Cast YOUR vote for the next US President..

Who should be the Next US President?

  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 31 83.8%
  • John McCain

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Ron Paul

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • They are all sleazy I aint voting...

    Votes: 2 5.4%

  • Total voters


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
i hear ya bro .. i am actually more line with the republican beliefs/principles, but just not with the implementations of those beliefs. In theory, republican thinking is better, but in practice it just hasnt worked. They had their chance and they fucking blew it. BAD. I hate the tactics they use though .. the divisive politics, the fear, the nasty and negative mocking tone (guliani,pailn) i think it segegrates people. Repubs and Dems are the new bloods and crips. I think if Mcain wins, there is gonna be a lot of really angry people in America. Its not gonna be pretty. I can hear the riots and protests now. This country is being split down the middle. Pretty soon we are gonna do like back in the day with the Condererates. Its gonna be 2 countries in one. Believe DAT. Real TAlk.

Im rollin with Obama because he seems more inclusive han McCain. Did anybody pay attention the tone of Mcain and Pailns speeches? Yo hey are talking about war and shit BEFORE they even know whats up. If we cant beat Iraq, how the fuck r we tryin to pick fights with Iran and Russia too? They basically straight up said they will go to war with Russia and Iran. They straight up said it.

and if god forbid McCain passed . jesus christ. That woman is an accident waiting to happen.

Stress LOL that shits funny.

Completely Agree, remember she would have THE NUCLEAR LAUNCH CODES!!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
OMG.....omg.....u got me crying over here Stress.....FUNNY AZZZZZ HELL....I needed that!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Completely Agree, remember she would have THE NUCLEAR LAUNCH CODES!!

Stock Market crashing, the biggest institutions on the face of the earth going out of business or file bankrupt. Storms destroying the heartland of America.




ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
I know this white dude that said "If Obama didn't get elected he was gonna kill somebody". That shit had me on the floor when I heard it! LMAO!

people in Texas are ready to start Armageddon right now. One more Hurricane in the Gulf and if McCain wins it's on for real. Some parts of the country are being reduced to 3rd world life styles. We as Americans are not prepared for what we will possibly be in for this winter. This shit is real scary.....all I'm thinking about is protecting my family should things get out of hand.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Now that Im at home I can type that the rednecks down here are ready to war if Obama wins it.

I find it funny to watch their faces as I logically explain WHY Obama SHOULD be the next president, THEN see them try and come up with reasons that arent racist as to why he shouldnt be..
Because nothing they say makes any sense. They keep falling back on the experience thing , its their last bastion of argument, as if their VP canidate had any.

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
the experience card is bullshit .. we live in a fast paced global economy .. u got to hustle hard fast and modern if we want to stay competitive on the global scale. Our education system sucks ass and the current administration's lack of support to science and technology has got us looking like fools compared to other countries. MCain's experience means precisely doo doo in moving our country forward. We need to catch up. All that religious bullshit has to go. Im not sayin religion is bad or anything, but the Bush administration belives Iraq is some fucking crusade or some shit. thats bullshit. U cant pick fights and start wars and then turn around and say "god" made u do it. And u dont go running ur mouth and picking fights before u know the facts. We need a leader that is going to actually use his brain and think things through before they take a serous action. The way MCain and Palin "jump the gun" on the war issue really is a big big problem IMO. Its like they are just waiting to push the nuke button. And just think, if Palin by chance is president, than u can kiss diplomacy goodbye. She was tough talking with Charles Gibson on issues she has had 0 experience with. What gives her the right to even instigate like that? At the republican convention u got people cheering "war" and "drill drill" ... lol .. who does that? what more evidence do u need that they are the wrong choice?

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
people in Texas are ready to start Armageddon right now. One more Hurricane in the Gulf and if McCain wins it's on for real. Some parts of the country are being reduced to 3rd world life styles. We as Americans are not prepared for what we will possibly be in for this winter. This shit is real scary.....all I'm thinking about is protecting my family should things get out of hand.

We on the same page. I don't think Americans really know what's going down. I been sayin over and over,,,"The Middle Class is being wiped out!" After the dow droppin -500 today and the Chinese expect us to pay back the Trillions by the 30th,,,,I'm sayin, it don't look good. Mufuccas laughed when i said I truly headed for the hills and moved to PA. I rather live out in the sticks then a FEMA camp!


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5



Reppin V.I.C
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
From where i stand it's not looking good AT ALL for the American thereby the world economy, financial powerhouses are crumbling (Merril Lynch was sold to BoA for half its '07 value) and filing for bankruptcy and it's difficult to tell who will be able to bring about change significant enought to turn that around. Obama on Letterman made some good points regarding strategy following 9/11 but hindsight is 20/20. That being said McCain just doesn't strike me as a leader, yes he was a POW, yes he has recovered from cancer but I just can't picture him as being able to argue emphatically. I understand that Barack has refused to participate in Town-Hall debates/meetings, I don't know why this would be but I sense that if it is a challenge being put to him by the opposing party, Obama would be at a disadvantage straight off the bat. I think what would be necessary is debate that is facilitated by a neutral party ie. THE PEOPLE.

im just ranting i dont know what i just said, im at work and bored

ANd now i just realized this response is redundant as it's all been covered!!!!

