Vst plugins

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
I was wondering if someone can post good Reverb and Delay VSTs. I was sorta lookin for that Lil Wayne No Ceilings type Delay but my delay VST is sorta whack. I cant set it up so can someone post some good vocal effect VSTs or suggest some good some setups. Thanx in advance.

Also in Adobe Audition I cant properly remove the background noise. Any suggestions?


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
You can use the Fruity Reverb/Delay VST, just tweak it....

WAVES has some good VST for reverb/delay...just look for those...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
The main thing thats annoying is that in Audacity its like a hit and miss type tweaking process. ITS SO ANNOYING!!! but Adobe Audition doesnt have a good noise removal. So um sort of stuck behind a rock and a hard place. On top of that Fruity Reverb dont work with Audacity. Any help would be deeply appreciated.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Reverb: CSR reverb, and (theres another but gotta find it) Delay: 3d delay
also you can hit up kvraudio.com


ill o.g.
The main thing thats annoying is that in Audacity its like a hit and miss type tweaking process. ITS SO ANNOYING!!! but Adobe Audition doesnt have a good noise removal. So um sort of stuck behind a rock and a hard place. On top of that Fruity Reverb dont work with Audacity. Any help would be deeply appreciated.

Try doing your noise reduction in Audacity, then exporting the files out and using them in Audition... might speed up your process a little bit.


Maker of Beats
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 178
Its very hard or sometimes even impossible to remove noise already in the recording (without sacrificing quality). your best bet is to try and minimise it while your recording your vocals. In post production your best bet is to use a gate so the audio is only trigger when you are speaking. Use a gate especially on your adlib tracks because this will prevent the stacking of background noise (which causes an increase in volume).


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
The idea of exporting the file from Audacity to Audition isnt a bad idea at all. It'll make my recording session hell but its still not a bad bakkup plan. I'm still tryna find another way though

And as for removing noise as I record,,,the prolem isnt with environmental noise,,its predominantly with the mic um using. My mic is from my webcam and its built into my laptop (please dont laugh). I have to save up for a real condenser usb mic.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Your not going to be able to clean that up , unfortunately , just like with sounds, some things we cant skimp on, mics being a very important one. Sounds you use are another.
Gonna have to get a decent mic.

yea thanx for the advice,,,um saving every penny i get for one but i jus have to do what i can with what i have feel me