Does WORK, SCHOOL, your GIRLFRIEND get in tha way of your beatmaking process?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Does WORK, SCHOOL, or your GIRLFRIEND get in tha way of your beatmaking process?

Yeah....Basically i find myself in a muthafuckin pickle like everyday!

Its like tha "grouch" said...."I knew I couldn't be a college MC / If i want this world acknowlegin' me / and that starts today....

Well everything execpt tha "starts today part".LOL..................I just always find myself caught up in one of those three and theres always sub-catagories, your best homie - or tha MC that you have spit on your tracks.

I dunno - shits jus nerve racking sometimes, when all i wanna do is make a beat, kick back, and watch tha lights glo.....And yes i am drunk again with my best friend - Mr. Korsokov.LOL.



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
skoolwork always gets in ma way. especially since im takin some of da hardest courses any1 cud possible take at ma age. to ma parents beatmakin gets in da way of ma skool work. but i find ways of fittin both of da tingz in ma life neway


IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

Are you doing GCSE's or A levels? What are you doing them in?



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
i jus started ma a-levels, am doin physics, maths(mechanics,statistics,pure) and business studies. i was doin information tech as well but da wrk in maths had already gotten 2 much so i dropped I.T within da 1st 2weeks


ill o.g.
well girlfriends, no i dont fruck wit school no more, and i dont work, well a job.......
so those dont take up any space in the conflict of time drawers..... but my girl.
thats a whole different story, i mean its like the dopest sheat to go diggin with the wifey...... she be lookin for the easy joints and the sheat she know,(i put her on)
you know you cant have more than one love of your life so why not have 2 but make then like each other! shes more than supportive of my work, but i test her sometimes like ill make some hot sheats and put some fake ass off soundin samples in it to see what she says, its cool she usually passes........
but yeah to have a sig. other in your hip hop world you need her to love music as much as you do, or she wont understand why you spend so much time in the lab
tell her your makin her a song, she'll eat that sheat up!
when she gets smart after like 2 or 3 months and starts askin where her song is....
blame it on some pc glitch and say you lost if that works call ripleys believe it or not and tell em what happened...... but dont put my name in it playa ill be watchin that show.....


M.ilitia P.roductions
ill o.g.
I have no problemz wit tha wifey, she loves music. My problem is wit workin' I work 2nd shiftz so it'z sometimes hard to get a beat in. Cuz at tha same tyme I'm tryin' to respect tha last night sessonz. I just wish I could have 1st or not work at all, and I can bang out in tha afternoon & night. I can rock in between tyme but I hate just gettin' an hour here and there, I can't rock like that. And some nightz when I get off I'm to tired to hit dalab up. So I find myself in a pickle all tha tyme ..... I still get work done thou, itz just more if a hunger & a struggle!!! Like B.I.G.'s song "Everyday struggle"! And to top this sh*t off,........ My sh*t is in tha shop! DAMN!!! Maf@*kaz but not funny!

Craig Gantt

Microphone Violator
ill o.g.
I dont yet know how my life effects my beatmaking but i can tell you this, as a mc my lyrics reflect my life I feel like influence form ya life is crucial you can listen to a mc and tell he has no real emotion or connection with what he's sayin if he doesnt feel what he's talkin about himself.


I don't have girlfriends anymore because even though they all start off by saying that all the time I spent with beatmaking and the stuff which surrounds it is no problem to them, after 1-2 months they are compaining that we don't see each other enough and that I'm often delayed because I was caught up in a beat or something or that my mind is somewhere else etc etc, which I guess is the same reason that a lot of us are quite interested in the few females on here because having a girlfriend that also produces might help solve that problem...because most of us all want girlfriends, we just don't have the same spare time as other guys.
Also, work is a hazzle, having to juggle my interest in beatmaking next to my work can be irritating a lot of the time too, especially because I'm often exhausted when I get home from work and don't always feel like sitting down in front of my screen at home when I have been doing the same for 8 hours at work.
Last but not least, I used to have many friends but today, I have excluded a lot of them, because I don't have time to keep up appearances, though I still go out with a bunch of the ones I excluded like every 3 months...but only regularly see approx. 5 really good friends.
That's how the story goes
ill o.g.
Nothin gets in the way of my beatmakin, rappin, or nothin.

I make my beats, then i do my schoolwork...
...if i have time later.


ill o.g.
i work 7 am to 330 pm and my job is in a warehouse and they let us use walkmens so i get to listen to music for my 8 hour shift. My girl supports my music and at the point we dont live together and she'll let me focus on music m-f but i got to give here the naw i really dont a prob with time and my music and other stuff.


ill o.g.
must be fuckin nice! I work like 45 - 50 hours a week come home to 2 little boys [1 and 2] make dinner, clean up, play, clean up, give em baths
read bedtime stories and all that happy shit. then after a day of lifting like 3000 pounds a day[warehouse work] kids usually argueing and stuff, i might find like an hour to squeeze in a beat before I fall asleep. thats if I even have any juice left sometimes i just go to sleep w/ the kids.

morale of the story - if u wanna become the illest producer. Use rubbers. or dump ur girl now. either or

Equality 7-2521

Originally posted by helix
Nothin gets in the way of my beatmakin, rappin, or nothin.

I make my beats, then i do my schoolwork...
...if i have time later.

same. except im not enrolled for school anymore. im supposed to be looking for work.
ill o.g.
i got hard ass classes and mad pressure to do good cause my mom wants me to join the army (free school) but i want a scholarship...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
I dont really have static with my girl, its more like i meant that she's also important and so i always got time with her as well...which is cool - but my point all adds up. My girl never complains about my music, niether when i have my MC come over and script something for as long as it takes....Shes always cool with it and she supports me an shit too....But then thats jus part of tha equation for me. I got this job at lowes about a month and a half ago and i work like a muthafucker now and then i got a full schedule and night classes for my communication design/ fine arts major - so shit can get mad hectik way too quick....Its like as soon as i sit down i gotta leave again and go to school right after fucking serving ignorant ass customers all day for nine hours each day. Plus, its not like i choose to be battleing with my talents - its jus tha way lifes bullshit cycle works and keeps you from exploring things that make up "YOU". Sure - you can do these things if really want to, but lets be honest : unless you either sell drugs out your house, or have a some rich-ass rents, or a sugarmomma you gotta eat some how right!?

I guess thats jus tha way life goes - but to me im determined to find a grey area to accel (if i spelled that right?) and not be a fucking robot tha rest of my life.



ill o.g.

School...No Problem!...since you are already in the learning and creating mode!

Work....Depends!.......On what type of work your doing and what stress your takin' on as a result!

Girlfriend.....Most of the Time ..bad news!.... Unless she's a Hip Hop Shorty or is really supportive! Other than that A "Girlfriend" can be hazardous because you find yourself deciding to choose a Piece Of Punany over manifesting your Dream / Expressive Art into Reality!

They always wanna bitch about how much time you spend @ the studio or on your "Beat Machine" (as they sometimes call it) instead of spending time with them!!!!! :sob: & :yell: & :cuss:

Most True Artist ....In any type of Art Are always Lonely! Word Up!

Peace, Love, & Hip Hop


Flip da SoulFisher

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