Do You have any Filtering Tips



For compressing synth bass, set attack @ 4-10ms, release @ 10ms, threshold @ -4 to -8dB, ratio @ 4:1, and knee(if available) @ hard. Remember that these are some settings to start at. Don't forget to adjust the makeup gain. To add bottom, EQ between 50-80Hz but beware it clashing with the kick... it will sound very muddy and over-boomy if it does.
"Golden Rules of EQ"
1. If it sounds muddy, cut some @ 250Hz.
2. If it sounds honky, cut some at 500Hz.
3. Cut if you're trying to make things sound better.
4. Boost if you're trying to make things sound different.
5. You can't boost something that's not there in the first place.
Practice, practice, practice... and on some decent monitors as well.


Fo-net-ic-ly Spee-kin
ill o.g.
I think theres a topic about this in the tutorials part of the articles section of the mainsite....check that out....peace!

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