Any Home STD Kits?


ill o.g.
Alls well that ends well.. Hooray!!

Interesting perspective pinky, and I did not know that "The smallest amount of pre EJACULATED sperm can give you triplets homie"
I was mighty lucky for a long time!

YES REL!!!! SMH at you men NOT knowing that---look it up it's true! You don't have to "shoot" more than a drop kid to get KIDS!! lol I mean I'm not sure on the odds and all that but the possibilities of impregnating a woman on pre cum are just about the same as us getting preggo on the pill.

Glad you're safe dude---but STILL not a funny story to tell more of a "Don't get too drunk or you might end up screwing a stripper, oh shit the condom broke and now I don’t know if I have an STD." story------ha-ha-ha!!

Did you ever go back for a sober round two?

JUST KIDDING----no really, did you?



Vinyl Addict
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
nah man, I haven't been back in the city since then. I have learned my lession. I mean everyone in here has had to have got black out drunk before and have done dumb shit...I cant be the only one. I am not saying you fucked a stripper....FUCK It, it is a funny story to tell. yeah I could have got an STD, but you can get that anywhere. As you can see you can never be too safe, condoms do break!