Anybody here have experience with mental problems?


DJ Nice // Crack City
ill o.g.
Anxiety my best guess ...

Wow some of ya got real deep crazy with it making it seem like
homie is going insane smh ... I can relate to what he said with the coat
ont heir chair and jumping ... Things liket hat happen to me sometimes
and it's usually when im thinking to much (stress/anxiety) and headaches.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
also make sure there are no fumes leaking into your car or room.

I had a gas can in my car the day after i had to use it and there was still al ittle left...blurry vision, agitation, jumpiness, nausea...
maybe something to think about...

Dam dude! lol. How long were u in the car for it to effect u like that?
Have you been taking SSRI anti depressants?
If you have and not been taking them for long then please stop.
I have to say see a specialist, not just a GP, they just give out meds like candy.
It could actually be something serious, and them serious cases are best found early.
I aint trying to scare you, but all you know it could be some brain tumor.
Get that shit checked out properly, its better safe than sorry.
Under no circumstances take anti depressants, they make things worse and you become dependant on them.
Their side effects can be a lot worse than the illness.
I wish you good luck, hopefully its nothing. But you never know.


ill o.g.
Straight up man, I've dealt with anxiety myself. My grandfather passed away the May before last. Last august I totaled my car. In January I found out my girlfriend of a year was cheating on me with my best friend..they took ecstasy and had sex on a beach vacation then they lied to be about it only for me to figure it out through the grapevine...

These traumatic events have damaged my threshold for dealing with disappointment, and according to my therapist and father (who also dealt with this himself) these events over time can cause you to become anxious. The possibilities I think are/could be:

1) Lack of sleep
2) A dire need of a vacation
3) a dark secret that you cant tell anyone
4) traumatic events which are triggering your later anxiety
5) having a deadline with coming up with music
6) not enough play
7) eating habits
8) blood pressure

It really could be anything... I'd suggest eating very healthy for a week, walking an hour a day, getting 1-2 hours more sleep, and then try medicine from there. The worst possible thing would be taking medicine for a problem you might be able to solve on your own..but good luck man I hope things get better for you


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
1) Lack of sleep
2) A dire need of a vacation
3) a dark secret that you cant tell anyone
4) traumatic events which are triggering your later anxiety
5) having a deadline with coming up with music
6) not enough play
7) eating habits
8) blood pressure

These things are the most important, but seriously dont read all the topics above it will only increase anxiety. Note watching tv or beging online in front of a computer will only help to increase your lack of sleep. The body gets the signal from tv/computerscreen that it is light and that you dont need to sleep. So put out the digital shit and read a book and fall asleep.
Best thing anyways is to check in with docter or at the hospital with your complaints and keep on doing so untill you are allright.
Cause these internetdoctors will only drive you crazy although they intend welll. You will be even worying more. Get professional help.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
another thing could be a high dose of an electron magnetic field. If you have anything like power lines running thru the walls or floors giving off a high reading, this can definitely simulate depression. Like mentioned before, drink lots of water and eat some healthy foods, ya body can also be telling you something. I've dealt with depression before, antidepressants and the whole nine. But the antidepressants aren't good for you and I truly believe they make the issue worse. I quit them after they had me sobbing like a child one night. lol


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
another thing could be a high dose of an electron magnetic field. If you have anything like power lines running thru the walls or floors giving off a high reading, this can definitely simulate depression. Like mentioned before, drink lots of water and eat some healthy foods, ya body can also be telling you something. I've dealt with depression before, antidepressants and the whole nine. But the antidepressants aren't good for you and I truly believe they make the issue worse. I quit them after they had me sobbing like a child one night. lol
I only thought krypton would do that you....

Cell 2Dee

Bloody Fingers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 110
1) Lack of sleep
2) A dire need of a vacation
3) a dark secret that you cant tell anyone
4) traumatic events which are triggering your later anxiety
5) having a deadline with coming up with music
6) not enough play
7) eating habits
8) blood pressure

1) It's hard getting to sleep, usually don't get to sleep till 2 or 3, then up at 8ish
2) Have never been on vacation
3) I'm gay. LMAO. Nah, I don't have any dark secrets.
4) I'm not sure what these could be, my dad was an alcoholic and would always, ALWAYS, favour my little brother over me and my sister, he wouldn't even try to cover it up. But I don't know if that would be a traumatic event. There was a couple times though where me and my bro would be fighting, and I'd say something to my bro and my dad would hear it, then he'd come out and scream at you drunk. Once he even pinned me up against the wall and was screaming at me, my mum was yelling at him to get off but he wouldn't listen. I know that ain't as bad as some people you hear about getting beaten, but when you're 12 it kinda scares you.
5) No deadlines
6) Sometimes I guess, but most the time I'm ok with my spare time.
7) Since Christmas time I've been eating shit food
8) Had my blood pressure checked last week, and the blood tests came back clear.

The pills he gave me are called Amitriptyline. I went to see him today and told him everything, and he's told me to double my dosage and see how I get on, if there's any problems then I've gotta get at him ASAP. Also got another appointment to see him this Friday. He seemed concerned today, which isn't a good sign. My boss ain't helping things, he keeps moaning about the time off I'm having, but I can't fucking help being ill. He doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself, and he doesn't trust anybody, shit, even his own wife. I was ranting about him to my girl earlier saying about how he doesn't understand when it's anybody but himself, and it's cool for him to have time off but nobody else is allowed to, and at the risk of sounding faggy, I was tearing up cuz I felt that frustrated and angry.

