And I Thought You Were Balling!

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Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
On a serious note, that can be argued...we've progressed on a lot of things but other things, we've gone totally bass-ack-wards!


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304

People still believe these rappers are paid...

and 99% of them are broke.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
LOL, ALL musicians are broke, I like rappers that are on the whole "yo check the talent, I do this cuz I love it". And then they have an ass of cash in the background.

Great vids, I would be the broke looking one with an ass f talent.

The mentality is the whole I WON THE LOTTERY.
You may have, but you need to reinvest it, not piss it away.
This is why indies got bigger.


Mad Beats, No Angry Vegetables
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 10
i kno my 500 grand left from that million wouldn't go to no bs like 100,000 on jewlery. I might cop a dope watch n then get a decent lab setup. N maybe put a hit out (not music)...other then that CD's n savings accs


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I'd buy a nice little house and put a studio in it. invest everything else and pay it all back with my interest during my tenure with the label...


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Dash exaggerated a bit but still...I'd tell them to keep the advance, once signed I'd make my own money. Plus if someone loans you a mil, you better believe it's gonna cost more than that to pay it back, so yeah, keep the advance it's time to build my brand, search for endorsements, hit the road, and start generating my own loot.

Then, the first mil that I make would be my advance, and would get tossed into the stock market and investments. Hell, I might even take that mil and use it as an advance for the next dummy that gets signed =).


Mad Beats, No Angry Vegetables
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 10
doesnt even make sense to me to get signed these days. You can market yourself on the internet for free, and do you really want to owe someone a huge debt and let them own rights to YOUR work? Fuck that ill make them a contract where they can associate my name with their label for 100 grand ;P


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
As a rapper, it makes a lot of sense to's not solely a matter of marketing yourself or being under a contract but more the 'perks' of being signed. Working side by side with some of the top names in the game will be a lot easier if you are affiliated in some way. You'll have the tools to make things happen that weren't possible before.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I remember seeing this story when it aired, it was good at the time but like it was said above, I think (or hope) that everyone's smarter today. Dash is exaggerating but still maybe not - I'm sure some rappers have done that. To say "you have to get yourself a nice car" is insane. Or the jewellery and a massive house.

Today, if you can get a big advance, forget all the materialistic shit, just be smart!


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
what i dont understand is why must music production cost so much? and why do vids hafta be over 100 grand? do u really need that many employess doin something?

also, bein from NYC, when i look at homes from other states, im buggin out how cheap the prices are everywhere else... its like 250-300 grand can get u a nice lil castle compared to out here... if ur not the type to use ur money smart, ur gonna be broke. i be damned if u see me buy a fuckin 100,000 dollar watch and leave myself with pennies... u must be outta ur mind to do dumb stuff like that.

da relic


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
It's supply and we have more supply than demand on land, in NYC there's more demand than supply which means higher prices.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Lol @ 100,000 in jewelry...that's straight retarded....the absolute MOST i'd spend on jewelry is $10,000.......And that's pushing it...

Dudes forget they gotta pay that shit back...lmao..
This thread reminds me of a Jazzy Jeff video, where he says that the night he received his grammy he was flat broke and even cried because of it.
It was a very interesting video.
Personally I think that by choosing to be creative and doing something you love, you will have to be very lucky to make it very profitable.

You can have all the talent in the world, but without the right connections or lucky break, or even business sense, then you are doomed to be broke while others get rich from those that are creative.

Its happened for years, great artists broke while they were alive only to become huge after their death, when others with more business sense get a hold of their work. Or inventors like Tesla, whose inventions are taken and used by others who make huge profits only for the inventor to die broke.
The media portrays the creative life as a dream come true, all the money success and fame. But it really is just a dream.

Many artists dont realise that a lot of the cash advance goes towards tour costs, and there is no such thing as something for nothing.

Many artists get signed, given their cash advance and can never recouperate the money so end up in debt to the label. Im not so sure how it works these days as the industry doesnt support unsuccessful artists like it used to, but the many failed signings used to be subsidised by the successful artists, label execs would be more willing to take a risk on something new or different. Nowadays its just all image and cookie cutter personas, styles, subject matter. Its all about maximum return on investment, minimum artist development, a quick a couple hot singles then consigned to the trash heap.

So many people spend a lifetime chasing fame, but the fact is fame is fleeting, todays hot act is tomorrows has been.
Solja Boi anyone?

An artists sole goal in life should be to do the thing they love and just be able to afford to keep doing it, reinvesting back into their craft, while still being able to pay the bills. I think thats being more realistic, but even that can be difficult to achieve with so many chasing the same thing.

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Lol @ 100,000 in jewelry...that's straight retarded....the absolute MOST i'd spend on jewelry is $10,000.......And that's pushing it...
im the cheapest guy in tha hood... u'll never see any piece of jewelry over $2000 on me, and even thats alot.

da relic
im the cheapest guy in tha hood... u'll never see any piece of jewelry over $2000 on me, and even thats alot.

da relic

Im cheaper than that, I dont wear any jewellery at all. Not even a watch.
The only jewellery Id fork out for would be for a partner, but im not talking grands.