Compression software???


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.

does anyone know of any software that you can put a whole track through and end up with a well compressed beat?

im looking for somethin which will even out the sound and take away any booming bass, without losing sound quality etc...

i have Cool Edit Pro, but im not sure what kind of compression to use for a good hip hop sound...



ill o.g.
Waves C1 Compressor is good... but I wouldn't put the whole track through anything more than an extremely mild bit of compression... Turn down the volume of the bass...etc...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
I would say to use a multi-pressor... This way you can tweak the compression to how you want it... But i think the main thing ,before you do this, is a good mix down of your beat... That is always important before a finalizing process like using a multi-pressor.... Try to go with the waves plug-in multi-pressor, shit is real nice...


ill o.g.
Right on^^

If your running Cubase, once you've exported your mixdown to a wav file, just import it into the project and run it through the multiband compressor plugin. [I haven't really got round to using it on a whole mix, but the plugin seems pretty good]

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
Do a search for T-racks, it's a great mastering limiter/compression. It comes in standalone or vst. Like anything else your gonna have to know how to get the sound you want using the software. Even though they have presets, those presets are based on you having a good quality mix. If the bass is booming then your mix is bad.


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
ok thanks for the advice people.



A hater since the womb!
ill o.g.
Kevin A said:
Do a search for T-racks, it's a great mastering limiter/compression. It comes in standalone or vst. Like anything else your gonna have to know how to get the sound you want using the software. Even though they have presets, those presets are based on you having a good quality mix. If the bass is booming then your mix is bad.

I use T racks for mastering it can turn a good mix into a great track..


ill o.g.
i think sonalksis is good.... but compression is the main area where software hasn't yet caught hardware in quality yet.... even a cheaper hardware compressor will give you better results.... for cheap i recommend the fmr rnc or the jbl/urei 7110


ill o.g.

A word of advice...

It doesnt matter what you use though - you have to take the time to experiment with the software and make it work for you. I'm just getting the hang of EQ and compression but to many people (like i used to) assume by running your ish through any random compressor setting will instantly make your shit sound hot.... it doesnt, you have to play around and experiment - or swot up on your music theory - or both(!) to reap the rewards of even the most expensive compressors.

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