My Introduction

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Battle Points: 2
Hi, my partner found this site and recommended it so here i am.
Im a beatmaker with a lack of confidence when it comes to my music. Ive been making beats on and off as a hobby since 2009 but have only just started taking it seriously over the last 2 years. I do not have alot of people around me who make or understand music production, happy to join the community.
Hi, my partner found this site and recommended it so here i am.
Im a beatmaker with a lack of confidence when it comes to my music. Ive been making beats on and off as a hobby since 2009 but have only just started taking it seriously over the last 2 years. I do not have alot of people around me who make or understand music production, happy to join the community.
Awesome man, welcome. there's a lot of people like you here, especially recently. I'm not sure how to help tho cuz I hardly ever had confidence problems (ask anyone here :D). but I think the showcase and discord feedbacks help with that.


Big Clit Energy
Welcome @Therapy.strumm and where are you from? I feel you when you said you have no one around you who makes or understands music production.