Allure Remix Sample ID?

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ill o.g.
does anybody know what sample just blaze used for this and if you got it could you send it to me some way


ill o.g.
Shyt I love that remix...don't know what the sample is tho. I'm not sure if the "purists" are gonna respond.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
yes i own the record. the record also has the sean price sample "heart burn" on it. and no i wont upload it you gonna have to find the record yourself :) i dont support stealing music especially a group like the independents they are so good.


Blunt604 said:
yes i own the record. the record also has the sean price sample "heart burn" on it. and no i wont upload it you gonna have to find the record yourself :) i dont support stealing music especially a group like the independents they are so good.
so do you support sampling ?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
obviously because i sample. sampling isnt illegal if you clear them. when i profit off my beats i sign a contract saying im not responsible for clearing samples! so there fore it isnt in my hands if the artist chooses not to but i think its wak if they dont


i know all about sample clearance. thats not what i'm getting at. my point is if you support sampling how can you call giving some kid a song stealing? if anything, sampling a song is more of a theft than simply sharing it with someone. when you sample you use someone else's creative efforts for personal gain.


i agree with that as well. i spend ALOT of time searching for and buying records and i do have a slight problem with giving away my hard work unless its someone who i trade with regularly but in the mp3 era i find that too many people just wanna take take take which is why i left bottom line, the independents record is like a $5-10 record. its not that hard to find (especially with that bright ass silver cover) so buy the record.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
yep exactly me too i got alot of records so i dont like giving away what i payed for. Esecially in here where people are just out to sample. i buy soul records not just for sampling i listen to them too. i love soul music more than i love hip hop straight up


yeah, there's a fine line between the two for me as well. in fact i'm now at a point where i can't even listen to half the music i own but its cool because everyday i can experiment with something new. i'm always unearthing something in my collection that i didn't even know i had. that's the beauty of digging.


ill o.g.
so can i get the sample or what lol i have been looking for this sample for a minute have been to different record stores and everything... so can someone just please bless me?


ill o.g.
Damn son!! You begging mighty hard lol. At least DL it off the seek or look for it in iTunes and pay a buck for it...lets see some motivation mayne!