Crazy people on FB defaming Obama


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Whoooo the hell are these people???
Actually I know who they are I went to highschool with lots of them (figures why I spit my lunch period up between black folks and whites).

The say the stupidest most insane things against the healthcare plan, now people I know are reffering to Barack as "Barry", you know when you read the crap they say that they are insane...
none of it makes sense to me. It's waaay worse than Stress and 2good's conspiracies ;-) at least they can point at some things that make some sense, but Im getting more and more pissed everytime I log into FB now. I need to cut these folks off like I did back then I think.

Anyone else see these"libirterians" in there going nuts and spreading misinformation?
Sounds like footsoldiers for the GOP to me, this way they dont have to get their hands dirty..

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
u are kind of correct. Foot soldiers for the medical insurance companies. They will stand to lose literally billions if we have health care reform. All these rallies are ridiculous and the misinfo is laughable yet the drones will believe whatever someone else tells them. Especially in print. (ahem the bible,,I digress) The birther movement is retarded. That is accomplishing nothing. There is such a high level of hate in this country it's invisible to the average American. I was never one to support big government, but if we nationalize health care it will be an option as opposed to MANDATORY as per Clinton's plan. We are in the 30's on the list of best medical care in the world,,,THE WORLD. Behind Morocco I believe. It's going to be 2010, we should start acting like it. The only people who don't support universal health care are the one's who never had to worry about it.


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
i just got off of bossip, which i can't stand by the way, and there's a post with the barrack joker that has a few posters spreading pure unadulterated lies about healthcare. it's like a concentrated effort because i'm not recognizing none of those names.

lies from the ever popular deathers, which claim this 'bill' will kill your grandma and grandpa
lies that it will force abortions
lies about not allowing you to choose things like your doctor
etc, etc

lies about how those townhall disruptions aren't funded and organized by insurance and big pharma lobby groups
lies about the cash for clunkers, which is successful
etc, etc

and all these are practically unchallenged by the msm that actually invite vile shits like michelle malkin to promote a book on obama's presidential failure in 4 months (taking into account the amount of time it takes to publish and then release a book) and go unchallenged in that fact. or buchanan still having a job. etc, etc

the gop and the hard right have fully embraced the old southern strategy, wild and racist conspiracies, and the complete ass raping of those who don't goosestep in line with them.

they just arrested this crazy beck stan that was armed to her teeth casing out a national guard base. obama has received a 300% bump in death threats compared to other presidents.

repugs lovingly claim that they will continue to obstruct even at the countries detriment, hence the senate his holding up doj appointments for no other reasons but to fuck shit up. sotomayers treatment and all the racist and sexist shit they passed off as questions.

trust, it will only get worse.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Thats why there needs to be something done, I can see how the hatred could start a us-v- them type of civil war here.
I mean its really getting me viloently angry and you guys are right about you can tell who the "haves" are form the "have nots". If you always had it good then you dont give a shit about anyone else.
I HATE those types of people, unfortunately they are generally white folks.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
This is soooooo deeper than just health care. Did we really think we could go 4 years with the first black President and think for one second RACE would not become a major factor? The race hate monster has been waiting in the wings for century' is the perfect time for shit to get totally out of hand. Although Obama was right in what he said about the officer in the Professor Gates arrest he really step'd in it with most white people. That area is toooooo white for him to have taken it there. They've tried to smooth it over but that community actually wants Professor Gates out of there now. Everything that Obama has accomplished to this day still feels like a dream to most people of color. A dream that we all had a feeling deep down inside would turn into a nightmare sooner or later. The one Senator who said that if health care fails it would crush Obama was probably right on. No way in hell are they going to give a black president a pass on major things that fail. And God forbid another war or escalation breaks out anywhere else in the world that we get plunged into....they'll run him right out of office. Things are shaping up for Obama to be "the first" of a lot of things and the new "things" will probably not be good for people of color or the country as a whole.

The economy could very well be making a turn for the better. They really wanted someone they could blame it all on if it didn't turn around. Notice the media doesn't talk about Bush at all anymore....the guy that damn near took the country to hell!


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
They've tried to smooth it over but that community actually wants Professor Gates out of there now.
I wouldn't do it if I was him... I would just start having mad cookouts with the most ignant mufuckas in the hood there...I would'nt cut my grass or none of that shit...I would just start driving the property value down "ignant ninga style". See who moves first then...


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
"ignant ninga style".

lmao! too funny.

All I know is that they can run their yaps all day and whine about it, but they have little to back their statements up and it makes them look worse in the process. I think its funny how one statement can cause a stir of emotion and then everyone who feels the same finally speaks up. Its like they all wear masks to fit in the norm... but once someone comes out with the race card all the racists sit up and yappity yap.



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Neither is wut we got now homie.

Try having a "pre-existing condition" will automatically be turned down by virtually every insurance company you try to apply to let alone the fact that if one even accepts you theres gonna be no way in hell you'll ever be able to afford their outrageous prices even with a decent paying job.

Ive dealt with this my entire life. People dont give a fuck bro, the almighty dollar always wins here.
Im still uninsured due to the wonderful healthcare system we currently have. I just cant afford it. Cost of living alone is raping me.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Neither is wut we got now homie.

