Dave Smith & Roger Linn BoomChik


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
im tempted to sell my xl lol, this is gonna be the new hype! An MPC + Evolver workstation, im dying for specs on this bitch!


ill o.g.
That link is just a pic - I'm sure it'll be dope but I don't like the look that much [it will probably change by release time though]


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Right, time to sell ya mpc's bwahahahah


Yes, it's been a long time since I've updated the site. The Evolver synths continue to grow in popularity and get great reviews. Also, we announced a new gem in the works at the NAMM show last month, a new drum machine tentatively called BoomChik. I am designing this with Roger Linn, the undisputed king of drum machines, who not only invented them back in the late 70s/80s (LM-1, Linndrum, Linn 9000), but also designed the MPCs that just about everyone uses now.
We're about a year away from production, so it's currently in the vaporware, uh, I mean, computer simulation stage. The image above is the current vision, though it will likely go through a number of changes over the year. We will update the website every few months with the latest status, so in the meanwhile please don't ask about features or specifics on the design - it's all subject to change anyway! As far as price, best guess is $1000 - $1500 range. We're shooting for the lower, but we all know how that can go.

Basically, it is meant to be a drum machine, not an MPC. It will have both real analog percussion and normal sample playback, plus a bunch of novel processing. The idea is to produce sounds with some real, unique personality, different from everything else out there. Those of you with Evolvers can likely imagine what sounds will be possible, but it should go beyond that also.

Stay tuned!

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