Are there any gamers in here?


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
Fuck yeah! We should create an ILLMUZIK room and go crazy.

Haha I agree... but if it was like anything last Friday, we're fucked! So hopefully some cats here know about setting up servers and shit, cause man, that shit was too complicated last time!

DJ Redrum

Playin' For Keeps
ill o.g.
For COD 4, basically in multiplayer you get EXP points for accomplishing different things. So you get a certain amount of exp for killing the enemy (ranges from 5-20) depending on what mode your playing. Plus there are challenges to do, so for instance, getting 25 kills with a certain weapon, or killing 5 people with a grenade. The more exp you get, the more items you unlock (weapons, attachments, perks, etc...) it makes it more fun, and really gets you wanting more. I think the max level is 55.

I guess that helps alot with the reply value with being rewarded, something different for a FPS. I'm looking forward to checking it out as i have'nt moved from COD2 for the main game which i used to play.

Be good once everyone is online.

DJ Redrum

Playin' For Keeps
ill o.g.
So who's down for Call of Duty 4 on PC?

I've just been on for the pass hour to see how it is (1st time), it's not to bad with the class feature. I'm just trying to learn the maps at the moment, i like the '' Bloc '' that one is quite good.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
ow yeah, team deathmatch is pure anarchy lol, those airsupport attacks aint funny lol but i get less headshots opposed to beginning with Counterstrike lol


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
For all COD4 heads, get the program X-Fire. It's sort of like MSN, but for gamers. Basically it shows what games your friends are playing and once they're in a game, you just right click on their name and click Join Game. So it makes it much easier to coordinate a game. If anyone gets the program I'm pug138. So hopefully we can get something going soon!


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
For some reason I start a server and Pug can't connect, and vice versa. So if someone wants to start one.... Yeah xfire is good, I'm misterfade.

DJ Redrum

Playin' For Keeps
ill o.g.
Most likely. I used to host the odd game before back when i used to be on COD2 and there was never any problems.


I've just tried to host it how i used to and it does'nt seem to be working the same. From looking around on google for other related topics alot of people mention that you need to have the full game uploaded to a server before you can host from it. There is one person that as it which does'nt mind anybody else using his upload, so i'll try and see if he can sort it us.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I think that's for a dedicated server, which we don't want because it means it will be on all the time. But to have a private server, it should be straight forward, yet it doesn't want to work for me.


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
Haha ain't that the truth... Fade and I have been trying to get a server up, but it's been nothing but a nightmare getting the shit to work!


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I followed that tutorial, looks like it should work now! Maybe tonight I'll be on, if not maybe early tomorrow. If anyone wants to, just get on xfire, find me: misterfade and join through there.

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