Credits on a track


ill o.g.
If I put two artists together on a track, helped with some of the lyrics, dint do the beat, do I give myself Producer credit?


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
Ya, arranger is good. I'd say about 99% of people in reggae have once called themselves arrangers, even if they coulnd't read a musical note to save their lives.
Im with DP on this, your only credit would be a share of the 50% of the song that constitutes lyrics as a writer. What share of the 50% you get will have to be negotiated with the other 2 "writers".
A song is divided into 2 parts....Music(50%) and Lyrics(50%).
As for the musical side, the same applies. The 50% that constitutes music would be divided up between whoever composed/arranged the music. Session musicians who play some instruments normally get paid per session.
Performers and "band" members in this current age of performing other peoples songs only get paid for their performances. Which leaves many "pop" artists wondering why they are not making any money, while putting on the persona that they are making money, when everything is rented and ultimately is the reason that any money they would have made is eaten up quickly. Artists have to pay for, publicity, manufacturing, EVERYTHING.
Only then do they ever see a royalty check.
Saw a great interview with Jazzy Jeff a few years ago talking about this very same issue.

Mach Keys

Everyone that's replied so far has all made solid points.

You would get accredited a small percentage as a writer if you've only dealt with lyrics. Being accredited as a producer only counts on the musical composition and background aspect, although it's fair to say that every step of the creation would be called "producing" since it's all a process towards a final product. So unless, you're contributions factored into the musical arrangements and background, you would not be entitled as a Producer for that project.

In book standards, a producer would be considered someone who contributes and sees a project out from the start throughout the end.

I hope this clears things up. Let me know if you'd like further help with anything.

If I put two artists together on a track, helped with some of the lyrics, dint do the beat, do I give myself Producer credit?

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