Another decision involving money...


ill o.g.
I got a called from my mom yesterday and apparently Ruby Tuesday, where I was a chef at for a few months almost two years ago, sent me a check I forgot to pick up. It was only for a day or two ($109) so I really don't have many options but I was considering getting an external HD because my current hard-drive is getting filled to the brim and I'm starting to notice sluggish performance

A question: Do you all think a second hand hard-drive would be too risky? Losing my crate and all of my Vst's and songs would kill me. Literally because I'd probably want to shoot myself. It would suck.

hit me back



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Just dont go buying a Western Digital. Their shit and unreliable. I had one fry on me in an expensive session after 7 hours of recording and lost everything. Sent the drive back to WD and they just gave me another of the same drive with no description if its a new or refurb.
After the incident, i googled WDs and crashes such as mine and found a shit load of people having the same problem. Just giving you a heads up.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Whats your price range again? 100?

*At that price point your really only going to be able to afford something thats consumer level, not pro-sumer.
Seagates have been improved greatly now and are real trustworthy for music these days but once again, dont get the bottom of the line drive.

Also, look into FW instead of USB. USB is a little too slow for recording. It can be done but your better off with FW.

If you can save your chips try and buy a Glyph.


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
before you get an external such as glyph or lacie find out what drives are in their enclosures, seagate, wd, maxtor (owned by seagate), hitachi, etc.

one name to look out for especially if you have esata headers is fantom, they're reliable (don't know what drives they use), durable and affordable, but nowadays practically all externals are affordable, maybe not glyphs, because you're payin' extra for name and warranty or lacie, for name (and shit performance imo)

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