bin laden killed

Cuz he's dead...

And that was a bad ass mission.

Alqueada is about to be mostly irrelevant in the Arab world.

I know you guys LOVE conspiracies, and I thought of yall when they said they dumped the body at sea.
Say what you want call me sheeple be P-noid, but Im =)
LOTS of Arabs and muslims around the world are also now happy.

Im sorry relic, but celebrating the death of an individual is just crazy to me. Whats crazier, is that in less than 24 hrs a guy is shot, buried at sea, his dna gets to travel to a lab, matched with the dna of his sister and the results get back, all in less than 24hrs, come on man. This is nothing to do with conspiracies, its common sense.
Al Qaedas whole relevance is not down to one man, are you stupid enough to believe that, he was replaced years ago, whether or not he was killed then or now, he simply could not be an active leader while in hiding.
Im not paranoid of anything, what do I have to be paranoid of?? Ze Evil Terrorists?
Im more worried about dying in a car accident, the stats say its much more likely.
Hell Im more likely to be struck by lightening, but go ahead and throw your money at the so called fight against terror, and then see more laws enacted encroaching on your right to protest, see more anti terror laws being used against protestors and normal hard working, honest, GOOD AMERICANS.
what you guys in other places dont seem to grasp is that the places in the US with the strictest gun bans also have the highest rates of gun violence...home invasions are next to nil in florida and texas cause of a lil thing called "castle law"...Banning guns in the US would simply mean banning guns from responsible law abiding citezens...leaving only the criminals armed....thats dumb.

What us in other places can grasp is that we dont have a crazy amount of guns around, and yet we dont have loads of shootings and gun crime. There is something in that I think.
Its become an arms race, I must get a bigger gun and be more badass than the criminals, where does it end? Nukes?


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
haha 2Good, your more of an American than you care to let on..
His death doesnt make him irrelevant what does is the fact that the youth in the middle east are more interested in forming thier own democracies than follwing violent islamic groups, thats why.
Now we may not like the democracies they come up with , but its what they want, not terrorism, the end of despotism.

I agree that it sounds very truncated, but calm down the details are going to come out.
They knew about this waaay ahead of time , dont think there wasa waiting list to get that DNA analyzed.

Guns are, on the other hand , a requirement in case the Brits reinvade!! LOL
You ever see the South Park episode in which they did?

And FUCK THAT (Bin Laden) DUDE, thats a guy I AM happy to see dead , if you dont like it dont drink with me..
Yall act like its sad Hitler commited suicide, some people gotta go.
haha 2Good, your more of an American than you care to let on..
His death doesnt make him irrelevant what does is the fact that the youth in the middle east are more interested in forming thier own democracies than follwing violent islamic groups, thats why.
Now we may not like the democracies they come up with , but its what they want, not terrorism, the end of despotism.

I agree that it sounds very truncated, but calm down the details are going to come out.
They knew about this waaay ahead of time , dont think there wasa waiting list to get that DNA analyzed.

Guns are, on the other hand , a requirement in case the Brits reinvade!! LOL
You ever see the South Park episode in which they did?

And FUCK THAT (Bin Laden) DUDE, thats a guy I AM happy to see dead , if you dont like it dont drink with me..
Yall act like its sad Hitler commited suicide, some people gotta go.

The biggest paranoia the world has seen since the cold war is the evil islamic fundamentalists, created by the CIA during the afgan war with the soviets, The Mujihadeen (during The Cold War), but then they turned their back on them once the war was over(apparently), still doing business with the Bin Ladens to this very day. And then these islamic fundamentalists(The Talban), who offered Bin Laden up on a silver platter(while he was in hospital recieving visits from the CIA) as long as the USA could provide proof of his involvement in 911, which they couldnt provide.
As for hitler, the victors write the history books, Im no Nazi, but he was a charismatic leader who used nationalism and the military industrial complex to try and impose on europe his will(european union with him in charge), sound familiar?. We got the union in the end without him anyway. He was widely supported also in america, just look it up(up until the invasion of poland and the holocaust), the skull and bones is all about the Nazi ideaology, the usa took the nazis top scientists to create their own missile program and later the space program. Without the nazis, that wouldnt have happened the way it did. Also Grandaddy Bush was a convicted Nazi supporter and funder. So lets not bring Hitler into this. Bin Laden is no comparison.

When the brits invade we will be armed with teaspoons and stale crumpets, I dont like our chances.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Difference between Hitler and Bin Laden...

Bin Laden has been "hiding" for over 10+ years..only speaking in videos.

Hitler was out there speaking his will upon others...sitting @ the Olympics......

Hitler was a leader of a country, Bin Laden was a leader of a group.

Defeating Hitler, Germany as a country was forced to surrender without a leader.

Al Qaeda will not surrender, because it is not a country. We don't know who is in Al Qaeda....

We've never seen Bin Laden speak publicly, we don't even know who the guy really is.....All we have to go by are some videos and we all know even some of them are doctored up. We celebrated the death of a man we've never even seen or heard from.

There's no concrete proof that he was behind 9/11. There's actually no concrete proof WHO was behind 9/11. All we have is propaganda.

God Bless America........and apparently no one else....


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
I know the differences they are huge, the point is , I am NOT going to be sad about killing international terrorists.

Apply it as you will, here come the Bush comments..
Look they dont want to release the photos to be sensitive, and then if they dont everyone will be suspicious, cant win in this senario with some folks.
Bottom line yall can whine or be all he aint dead or whatever , Im drinking the kool aid and happy they capped him, I respect yalls opinions.
Now if you excuse me I have to go down to "Pistols Are We" and pick up a 12 pack of Sig Saurs.
I know the differences they are huge, the point is , I am NOT going to be sad about killing international terrorists.

