and Funny Car toys, which were made in China and had surface paint containing excessive levels of lead.

Around 2,600 tin robots, called the Robot 2000, were recalled for excessive lead paint levels. No injuries were reported among the lead paint recalls.


9ine 2o 5ive Live
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 71
yeah, we had to send all kinds of stuff back at my store I work at... I heard the guy that was in charge of the company was killed for the mistake.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
as well he should be...
I say ban China in its entirelty...Except for the women and food.
And the decent movie companies..and the kung fu guys..And the cool cats who live there...
And the culture...And stuff..

co sign. cant live w/o my kungfu flix


ill o.g.
I watch a lot of the disney channel with my daughter and they advertised this thing like crazy. I was about to get this for her next paycheck.



Fucking Wankers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8
the recall had nothing to do with the chinese factories but rather the western companies who came up with the faulty designs.

Actually you're only partially correct, the toys manufactured by Mattel in China had faulty designs and the CEO even made a public apology to China for besmirching their "good" name.

As for that other shit I wouldn't be surprised if it was the Chinese manufacturers fault or their suppliers. All sorts of dodgy shit goes on in this place when it comes to making money. Yeah there are regulations for manufacture and pretty strict ones but people tend to not pay too much attention to them if it's convenient. If you have good connections or enough money for bribes and compliant officials you can almost get away with anything.

Having said that, I should say that the government is actually cracking down on this sort of thing pretty hard now. Dodgy and dangerous exports such as toys and foodstuffs are making China look bad and are actually affecting business, which is what it all comes down to here.

I don't know about that guy being murdered but there have been some pretty stiff penalties for that sort of shit including the death penalty. Some of you may remember about three years ago someone was manufacturing imitation infant formula, with no nutritional value at all, for the domestic market. A few babies died of malnutrition and the motherfucker responsible did get the death penalty.

Caveat emptor


Fucking Wankers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8
you mean scapegoats get stiff and fatal penalties

Of course, that's the way it goes everywhere not just here.

When I mentioned a crackdown I meant that the government here doesn't want so many dodgy exports getting out as it's starting to cost them money. Of course anyone with the right connections or money isn't gonna cop it. Same as all that Abu Graib, (spelling?), shit that went down, Lindy England the poor ignorant redneck copped it; and the ones who actually gave her the orders got what?

mark my words,,,we will be at war with China by the end of the following year.

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First of all who's "we"? We're not all from your part of the world mate.

I presume you mean the States. If so, I really doubt it. the only reason your country goes to war these days is for profit, (sometimes to take people's attention off domestic issues too), and there's no money to be made off a war with China. Do you realise how much of your economy is tied up in this country? Do your research mate.

Anyway a war with China would be almost impossible to win. they've got a fucking huge army, they're practically geographically impenetrable by land, technology isn't as backward as what you might think either, oh yeah and they got nukes too. I don't see what the advantage would be.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
StressWon; said:
mark my words,,,we will be at war with China by the end of the following year.

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Can we use chinese water torture on you if we arent?

BTW England has gone to war for profit more times than I can count(100 year war?), but most countries do.
People act like there was ever a time when someone wasnt fighting someone else.

Aint no one gonna go to war with China.


Fucking Wankers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8
^War in general is usually for gain of some sort: land, money; water; elections; survival (rarely) etc. I was just referring to the USA in context of what StressWon said.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Well see guys here got so hyped after WWII (prolly one of the few wars that ever was neccessary) that they figured "hey , we should do this all the time!" so there has been war at some level always going on since.
Eisenhour I think it was said "Beware the Military Industrial Complex" no good can come of them or somthing,he knew what it was. Its actually beyond the citizens ability to control here.IMO.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
^War in general is usually for gain of some sort: land, money; water; elections; survival (rarely) etc. I was just referring to the USA in context of what StressWon said.

Yes. I meant us as in the U.S. First off, I do my research. Secondly, you are completely right,,,it would be a war that the U.S. has no chance of winning. We are in one now. Yes, the United States has alot tied up financially in China. Without a doubt. BUT, the way I see it,,China is a threat to the elite in this country and way too many funny things have been goin on wit China. I think the U.S. (in it's sneaky ways) created SARS. This lead paint thing is just fuel to the fire. The U.S. goin to war is a grave mistake, but so is Iraq. Population control.

And Wars are ONLY about money. The things mentioned above are fringe benefits my man. Anyways, welcome to the site man.


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
china owns about 40% of u.s debt slightly below japan (or vice a versa). shit, nuff countries own % of u.s debt. countries in europe, canada and mexico, etc.

china alone can eff up the states economy and make it worse than it is now, but it would hurt them too and japan and others would be pissed about losing money. the world wants is the largest debtor nation to be able to pay back their loan

you should be more wary of russia/putin

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