Anyways, I'll keep taking these pills for a couple days and see how I stand with them.

Cell 2Dee

Bloody Fingers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 110
We all suspected it... lol Jk. Just get out and do something different in your life. Get off the meds.

Hahaha fuck you.

I have been thinking for a couple months now about doing something different. I've started ringing round football (REAL football, not American) teams seeing if they need new players, cuz I haven't played since I was about 14 and I used to love the game. I want to start taking the music seriously too, and I want to learn as much as I can about the business so I can eventually break into the game, and/or start my own small label. So I am working towards doing something other than the norm, I just need the dedication.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Look you live in England , and though I love the english women and muffins its depressing as hell there I hear, come visit Disney World in Florida!!!
All expenses paid by Fade! That will help anyone, I believe its a work law there that if a guest cannot be made to be happy then the worker must kill themselves, away from the guest of course.
Take a vacation tho, thats gotta help. If meds help cool, I try to use that as a last resort, fuckers had me on prosac once and I thought that the best logo for them should be a smiley face with a bullet hole in its head! lol

Cell 2Dee

Bloody Fingers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 110
Look you live in England , and though I love the english women and muffins its depressing as hell there I hear, come visit Disney World in Florida!!!
All expenses paid by Fade! That will help anyone, I believe its a work law there that if a guest cannot be made to be happy then the worker must kill themselves, away from the guest of course.
Take a vacation tho, thats gotta help. If meds help cool, I try to use that as a last resort, fuckers had me on prosac once and I thought that the best logo for them should be a smiley face with a bullet hole in its head! lol

It can be depressing, you're not wrong. I will be visiting Disney World in about 3 or 4 years with my little one, so that he's old enough to understand where we are taking him. I've been off work for 2 weeks and counting, I guess that somehow counts as a vacation haha.


Comes Equipped...
ill o.g.

"Commons side effects of using amitriptyline are dry mouth, loss of appetite, drowsiness, muscle stiffness, nausea, constipation, nervousness, dizziness, blurred vision and insomnia." these are the more common side effects...

"Some rare side effects include tinnitus, hypotension, mania, psychosis, anticholinergic effects, heart block, arrhythmias, lip and mouth ulcers, extrapyramidal symptoms, depression, and hepatic toxicity." those are the rarer side effects for that drug he's prescribed you...

Dude I'd almost certaintly say that he's prescribing you the wrong meds (FOR YOU). That drug may work for some people, however, apparently your body doesn't like it... at all.

If you are really having migraines (I've had 'em so bad I cannot even see; my vision is like "snow" on a dead tv-channel), you could try figuring out what they are from- probably stress.

But I mean, if this doctor is too goddamn stupid to see that you're experiencing extremely uncomfortable side effects, he ought to know better than to "increase your dosage". Is health-care public in England? If so, I'd probably at least consider trying to find another doctor, visiting a "walk-in" clinic, or even going to urgent care (they'll provide you with a solid solution to your problem, though you'll have to probably wait 5 or 6 hours to be seen by anyone).


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Ive been prescribed the generic for Midrin which is out of production now for my migraines and it worked excellent...

If Mag's right with his observation, this def wouldn't be the first time a doctor has prescribed the wrong shit for his patients. Believe that.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Ya seriously Cell2Dee, I wouldn't take that shit if I was you. You could stop taking it and try going to another doctor and get a 2nd opinion, it won't hurt. Maybe this doctor just isn't right for you.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Word, finding the right doctor takes time often.
I had about 3 other doctors before I found the one that I go to now.
Everyone has their own way they practice, some suck, some are awesome - its like anything take your car to a mechanic to get it fixed and he leaves his wrench under your hood causing you to break your timing belt, you go to a different mechanic and he finishes the same work twice as fast and more efficiently without leaving his tools inside your engine compartment! lol. (This happened to me by the way)

I myself prefer a doctor that isnt horribly quick to reach for a med script to fix everything immediately. I believe in a natural way first every time and a med script second if the natural route isnt applicable. Western medicine has gotten so saturated with people just giving you a pill to fix everything that if you dont think twice you'll end up putting so many various chemical in your body its got to have negative results in the end. Our bodies werent made to consume that shit in the first place.

Cell 2Dee

Bloody Fingers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 110
Don't get it twisted though, this doctor is the best one at the surgery. I've been with him my whole life and it's hard as hell to get an appointment with him. He's got an MBE and owns the surgery he works in too, so he knows what he's talking about. He did seem concerned today, I don't know if that's because I'm beginning to develop side effects from taking these. I'm gonna continue the pills, even if it's just for a day or two, as I'm taking only 20mg daily. Hopefully it helps with the pain in my head, and maybe my body just needs to get used to having a new chemical flowing through it?


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
It can be depressing, you're not wrong. I will be visiting Disney World in about 3 or 4 years with my little one, so that he's old enough to understand where we are taking him. I've been off work for 2 weeks and counting, I guess that somehow counts as a vacation haha.

lol, which reminds me that when I went to Disney last (8 years or so ago) we were at a resort and there were some of us families in a large ass hot tub at the resort we were staying and one of the fams was from London, so I said " Oh I always wanted to go there!" to which they replied "Why the hell would you want to go there??" lol
That was my first lesson in how dreary it is ! lol
I like that shit though and still wanna go. Think I'll camp on the cheery moors!

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