Acid Pro 4.0 for production...

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ill o.g.
wsup everyone, just started looking at these forums and it seems like there's alot of people who know their shit, lucky for me being that I don't. lol, anyways I've been using Acid Pro 4.0 for a while, but pretty much just for recording my vocals over other people's beats. But I want to get into some actual production. I know how to use the chopper, but is there a way to make my loops come together more seamlessly or without that "clicking". I mean every now and then I get it, other times it seems like my loops never come together the way I want to. I also have Soundforge 6.0 if anyone thinks that would be better for what I'm trying to do.

Also, I have an old Casio synthesizer with MIDI on it, so I guess I can use that for a midi controller. Is it pretty much as simple as loading a sample into Acid Pro and making melodies from there with my keyboard? And I was thinking about getting an MPC-1000 to use with my Acid setup as well. For those that have it, what kind of "sound" does it give you? I know it's a sampler so you pretty much get what you put in, but I've been told about how certain sampling drum machines give you a certain sound to them. Or would I be better off with a MPD-16? All I know is I want to do my drums with an instrument in real time, because they always sound off when I was doing it with a mouse in Fruity Loops (when it came to matching them to samples).

And I want to hook a turntable up to my PC and record audio from vinyl directly into Acid. I have no idea how. Anyone here can help?

And one more newbie question. What's a good sample cd pack to get? I plan on digging for my own sounds, but I need something to get started quicker. I'm looking basically for some nice, gritty drum samples and nice sound effects. Thanks for all the help in advance.

The Bastard

U Record Yur Turntable The Same Way U Record Yur Vocals Through Yur Soundcards Input,only Way U Can Get Yur Loops To Come Together Is To Chop Em And Stretch Em Better Simple As That ,your Gettin Clicks Cuz You Have Tails Or Heads At The Beginning Or Ending Of Yursamples Make Sure U Cut Those Off Or Fade Em Out Or Whatever . As For The Programming If U Wanna Use Yur Hands To Punch In The Drums I Think U Have The Option To Hook Up The Mpd 16 To Yur Acid And Use It Like That But Dont Take My Word Cuz Ive Never Done It ,if U Have Fruity Loops Then Id Suggest You Put In The Time To Learn Sum Simple Drum Programming,and Im Sure U Can Go To Any Search Engine And Type In ''free Drum Kits'' And Download Sumthin To Get U Started,lasty Just Be Patient And Put Time,read All The Articles The Owner Of This Site Has Put Up They Are There For A Reason


SP1200 manhandler
ill o.g.
When trimming the sample cut it where the sine wave crosses the horizontal line, this prevents clicking. I often record in acid over a beat that I have already started, then I click on EDIT IN SOUNDFORGE for that track and do what I want to it, save it, and when it reopens in acid, bang its ready.


ill o.g.
Acid's pretty terrible for recording and mixing vocals, i must say.

its even overly simplistic for beats a lotta the times... but its the most straightforward, visual program so i guess thats why lots of cats will even record on it... i just sequence my beats with acid 4.0...

for ease of fine tunin samples and that kinda stuff i rely on cool edit pro 2.0... lame name, easy-to-use program made powerful with plug-ins...


ill o.g.
Werd. I just started realy usin acid. Mainly to do remixes. I had about 9 tracks filled with loops acapellas samples etc...

Man was it tedious mixin all that.

Acid needs a dedicated mixin environment foreal.

The best thing about it is the ability of altering the the pitch of individual sections you cut. So you can do ill remixes with mad accapellas mp3s etc....

P.s. When I say loops. I mean my own original loops I make in Reason... No offense to any 1. But puttin a bunch of premade acid loops together is NOT production.... IMHO
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Wings Sayin'

acid pro is probably the best sampling tool around. it has everything a dedicated samplist needs (chopper, beatmapper, great looping tools etc'). if your music is based on samples\loops, then acid is most definitely the tool for you. personally, i ain't using acid to sequence my music (usin' reason for that), but i do use acid's sampling tools. but yea, i also sequence some beats from time to time. ya'll be surprised to know how many people actually use acid to produce\sequence their beats\instrumentals\songs. it's a great tool and i don't think that it's over simplistic. it's all up to the user....


ill o.g.
i still like chopping in a direct wave-editting program like soundforge or cool edit.. i think acid is simplistic because you can't apply effects to the samples while your sampling directly as easily as you could with cool edit.. when i sample, it is rarely JUST a chop, re-arrange then loop job... and thats all acid's sampler is really good for.


