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  1. T

    MPC5000 looks awesome!

    Basically, the MPC5000 is Akai's response to the MV series. Think about it.
  2. T

    Mpc4500 Or Mpc5000 Coming Out This Year?

    , which looks to be a next-gen HR16 and the MPD32, which is their new pad controller.
  3. T

    The New AKAI MPK49, You Gotta See This!

    Have you recieved the MPK49 yet?
  4. T

    Dont sleep on Celtic Samples

    In a little Scottish village, I found a mine of amazing musicians. Someday, I'd like to collaborate with them to do a really interesting style mix.
  5. T

    Phono Pre-Amps

    Portable turntables have built-in phono preamps.
  6. T

    Basic Sampling Setup

    What about the SL-1200 Mk2 can't you DJ with? More deejays use it that just about any other turntable. I'd suggest you look at what real DJs usually have in their labs... most likely a Technics SL-1200 Mk2 Turntable.
  7. T

    Low/Hi Pass Filter on the MasterBus?

    It's 20Hz to 20,000Hz
  8. T

    What's the hands down #1 sampler?

    Agree with the Nederlander
  9. T

    songs with harmonica loops?

  10. T

    MBox + Apogee Mini Me...some suggestions

    That's what he just said...
  11. T


    Can't you get a MIDI breakout box and plug the Yamaha in to use as a controller?
  12. T

    mpc 1000 mmc

    Slave the MPC to Cubase.
  13. T

    songs with harmonica loops?

    Why has no-one mentioned Bridging the Gap by Nas and Olu Dara (his pops)?
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    Chuck D talkin' bout hiphop production

    I didn't know there were cats that didn't like PE.
  15. T

    Should I Get a Turntable or a Keyboard

    My mistake.
  16. T

    Should I Get a Turntable or a Keyboard

    That was a joke homie.
  17. T

    Should I Get a Turntable or a Keyboard

    Oh, I didn't know he already had Reason.
  18. T

    Should I Get a Turntable or a Keyboard

    Umm... what are you going to do, soundwise, with just two MIDI controllers and nothing to control with them?
  19. T

    Timbaland / Jay Z vibin

    I agree, you should relax - you're most definitely NOT the best out there, Fury.
  20. T

    Softwares or hardwares for hiphop producing?

    As a Muslim on these boards, I apologize for my idiotic brethren that made the above post.