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21

im just ranting i dont know what i just said, im at work and bored!

Now I am ranting..

I would say, EDUCATION is the most important problem in our country. And I don't just mean high school and college. I am talking about being educated to the ways of our world. How does it work and where can you fit in it? If people were smarter and understood our society and our economy better, we'd be in a much better place.

I put the problem of the housing crisis in the hands of society. I blame the home buyers for not being educated enough to understand their adjustable rate loans. I blame the professionals within the Real Estate and Lending industry who practiced without ethics and did not protect the public by not disclosing information about the realities of the housing market to consumers.

I put the problem of our government in the hands of society for not being more involved with and educated about our government. Even now, no one is looking back at what kind of laws were passed and by whom that landed us where we are now. The media is not helping us understand how America got where it is today during Bush's term. The media is not helping us find solutions.

I put the problem of the war in the hands of society and our general population for not really understanding the war, why we started it and with whom we are fighting. Why isn't the media helping us understand it? What can we do to support it, or support ending it successfully? If we are proceeding with the war the wrong way, what are we doing wrong and who is leading us in the wrong direction?

If society was a little more educated, we could focus on real issues with specific examples instead of caring about the jabs and insults back and forth between each party. I am tired of polls as to who is in the lead. I want to know who has the best solutions for fixing our society.

With an already shaky economy, McCain and Palin want to shake things up. Is that what we really want? We need to stop corruption from continuing to bleed America dry. And the fact that they are running such a STRATEGIC campaign bothers me. Focusing on strategy instead of the issues makes me feel like McCain and Palin don't have answers for our failing economy. At least Obama can admit something is wrong and wants to fix it.

Some ideas...

People are scared of nationalizing healthcare because it might degrade the quality of it. I have heard people who are well-to-do worry about their service suffering and do not want to sacrifice the quality of their service for poor people. I understand how some can feel that way, but if we focused on getting healthcare for everyone, that means we need more nurses, more doctors, more administration to organize and regulate the healthcare process, more buildings, more supplies, more medicine and more education which in turn translates to a lot more jobs. This can help everyone! More money pumped back into out society. More opportunity for people to work for their economic security. And people can get the care they need.<p>

Illegal immigrants and the rise of our crime in certain areas is a major concern for many. But I do not think we need to fight the immigration. We need to focus on making the process to become a citizen more efficient. The more people we have in America means, more people to buy your product and services to support your business. It means more jobs for law to enforce the laws of our lands. It means more educational opportunities and jobs to help newcomers understand American and where they fit into it as new citizens who will experience freedom in its truest form. America grows as its populations grows. This is a good thing if it is done correctly. People can see their business grow.

It is obvious that we need to get away from our dependence of oil. The fear of giving up oil is we would lose a lot of jobs behind the industries that rely on oil. I am talking about a bigger picture outside of gas for our cars. For all the money that is being made by these oil companies, why aren't they developing alternative energy solutions for America so they can continue to make money by diversifying their products instead of just making money on oil. Imagine how many jobs you can create and how much money can be made if Exxon started putting solar panels on every home and business building in America? How many jobs will be created by incorporating hydrogen cars into society? You need more mechanics who know how to work on these cars. You need gas stations retrofitted with hydrogen pumps and construction workers to do it. You need new plants and plant workers to make these cars. This can save people money by switching to cheaper energy than oil as well as give Americans futures with new careers. People can get cheaper and energy and maybe a new job.

War and our Military
I wanted to get into the Air Force. But my Father, who put in more than 20 years, saw that the benefits were nothing like they used to be when he first joined and warned me that it wasn't worth risking my life in war for the pay and little benefits they provide. I don't think going to war was the best idea for protecting the US. Maybe if we went after the right people instead of spending billions of dollars going in the wrong direction it would have been a great idea, but it would have been a lot cheaper and maybe more effective to beef up our military here on or soils and then concentrate them at out coasts and borders and airports? People can get the protection they need on our soil as well as help in areas hit by natural disasters from the military while people who serve get much needed pay and benefits.

Our Government
And are you telling me, that with today's technology, we cannot come up with an easier way to educate the public to what our government is doing? Why isn't there a site that helps organize the events of the day and keep a record of them so people can understand what is happening with their tax dollars so they can make informed decisions about who we want in office on a local and national level? I would love to know what my tax dollars were spent on locally and nationally. Wouldn't it be awesome to have a President that has his or her own TV show that comes on once a week where he or she talks about the important events and progress made that week by our government and our society?

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
And to follow up on Ash's points...

I am actually more line with the republican beliefs/principles, but just not with the implementations of those beliefs. In theory, republican thinking is better, but in practice it just hasnt worked.

Republicans honor the dollar. And they are focused on it and will do anything to protect their dollar. That is why they can get behind someone like Palin and support her because they just wanna win the election and protect their interests. They believe in a certain kind of freedom. The freedom to make as much money as they would like without the government interfering or regulating it. That is what they mean by small government. What that kind of translates to is, not telling them what to do with their profits and settings caps and control. But that is part of what got us in trouble like Ash says. The practice hasn't worked because they got waaaaay too greedy.