Apply it as you will, here come the Bush comments..
Look they dont want to release the photos to be sensitive, and then if they dont everyone will be suspicious, cant win in this senario with some folks.
Bottom line yall can whine or be all he aint dead or whatever , Im drinking the kool aid and happy they capped him, I respect yalls opinions.
Now if you excuse me I have to go down to "Pistols Are We" and pick up a 12 pack of Sig Saurs.

I dont think anyone has said hes not dead? But then without any means of independent verification, who knows?


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Damn formant...I feel sorry for you.

chauvinism ? If thats all you have to add...

@dac; You're right at some point, i have no clue what its like and i honestly dont need to know what its like to live in a society where owning a gun is a means of safety for everyone. This is the general concensus for most modern, western countries aside from the US. Florida home invasions are crazy, but it happens everywhere though and i cant sum up the odds when a licensed gun owner defends against whoever is robbing his home. To me its either 50/50 with or without a gun, assuming the invaders carry guns too. To me, its like gov has lost control, smuggling illegal guns (i assume from mexico) must be a big issue but letting civilians be responsible...its no situation that would happen overhere.

For the record; the definition of the "american" dream goes for most western countries, it implies that it takes effort to get somewhere but its possible. My definition for the american dream would be, no need for foodstamps, healthcare system and insurance for everyone and proper education (not the type where when you join the army you get benefits). Its not a good thing if only 15% can live that dream.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I agree that its not concrete but when all arrows (seem to) point in one direction, do you still need concrete? I mean certain cases don't need a "hello, I did it" sticky posted on their forehead... for example... true story... I use to pay my barber to cut my hair at my house. One day he brings a friend of his over. I welcomed him to my home. I didn't know the guy personally but I always saw him walking through town. 2 weeks later my house is broken into. I'm missing 2 leather coats, my mountain bike, some of my wifes gold rings and 2 bottles of Henn that I had sitting on my bar for special occasions.

A week later I see dude riding a bike just like mine... nothing odd about that except my bike cost enough money to buy a used car, so dude goes from walking to riding an expensive bike? That didn't make him guilty though. Then a couple of days later, dude is downtown trying to sell 2 leather coats to the owner of a Vintage Clothing Store that happened to be my wife's mother! She instantly knew something was wrong because she bought one of the coats for my wife. Long story short... he gets busted and goes to jail. Nobody saw him break into my house, there was no concrete evidence that he did it, no finger prints, nothing. All arrows pointed to him.

I'm sure that you guys have been through something similar.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Formant, its safety in case the netherlands invade.. lol

For real though , even with the dope ass sofisticated weaponry in this world, the US would be a hotbed of insurgency to a level that at some point would make it seem almost unworth invading.
I mean there are some nuts that have ALOT of miliary grade weaponry..

I always ask why the hell people need that much shit bu tI mean hey if you can have it why not I guess.
The amazing thng is that the guys with the HUGE arsenals arethe most law abidingg patriotic types.. At leats according to you tube and law enforcement, cuz Im talking about people with permits and shit that are REALLY into shooting , which btw if you have never been shooting, it really is an AWESOME stress reliever.
If for no other reason than you have to concentrate on the target and not whatever BS you came in with (or you can combine the two lol).

I dont know any other way as this is where I have lived, lots of guns ? Yes


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Yeah, thats what I do with my guns and sometimes for the same reasons (stress relief). I'm really not worried about anyone breaking into my home nowadays because they will surely be seen. There's a lot more neighborly traffic here than any of my previous homes.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304

And I'm not even talking about the police conversations in the beginning of the video, because they can be made up......

But the newscasts....THOSE I remember......very clearly.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
^^^ that did not happen, you have to understand that...There are absolutly no ties between mossad and silverstein or that ex-mossad agents have worked for the Bush (and other, older) administration or mutual interest shared between Bush sr and Larry Silverstein...


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
What my question not the whole Mossad thing..... The fact that people were detained with explosives in a van....and yet the story disappeared.

I don't know if Mossad was behind it or not......I don't know anything else that says it was them. What I do know is that the story behind the vehicle full of explosives has disappeared and virtually forgotten.

Whether or not it did happen neither one of us know. What I DO know is that a story that big doesn't just disappear.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
What I DO know is that a story that big doesn't just disappear.

It does tho, thats the thing, remember the Oklahoma bombing?
On the day of the bombing they reported on TV news that 3 huge bombs were found INSIDE the Murrah building, they reported that one had gone off inside the building but the 3 others had not, they even filmed bomb disposal units taking the bombs away. But yet the whole thing just disappeared, even tho it was reported in the news and the clips still exist, they just disappeared from official history. Also the ATF were filmed on camera around the corner waiting for "something to happen" and were said to have been warned not to go into work that day by text message, they were based in the building. Still some members of the ATF were ready and waitng just around the block for it to happen. The truck bomb that Timothy McVeigh is said to have parked outside was manned by another mystery middle eastern man in a baseball cap, they were both most wanted for a short time, but yet the middle eastern man was very soon forgotten about, even tho video evidence suggests he was the last person to leave the vehical and the video suggested he was the one that "prepped" the bomb. All video evidence once again disappeared, much like the video evidence from the pentagon during 911. This stuff as huge as it is simply can disappear and does disappear and people forget about it.
Personally, and this is just my opinion like most of all my comments in this thread and others, I think Oklahoma was a pre curser to 911, like a test run of seeing how to blow up your own buildings, blame a patsy, hide the news and get away with it. They did it then and they did it on 911, IMHO.

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