Try having a "pre-existing condition" will automatically be turned down by virtually every insurance company you try to apply to let alone the fact that if one even accepts you theres gonna be no way in hell you'll ever be able to afford their outrageous prices even with a decent paying job.

Ive dealt with this my entire life. People dont give a fuck bro, the almighty dollar always wins here.
Im still uninsured due to the wonderful healthcare system we currently have. I just cant afford it. Cost of living alone is raping me.

Absolutely and that is a huge sentiment in this country we just need those people to be standing up and being heard. Obviously the president hears us and is doing something about it , as promised in the campaign. I mean the guy was partly elected on that platform, so why are people acting surprised that he is working on it off gate???
Its obviously the same crap they were pulling when Bush was in office, if you have money you have a louder voice.
I admit that I am naive as hell, in my world there just isnt alot of racism at all, and if I see it then I just avoid those types because they seem like crazy people. Admitedly and ironically I'm not around alot of white folks as a result, I've had my eyes opened up to alot of things through out life.Lots of them about white people and their role in history, anyway after Obama was elcted for some reason it felt like a victory against racism, I thought that the majority was now enlightened and the fringes were the crazy people that would eventually be bred out or something. I dont know it was euphoria of some sort, but now , this backlash rearing its ugly head is just something that drives me nuts , not sure what to do with it really.
Feel like lynching the bigots actually.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I can't afford healthcare, either...It's freaking expensive and you'd still have to pay when you get to the Dr's. Some places make you pay for an entire year before coverage kicks in.... Kinda shit is that?

The insurance companies are in an uproar because a lot of people would cancel their coverage in turn cause these companies who've been raping us for years to lower their rates to keep people covered......

At the same time, who's going to pay for all this? People forget that universal healthcare isn't free at all...we'll be paying for it....and in a struggling economy.....I don't know about yall...but I really can't afford more deductions from my paycheck every two weeks.......So it's a double edged sword...

My recommendation: Keep your insurance if you have it...this way you won't have to wait to receive care.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
^LMAO That is true...... But that's for anything else...LOL


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
Just so you guys know public healthcare isn't all it's cracked up to be.
its got cats paying for insurance now...and most companies still wont provide the healthcare most cats need for alot of major health related issues. Insurance companies are interested in making a profit like anyone other business. I need to be treated by doctors who are compensated for saving lives...not one interested in making a profit by treating your sickness just to drain your pockets. See the problem with free healthcare is is that certain people dont want to be considered to be on a "level playing field" with others. Some people always want to be "one up" on everyone else...They want to be the ones who can afford healthcare while everyone else perishes because they cant afford it...this is just a way to weed out the so-called "useless eaters" of society,...aka poor people.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Gotta be a healthy balance of and quality of care. I respect Docs being paid well. I know I couldn't do school for 12 to 16 years after high school...))hell to the naw(( and most of them take an additional 15 to 20 years to pay there student loans off. And while the Republicans are talking about how the Gov't would tell u who, what, where, when and why and taking the decision away from the Doc. Where the fuck have they been for the last company's deny care all day everyday. For anything major they are TRAINED to deny you. That's right TRAINED to say no...u have to be persistent and keep fighting and even then is some cases the answer is still NO. And to deny people care based on pre-existing conditions is straight discrimination...what...everybody has to be healthy first in order to be insured? That shit has always been STUPID to me. Only shows they want money first and want to provide good health care LAST.

Right now in this country its ALL ABOUT THE MONEY.....I don't blame the Physicians per se but these greedy as insurance company's have got to be reeled in. And that goes for all insurance company's, medical, car, home etc etc. They've been beating us down for decades unchecked. I mean, I've been paying car insurance for most of my adult life....never had one accident but every year them bastards come up with some reason to up the amount I pay, if anything that shit should go down because I've proved to be a safe driver. There are very little checks and balances in the insurance industry as a whole.
I mean, I've been paying car insurance for most of my adult life....never had one accident but every year them bastards come up with some reason to up the amount I pay, if anything that shit should go down because I've proved to be a safe driver. There are very little checks and balances in the insurance industry as a whole.

Same here, its legalised extortion, pure and simple.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
I actually just chopped it up with my doctor yesterday cuz I went in with my wife for her visit (were officially starting a family very soon so we wanted to get as much info as possible before we jump in)....anyways, my doc explained to me that many people think that most doctors make outrageous amounts of money which is not true.
Granted there are some out there that make buku bucks but its minimal, especially in smaller cities. He explained that if your a doctor especially in a city like mine your clearly not doing it for the paycheck - but rather to help people because thats their passion, which is really the case with most doctors. Theres simply no major monetary return in this field these days unless your a specialist in a metropolis area.

The kicker is that the medical field has some of the highest expenses anyways due to all the devices, testing, technology required to practice proper modern-day medicine. So as a result, even though the insurance companies are asking "why cant you hire on some more doctors?" the typical response is - "we simply cant afford it"...which is totally understandable.

Theres definitely a fucked up dynamic being intertwined in our healthcare system and thats just one miniscule yet massive thread thats haltering progress.

The insurance companies are really the root of the problem.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
They've always been....and they've lobbied governments for decades to prevent universal healthcare because it directly affects their pockets....And they've put pressure on representatives to speak out against it mainly because these reps want the supports from voters of these big companies... is legalized extortion......

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