Think about it like this...

Every time you sell your CD on iTunes, you get 7 bucks. Then the government steps in and says, for every CD you sell over 10,000 units, you need to donate 3 bucks to a pool of money to help all the other emcees who couldn't sell their album. You would fuk'n hate that sh*t. That is kinda how the Republicans see taxes and government involvement. And I can understand that. That would suck big time. I don't believe in controlling anyone's pocketbook but I do not believe in letting people make money at other's expense.

So, the problem is, Republicans have gone unchecked and they let corporations basically start raping America. Prices and the cost of living have gone up and at the same time jobs have been lost or outsourced in the name of profit. I mean, in some situations, CEOs and board members have been getting million dollar bonuses for increasing stock worth which can often times mean laying off employees. The the whole Rich are getting Richer and Poor are getting Poorer statement is literally true.

The difference I find with Democrats is, they want to help others because they too have once struggled. Like Obama. He came from the bottom in a single parent situation so he understand that people need help. That is how Democrats are in general. They have kind hearts. What Republicans don't like about Dems is they are willing to take rich people's money to help the poor. Normally I'd say that is wrong and poor people should educate themselves to the way of society, but when rich people are partly responsible for people being poor, I think they need to give up some of their money to help fix the society that they broke. So like I said, I am a Democrat at heart. I want to help people and protect people from being taken advantage of.

And then when you get into Religion, that is where Republicans really disagree and fight with Democrats.


the invisible visible
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
foreign comment:
i dont think theres a big difference between mccain and obama as regarding to american inner politics either. politicians are heavily tight up in the economic gear cluster, the capacity to act is very limited, which is a heritage of boundless capitalism.
you had your demonstration when the last democrat you elected pulled the most serious social cuts in decades.

we are facing the same shit in most european countries; two parties, none of them an option and you cannot say which one is the lesser evil, since they do not act traditionaly any more. they even started stealing each others political arguments, the campaign is a complete farce.

but there is a difference in how the american government is perceived and it'd be far better of with obama.
many people in europe think america should elect obama and turn to its own problems instead of invading other countries.
iran f.e. has the right to nuclear power AND weapons. why shouldnt they, everybody has them, including north korea, which nobody dares to touch. so iran figured out koreans must have done something right (contrary to iraq). but im flying off here.

what i would be scared of is the innerpolitical power of your military. this thing got realy huge and needs attention.

and ron paul is not crazy. maybe crazy to be an idealist at his age and position. but would be unbearable as u.s. president nontheless. that vote for him was me :p


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
North Korea no longer has nukes, Iran with Nukes is a problem because they dont appear to have a record of calm rational thought, especially when it comes to Isreal. As I have seen they are a theocracy of extremists and since we have a close relationship with Isreal, and Iran has made it their goal to destroy Isreal at all costs you see why it is against our interests to allow them to have nuclear weapons.
That being said I think they should have nuclear power for electricity np.
The Iranian people are cool in my book , but the leaders have been for awhle "uncool" to say the least.
Feel free to correct me where I'm wrong there, I dont just get my info from propaganda either! lol

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
everybody has made some valid points and I agree on most of them. I think Ominous made the best tho,,Education. We are a nation of idiots. This is on purpose, we are intentionally getting the worst educations possible because the establishment doesn't want anyone to wisen up to it's antics. (And by establishment I mean the neo con nazis that are in office now)

As for the Republican Ideals,,,they have been twisted,,,like it was mentioned,,,currently it's all about the almighty dollar, but the true principles of the party are key. Stand up for yourself! Don't rely on the government to do things for you. Work hard and make something of yourself. The government works for us,,,,but sadly after the Great depression, these ideals have been long forgotten!

As for Ron Paul,,,,I supported him, I donated to his campaign. He stood for the right ideals that this country needs. But when we are so fucked right now, anyone coming with the ideas from our four fathers will sound like a loon. he should of run Indie, but I can't take away that he standing to his word. But at the same time, he's working in Congress still and trying to get good people back into the republican party.

As for Obama, I think he is the lesser of two evils. But hey, if he is going to get our troops back from being killed, then you have to go with him. McCain is still pissed at Asians and I mean to an extent rightly so, but at the same time, he is a risk as Commander in Chief. Palin is just plain nuts. I'll post here request of books to be banned in all libraries. (one includes Huck Finn)


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
who told you iran wants to destroy israel...the press ?... to me its like the reports they give out that mohammed el bblabla was killed during a planned assisination by the allied troops and that the dude is VERY important to al qaida...i can never confirm this kind of new, you have to accept that its the truth (yeah right). To me its just propaganda to keep beef with noname terrorist and to keep funding the budgets.

ehr and israel pretty much pisses off the whole middle east running 250+ atomic projects under protection of the US. Turkey is under protection of the US and fellt it had the right to invade Kurd territory for their oil.

north korea...ehr, carlyle wants north korea, they already into south korea telecom but need north korea...any president will maintain this course...same for turkey, same for north korea because i think its not up to the president to make that decision

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