Collaborative Reason Refill? Anyone interested?


ill o.g.
What's up y'all?

I'm trying to make a collaborative, community-based Refill for Reason 4 and I could use the help of some of the talented folks on this site. Not sure how many of you use Reason for your productions, but if there's at least a few... that's enough for me.

I will be giving the ReFill out for free, so no cash compensation for anyone... not even me.
I will, however, give anyone who contributes at least 15 patches (Thor, Subtractor, Malstrom only) a free copy of my ReFill that I will be releasing soon.

Anyone interested, hit me up at and we'll get the ball rolling.
I've got about 50 patches ready to go for this ReFill, but my goal is 300-400... we'll see!


ill o.g.
No combinator patches using synths and eq's?
I can understand no rex2/nnxt/nn19 because of sample size, but combinators should be okay if only using synths, mixers and eq's right?

Yeah that's all good.

I don't even really mind if it's a sampled instrument either, I just figured that no one would want to go through the effort of making a sampled instrument... it's hard to make a quality NN-XT worth putting out there and it's even harder to do so without being a carbon-copy of someone else's instrument

In the end, whatever you want to contribute is great, I'll take it all.
Who am I to be picky if people want to put more effort in than I expected?