SP1200 manhandler
ill o.g.
PRIZM said:
Acid's pretty terrible for recording and mixing vocals, i must say.

Acid is just as good for recording vocals as soundforge is. And with the plug-ins, effects to the samples are a snap. And yes, no one should use the preset sounds in any software.


I use acid and i love it. I fuct with FL and reason but not for long enough to get a good opinion tho, but thats cause acid is just easier and can do everything that both of them do. Can someone explain to me the point of using all of these different programs that all do the same shit? Just curious.


ill o.g.
chris said:
I use acid and i love it. I fuct with FL and reason but not for long enough to get a good opinion tho, but thats cause acid is just easier and can do everything that both of them do. Can someone explain to me the point of using all of these different programs that all do the same shit? Just curious.

well the reason people use a combination of any of them programs is becayse each 1 does something a lil better then the other. Now when you say you use acid im sure you use Vst's and stuff with it . And use acid as a sequencer ? If so then yeah it would almost be the same as using fruity loops in the same way. There all the same in that they all are aequencing programs. But to me acid is more of a loop sequencing program. Where as Fl and Reason are full midi note sequencing programs.

I my self do the beat in reason and use acid to do remixes. (With mp3 accapellas). Its realy good for that. IMHO puttin together loops from loop cd's in acid is not making beats or doing production. Im sure most would agree. Im not saying that's what you do cause I haven't heard your beats yet. But reason is more then a sequencer . It also comes with a gig of sounds and has a virtual rack of equipment.

Also confidence is a good thing to have. Especialy when you know ur beats are fiya. But you seem to realy be going hard. No offense but your coming off as a lil kid who just started production and is real eager for some 1 to hear your beats.

As soon as im able im gonna check out your beats. I hope there as good as ur boastin . But yeah man try reason out . If your into making beats from scratch and playing notes out. And like the feel of a virtual rack of equipment you'll like it.


Also confidence is a good thing to have. Especialy when you know ur beats are fiya. But you seem to realy be going hard. No offense but your coming off as a lil kid who just started production and is real eager for some 1 to hear your beats.

Yea i am a kid who just started production and i am eager for people to hear my shit.(not that nuff people havnt) I love when people listen and cant belive i have only been doing it for less than a year. Its even better when they think i jacked it from someone else cause thats a pretty good compliament. Check out my beats and holla back.\

P.S. I only got 4 on soundclick cause im having trouble uploading them but keep looking out cause the best are yet to come.
Oh and i think the reason i dont like the other programs is cause i dont really know shit about music i just got a good ear for samples and am leaning how to put it all together pretty good. I still got a lot to learm tho.


ill o.g.
chris said:
Yea i am a kid who just started production and i am eager for people to hear my shit.(not that nuff people havnt) I love when people listen and cant belive i have only been doing it for less than a year. Its even better when they think i jacked it from someone else cause thats a pretty good compliament. Check out my beats and holla back.\

P.S. I only got 4 on soundclick cause im having trouble uploading them but keep looking out cause the best are yet to come.
Oh and i think the reason i dont like the other programs is cause i dont really know shit about music i just got a good ear for samples and am leaning how to put it all together pretty good. I still got a lot to learm tho.

Im glad you didn't take my comments the wrong way. My internet is jacked up @ home. So ima check ur joints out this weekend @ my cuz house. Damn I aint hear most of yall beats yet. .... Its good that you can admit that you have things to learn. Even the most seasoned vets on here do. you never stop learnin. And if your young and you got dat fiya keep doing your thing . Yall younger generation have a big advantage yall need to use it like most of you are.

Hey WINGS what did you edit in my post ? I don't see a edit. But it says edited by you on the bottom.

Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
Acid can do anything you need it to do.. you can compose in it Sample.. Edit.. Clock ur WHole studio to it.. Nothing Pitches changes tempo or clocks house better than Acid.. thats the only reason i still have a pc is to run acid