Bass Rolloff


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
Hey this question is possibly for the engineer types but if you are good at a good mix with bass let me know......I find that my levels are perfect but when I put it in the car stereo I have to completely remove the bass hahaha, when do you rolloff the the bass? I love bass sometimes i get carried away at what point do you rolloff the bass and also if a track has already been mixed is it possible to roll the bass off, what I tried to figure out is on a professionally mixed cd the bass never clips or is too harsh for any system, a lot of my tracks will tear a small stereo system up but a larger or monitor system doesn't seem to show that there is too much bass....I use Event 20/20's and they lie to you when you are mixing and try to get a good calculation for an all around level to have the bass at......this also applies to the bass in relation to the Kick so the kick shines thru nicely on top of everything in the mix.

J Cro

ill o.g.
below 60hz is a good place to roll off. and you gotta drop the freq in the bass at the same place u wanna boost the freq for the kick. it will keep the 2 from fightin for the low end

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