Am I The Only One Who Feels Disconnected From Hip Hop?


Big Clit Energy
I don't make it an age thing as someone who wants to and will, by my inner determination and the grace of God, make the music that I have always felt in my heart and soul (but I will always personally denounce much of what I do not accept in Hip Hop, as the things I do not accept are more about them being a glorification of societal ills), but have had and do have moments where I feel disconnected from Hip Hop. My on and off relationship w/Hip Hop began in the era of the premieres both Yo! MTV Raps and Rap City (the latter I ceased watching enthusiastically around the mid 2000s), which means I came to Hip Hop when it was mainstream.

I've long been fussy since my mid-teens about Hip Hop and not in the surface level sense (the profanity! the lack of music! etc.) that many people have criticized it, as much of the criticism was/is warranted. I didn't have the language to articulate what I felt in my heart and soul about it until I became familiar w/"Black Noise" by Tricia Rose later in my mid-20s and it gave me the depth I now have regarding critiquing Hip Hop.

It fucks w/me as an artist who is doubling as a self taught (but not in a learn everything sense, feel free to inbox me as to what interests me) student of sorts.
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The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
For sure. I feel that disconnect with other things too like movies, tv shows, sports, etc. A lot of things have changed and when it comes to music it's just a completely different world than what I remember.

There's so many things that make today's music different but for me one of the main ones was the hype. Hype for a new album to drop. Hype for a concert coming up. Hype just seeing a promo flyer of one of my favourite artists.


Back to the Grind...
Battle Points: 835
For sure. I feel that disconnect with other things too like movies, tv shows, sports, etc. A lot of things have changed and when it comes to music it's just a completely different world than what I remember.

There's so many things that make today's music different but for me one of the main ones was the hype. Hype for a new album to drop. Hype for a concert coming up. Hype just seeing a promo flyer of one of my favourite artists.

I think this is how u know youre getting old, right? Lol